A Dream Chp: 3 Repercussions

Story by The_Only_One on SoFurry

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#3 of A Dream

Chp: 3 Repercussions

About a year later.

Folvos's POV

I wake up in cold sweat, breathing hard and slightly freaking out. I look around and I see no one inside my still messy room. I breathe in deeply and let it out trying to calm down. I know there is no point trying to sleep again, its 4 AM. Too late to be worth going back to sleep and even if I did I'd wake up in an hour or so from... that nightmare again. I open up my art book I bought yesterday, turn to the back and start to draw. I start to draw the strange... things I keep seeing in my nightmares. Honestly it isn't easy as I just want to forget them but I also want to draw them. I guess I lost track of the time because I suddenly heard some noise from the kitchen, I looked at my phone and it said 5:30. I guessed it was dad so I went to go say good morning. Dad turned around and when he saw me he asked "Good morning, Nightmare?" "Yep" I reply nodding my head slowly. "Ahh, when you going to grow out of it Folvos, your 14 now almost 15!" Stated Dad, "I'm going to work now, I'll talk to you later." While he was walking towards the front door I called out to him, "Good bye Dad." All I saw was his ears flick but that was all.

"Oh my god Folvos, you look so dead to the world, what happened?" Asked RJ "Nightmare." I replied "Oh, well, you know that they can't do anything so don't think about it too much" RJ was probably the only person I know I trust enough to tell about my nightmares, she knew what I had been going through and we were as close as two friends could be. Some people might've even thought we were dating because of how close we were. "I know but I don't know why I have them, I guess I will just grow out of them eventually." I said to RJ, "How long till we need to be in home group?" "About 5 minutes" Replies RJ. "Ok, thanks I'm gonna go put my bag away and get my stuff, I think I have Eigo first unfortunately." I said to RJ, unhappy at remembering what lesson I had, "Ok, talk to you later Folvos?" "You know it." I say as I walk towards my locker. I somehow manage to get past my padlock which seemed like and amazing fight scene from some old movie I can't remember but it must've just looked like I was an idiot to anyone else watching, that or I was very sleep deprived if any of them saw my face. I grab all of my books and head off to my Home group so I'm not late. I'm relieved to hear the bell go right as I get inside and take a seat to try and get through the day faster.

A Dream Chp: 4 Joseph and Kelvin

Chp: 4 Joseph and Kelvin. Folvos's POV Ugh, Eigo was so boring. It's actually quite funny how there can be so many parts to your native language that you'd never know about unless they paid someone to cram it into your brain and test you on it when...

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A Dream Chp: 2 The First Day

Chp: 2 The First Day 10 years later Folvos's POV I wake up later than I'd have appreciated to, about 7:40. I quickly get up and run around a little getting everything I'll need for the day. I quickly go to the mirror to look at myself to see if...

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A Dream Chp: 1 It All Began...

Chp: 1 it all began... Folvos's POV I'm being surrounded, there are these strange creatures that keep moving to surround me. "Go away." I say, trying not to whimper, in case it shows them that I'm scared. It doesn't work and some of them get closer...

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