Astral High - Chapter 41
#43 of Astral High
Interesting chapter this. Interesting indeed...
Zane came out of the bathroom and kept looking down at himself, "Ugh, this feels so weird inside me. And the collar still itches."
"It's probably too tight." Garrick went over and loosened the collar a little, ruffling Zane's fur underneath.
"Ah... that feels so good." [Zane]
"But if it's too loose you can slip it over your head." [X]
"Unless your head's really small, you shouldn't be able to slip it off." [Kyle]
Titus suddenly came running from where he and Marko had gone off, and I noticed blood dripping from his nose. "Marko's trying to kill me!"
"Did he punch you?" [Kyle]
"Yes, and why do you sound so eager about that?"
"Because anyone with any sensibility hates you!" Marko came stomping around the corner, his fists flaming and sparking.
"Marko, what are you doing?!" [Tanner]
"Protecting you! This fuck's trying to make a move on you!"
"No! Don't hurt him!" Tanner grabbed Marko's arm, which Marko did NOT take well. Marko spun around and punched Tanner in the side of the head, knocking him to the ground. He turned around and took after Titus, but got stopped by Kyle. Kyle held him still, and starred him in the eyes.
"The next time you lay a finger on Tanner, I'll kill you. For now, you just won't use magic." Kyle punched Marko so hard in the gut that it flung him back an extra two feet when Kyle threw him. He got up off the floor, and did something with his hands, but nothing happened. His face was suddenly panic stricken and Titus smirked.
"Wha-... How could you do this to me?!"
"I don't know, how could you be such an ass to my brother?"
"You worthless fuck!" Marko started to attack Kyle, who just grabbed Marko by the collar and held him a foot off the ground.
"Marko. The next time you come within three feet of Tanner, you'll feel the excrutiating pain of your nails being removed. Over every part of your body within three feet of him."
"I'd like to see you work magic that well!" [Marko]
"He doesn't need to when I can." [Ciph]
"Hey, Tanner, come here and test this." [Kyle]
"I-I don't think that's a good idea." [Tanner]
"Oh, you scared?" [Kyle]
"Don't worry, if he makes a move on you I'll kill him."
"And I'll help." Titus came over and grabbed Marko's wrist. He did something with his hand and Marko squeeled in pain as his wrist blackened and charred.
"Let go of him! You're hurting him!" Tanner jumped at Titus and shoved him away, but Marko screamed at this point. He flailed his legs and kicked Tanner who was terrified when he remembered what Kyle'd done and ran to the other side of the room.
"Good, it works." Kyle dropped Marko on the floor and kicked him hard in the side. "Now get the hell out of here!"
"How am I supposed to get home?"
"Five miles?!"
"Not my problem! Get out of my house before I take your life!"
Marko scrambled off the floor and bolted out the door. I inched a little closer to Seth and grabbed his hand. I noticed the others were tensed up as well. Ted was already clutching Daniel's body and Garrick was holding Zane tight and frightenedly.
"I... I loved him..." [Tanner]
"Tanner, I'm sorry, I just... I can't stand to see you with someone who doesn't love you." [Kyle]
"I know... I guess... I guess I'm still in shock..."
"Hey, come here. I got you..." Titus wrapped his arms around Tanner, who just began to cry into his arms. "It's okay..."
"I... I need to do some stuff for a few minutes." Tanner let go of Titus and wandered off into his room.
"... So Titus, just so you know, I am perfectly okay with you going out with Tanner." [Kyle]
"Wha-what are you talking about?"
Tanner walked back through the room with a bundle of clothes in his arm and headed into the bathroom.
"... Titus, there's no way in hell you think we don't see it. You've got a crush on him, and I'm telling you that it's perfectly okay for you to go out with him."
"Wait, really? You don't care at all?"
"I do care, and knowing you, you're going to be good to him."
"But, we just met today."
"Titus, I've seen you when you and him went to middle school, you were always nice to him. You treated the others like crap, but at the very least, you took pity on him for living with me."
"Oh... Even though I gave him a black eye last year?"
"That was you? Damn, you know how to throw a punch."
"You just don't care at all?"
"I do, and for some reason, I just think you'll be good to him. And... maybe for him. He's been acting a little funny these last few months, and I think it's because Marko's been... well, Marko."
"Yeah. Marko's a total ass at school, so I know what you mean."
"I don't think you do. Tanner didn't used to wear collars or have blatant bulges under his tail. He didn't obsess over little things like his outfits or how clean his shoes were or how neat and tidy his backpack needed to be."
"That's just awful..."
"Yeah. You're probably more worried about the bulge under the tail than the other things, but still."
"Oh yeah, definitely."
"Wait, so there's a buldge under my tail?" Zane pulled away from Garrick and lifted his tail to try to look at his pants.
"Yeah, after Tanner gets out of the shower, you should take that off." [Garrick]
"I intend to. In fact, give me the key, I'll take off the collar right now." Zane took the key from Garrick and spent a minute to fiddle with it. He finally got it off and rubbed the fur around his neck to loosen it up.
"Zane, there's another bathroom down the hall to Tanner's room. Take a right instead of a left." [Kyle]
"Okay, thank you." Zane wandered off down the hall and I heard a door close.
"... So, I'm sorry that was so awkward to watch." [Kyle]
"It's okay." [Ted]
"I think it just made us value eachother a little more." [X]
"Heh, yeah." [Kyle]
There was an awkward pause in conversation and Zane came out of the bathroom, holding up a mass of leather straps, buckles, and a single toy connected to it. He handed it to X, who took Jeran's car keys and headed out to put them in. The awkward silence continued until Tanner came out of the bathroom, holding a ball of his dirty clothes, tied together by a belt similar to X's, but with a noticeably bigger toy.
"I knew it." [Kyle]
"Yeah, I... I should've told you." [Tanner]
"It's okay. If it makes you feel any better, I used to wear those when I worked at Vertabrae."
"Yeah, I remember that, except your bulge was a hundred times more noticeable." [Ciph]
"Really? I don't remember seeing it at all." [Tanner]
"Well you also hated me then, so there's that." [Kyle]
"Ugh, don't shove that in my face, it already hurts just to think about it." [Tanner]
"Sorry. I forget that it really eats at you sometimes."
"It's okay. I'm really tired, I kinda wanna take a nap. Sorry I'm being such a dud of a host, guys." [Tanner]
"It's okay." [Titus]
"Yeah, you just went through a lot, I don't blame you." [Me]
"Okay..." Tanner headed down the hall to his room, and there was another awkward pause in the conversation.
"... So... You guys know about magic. How many of you connected?" [Kyle]