A Dream Chp: 1 It All Began...
#1 of A Dream
Folvos, A young wolf anthro, finds himself inside a strange place with aliens around him. Can he get out?
Chp: 1 it all began...
Folvos's POV
I'm being surrounded, there are these strange creatures that keep moving to surround me. "Go away." I say, trying not to whimper, in case it shows them that I'm scared. It doesn't work and some of them get closer to me as I whimper. They are strange, they stand on their two hind legs and have paws and arms like us, but they have nothing where there should be fur, I mean they have skin but not fur! They start talking but I don't understand them well, they are still getting closer when I hear mum howl. I look in her direction hoping to find her but I can't see her, only a rock ledge. The crowd is still getting closer so I try to howl, make any noise so mum can hear me but I don't hear her do anything in return. Some of the... things are so close to me I can see them and all their features properly.
Their snouts have shrunk back into their face and become smaller, their mouths are set into their head and they don't have ears on top of their heads but they are to the side. The only fur on their bodies is on top of their heads. They walk on their hind paws like we do but they don't have paw pads on the bottom of their paws. One of them is carrying a pup that has no fur on its body at all and is making a noise like a howl but higher pitched, it makes me worry for my hearing a little. There are also some smaller versions of these... these things, pups still by the looks, but they are being held back by some of the adult ones. I hear mum howl again and I can see her this time standing on top of the rock ledge, she jumps down and growls at a few of them. I run to her and hug her, scared out of my mind. "It's ok you just need to wake up." "Mum?" "Wake up!"
I sit upright, shaking, sweating and crying. Mum is next to me and so I hug her tight, feeling her soft fur against mine calms me a little and she wraps her tail around me. "Mum! Help, the things over there they are making noises but I can't understand them, they keep on getting closer and they don't look like us!" Stopping to take a breath, I hear mum's gentle voice "Its ok, it was only a dream, they are gone, look." I look around and all I see is my messy bedroom. The white board and painting on the wall to my left, my pictures I've drawn to my right and my pile of dirty clothes at the end of my bed. My school bag near the end of my bed and the junk that's piled on my bedside drawer, my blanket must've gotten thrown to the floor while I was asleep. I still sit there hugging my mum while she hugs back and keeps telling me, "its ok." Slowly she reaches up and starts to comb some of my fur, "Would some warm honey and milk help you to get back to sleep?" Mum said gently, "Yes." I say whimpering a little.
I follow her out of my room and to the kitchen. As we are walking I ask her a question, "Mummy, do you think there could be aliens out there? Aliens that don't have fur all over their bodies like us?" She slows down a little and puts a figure to her mouth like she is thinking while we walk through the hallway, "Might be, but you know I wouldn't let them hurt you." She makes my drink for me and sits next to me while I drink it. Once I'm finished mum takes me back to my room and lays me into bed, pulls my blanket up and over me. I curl up and pull my tail around to my front and hug it tight, something I tend to do when I'm scared because it makes me feel safe. Mum kisses my head, "Good night Folvos, sleep well, and you've got school in the morning." "Good night mum, love you." "Love you too." Mum walks out of my room and I hold my tail tighter and slowly nod off to sleep.