Round about...
With winds stronger than one can stand, I resist into the fray of tomorrow
Gusts pushing fears away, I tred evermore for chance at time to borrow
I sway through tear filled clouds darkening into the depths of ones own being
Forgetting eyes open & close, I imagine movement as I'm still, lost in what, & if I'm still seeing
Chills grasp each breath as I slow in my motion...
I'm losing feeling, with memories warm in mind, I dare not give into my worst notion
A blunder, a fumble, I slip to the ground unforgiving
For a moment, I give in & forget I'm still among the living
A way out easy, I fight for my stance
Heavy eyes wanting truth in lies, I give myself no chance
Up again, I stagger toward a journey not close to it's end
My next goal, is as the last....Just make it around the next bend...
My conscious light flickering out of control
My last thought is one mixing with a frightful toll
A flame bright as can be, but cold to the touch
I was asleep....after I tried so hard, gave so much....
Was this my final bow into the blind
Was I still to be me, was there nothing else to unwind
....Snow fall to cover any trace...
I felt only a light touch brush across my face
With many more to come as I stare to there falling
I was awake, body painful, face numb, I mustn't keep stalling
Lights man made make a smile appear in place of fear...
Shimmers nearing, I feel a spark of relief engulf my heart
As I near, familiarity begins to make no scents toward what lay before me.....
I'm back at the start.....
How could this be...
Misguided, mistaken, somewhere along the way, a wrong turn was made
Where a blur, my hope begins to fade
Into a place I tried to leave before
I head toward, looking for shelter evermore
As a sense of relaxation fills my mind, in this I find
Nothing so bad to which one should leave this place
Where I've made a life, made a familiar face
No.....this till I choose again will be a fine area to reside
There's nothing outgoing, but all the same, there's no reason to hide
Clarity in sight & thought, I gain remembrance of why I felt I should have forgot
With moon light bright as day, in this second chance, I found again, my way.....
---Thanks for reading---