A Dream Chp: 2 The First Day
#2 of A Dream
Chp: 2 The First Day
10 years later
Folvos's POV
I wake up later than I'd have appreciated to, about 7:40. I quickly get up and run around a little getting everything I'll need for the day. I quickly go to the mirror to look at myself to see if my fur is too messy. I glance over my light, almost pale, orange fur that covers my face. I glance down to my silver chest fur and look at how it slowly moves over my inner arms and slowly wraps around my wrists to form 'socks' around my paws. I smile as I see my fur behaving its self and being flat. I slip on my top and proceed to run to my high school.
I walk into the high school grounds, for the first time as a student, nervously. There are about as many year 8's here as there were students at my primary school. To be honest, I was scared. I wanted to hug my tail and curl into a ball in the corner and was about to until I saw my friends over by the locker area. Picking up the pace I walked over to them and smiled as I got into the zone of my friends, felling a little more confident. There was a teacher, walking around with a whiteboard, 'MEET IN QUADRNGLE AT 9:00' was written in big letters on the front. "Hey, looks like people are leaving for the quadrangle, should we follow them?" Asked Julie, a blond furred Vixen who my friends and I normally called RJ, "Probably RJ." I reply and start heading towards the quadrangle with her.
On the way there I look up and see a leopard of some type, and right then and there I know I want to meet her. Ironic considering I'm a wolf and she's a type of cat but she's beautiful. She has cute ears that are purple, like the rest of her Fur, with white on the inside. She is also a little shorter than most of the other students which adds to how cute she looks. She has hair that flows down her back, it looks white with some blue streaks that glow when it catches some sunlight. I wanted to talk to her badly but I was really nervous as throughout my primary school years I was never friends with any girls. In fact a lot of girls tried to avoid me at all costs 'and whenever they didn't avoid me it did not work out well.' I thought back to the events that had happened last time I went to a friend's party and tried talking to a girl, shaking a little at the memory. So obviously I'd never had a girlfriend before, which made me shy talking to anyone I hadn't met before especially if they were a girl. Unfortunately I lost her in the crowed of new year eights, and wasn't able to talk to her. Sadly I made my way to the Quadrangle. I started paying attention to the teacher talking out the front in case it was important, 'don't want to screw up on my first day here' I thought to myself.
The first lesson I had was Nihongian, 'of course we start off the school year learning a new language' I thought to myself mockingly. At least I was in a class with Joseph, A grey furred wolf and kelvin, a dark brown wolf with silver fur at some spots. It was pretty boring, like you'd expect but I managed to get a bit done. At recess I went to hang out with RJ, Kat, a leopard of some sort with golden fur and dark spots. Hails, a raccoon with red fur and brown stripes. Flynn a fox with red fur and Chay vixen with brown fur and black spots. We just talked for the rest of the recess and the day started to finish up without anything interesting happening. When I got home I had a few snacks and started playing some video games that I really like. Eventually dinner rolled around and once I had finished dinner with my family I went and had a shower, changed into my pyjamas and started falling asleep hoping I didn't have that nightmare that I'd almost always had since I was little.
I heard someone whimpering from my left. 'Not again' I thought, 'Keep your eyes shut and maybe it will go away.' I heard that person whimper again and then I felt something sharp hit my arm, like a rock. This made me open my eyes and caused me to whimper in pain slightly. I look around and see that I'm surrounded by those strange aliens without fur, a few of them are holding stones that are aimed at me and something to my left.
I hear another whimper and look to my left and see the leopard from before. I see someone launch a rock out of the corner of my eye and time slows as I reach out and grab the rock, and move to cover her with my body. Slowly I stand up and turn around to face the aliens only to see one holding a metal looking box with a handle and his figure wrapped around a smaller moving part by the looks of it. He pulls it back and flame erupts from the end of the box, there is a sharp pain by in my thigh and then I start to feel tired. I desperately try to stay awake but the world blacks out before I can stop it.