PMD The Warrior's of Light
#1 of PMD The Warrior's of Light
Chapter One: The Opening
In this world, there are countless creatures known as Pokémon. These strange and wonderful beings come in a wide variety of shapes, colours and sizes. Some Pokémon live in the wild, some live with humans as pets, some travel together with humans on adventures. There are more than 600 known species of Pokémon, and with such a large number and large world the tales of events are limitless. One such tale is the focus here.
The day was great and the sun was out, the sky was blue and gentle breezes gently passed occasionally, there were big tall trees everywhere around with smooth dirt like ground having afew areas in which had mini grass patches, Pokémon noises echoed through the forest like area, a strange Pokémon approaches past some trees talking to herself, the Pokémon had a peachy belly, a tail resembling a three-pointed leaf, the Pokémon was colored light green, two short arms and legs, yellow coil-like appendages on each shoulder and yellow markings around its large red eyes, each bearing three long eyelashes. The eyelashes were an obvious telltale sign that this Pokémon was female. Walking through the woods."Snivy, my friends never have time for me" said Daisy as she keeps her head down passing trees walking to notice a Snivy laying there unconscious half covered in leaves and small twigs, I rushed to see if the Pokémon was alright. Nudging the Snivy gently with both my hands wiping of all the leaves and trips of."Hey are you ok"waging my tail hoping that the Snivy in front of me is alive."Hello, are you hurt?" she waited for a moment to see if the Pokemon would respond to her, each second passing made her feel a cold shiver as she thought this Pokémon was dead. Powerfull gusts of wind blew Daisy throwing her of balance forcing her feet to trip over the other Snivys body landing on top."Snivy!" Daisy was shocked by this. "SNIII!" said Jason letting a scream jumping out my skin."Ahh, why did I say that just now!" panicking.
"AHHH!" startled by Jason quickly backing of a few yards then approaching slowly walking up closer."Are you hurt?" looking down at the battered looking Snivy. Pointing at Daisy."Huh! Your me!" Jason replied backing of on the floor freaked out."Why can I understand you? why?" Daisy pulls a concerned face to Jason. "Your strange" chuckled Daisy. "How can I understand you!......Your a Pokémon" Jason said quickly looking around for any signs or place he could recognise, Daisy responds by looking at the places Jason's stares at seeing nothing unormal but the new Snivy stranger in front. "Haha your definitely quite the strange one aren't you, you act like your not a Pokémon which to be honest your the same as me, a Snivy" Giggling Daisy lending a hand out, Jason pulls himself up looking at Daisy's face noticing that Jason's face just become shocked by something. "No no no your getting this wrong I'm a human" Jason said as his face becomes red noticing that his hands were green."MY HANDS ARE GREEN!" Jason's eyes diolated smaller seeing this, Daisy finds this amusing to witness as she watches meanwhile Jason's freaking out at every little thing. "A human? I'm not convinced as you look like a typical Snivy to me in every way" Grinned Daisy. "Whys my hand green!" Screamed Jason, his eyes widened as he starred at his own arm."What have I become?" frowning pulling himself up with Daisy's help again but this time feeling grateful."Thanks err...." She was looking towards her destination."Hey why don't you come with me to the lake where we can properly introduce ourselves ok" smiling. Sighing."Well... I have nowhere to go or anywhere to stay let alone I'm lost soo why not" stated Jason staring at Daisy."Oh" admiring the looks of the Snivy in front. "Is something the mater?" Looking behind me to see what Jason was staring at, there was only a tree or me to look at."Follow me" walking towards the lake. Jason was looking around to see his surrounding trying to see if he can remember anything."So...whaaa" tripping up on his face as dirty marks cover his face, Daisy goes to help support Jason to his feet again. "Let me help you" She helped Jason pulling him to his feet noticing Jason isn't used to walking yet. "I..I erm" feeling strange getting a grip on the floor trying to walk again."Can we walk slowly, I feel stupid" bright red oval shapes lit up on both side of Jason face. "That's fine with me, come on" Daisy cheerfully leading the way. "Thank you" tagging along walking with that kind Pokémon claiming to be a Snivy Jason thought to himself. The woods remain as the sounds of trees rustleling by the passing as Jason and Daisy walk through the woods taking a couple of minutes to arrive to their destination lake. The lake had a nice clear water flowing calmly making calming wave sounds clashing at the dips of the lands interior, short grass spread all over the area leaving only some stretched out dirt surface with trees surrounding the area but a small part seen on the horizon past the other side of the lake that Jason and Daisy entered with normally many pokemon living on the lake but seem to be away for today. "Here we are, this is lake Aqua, I love this area soo much, this place always makes me happy but sad in some ways" Daisy said Stretching my body starting with the arms, then legs and finishing with the tail and the tip. "Whoa soo this place is called Lake Aqua, this area gives me this really cool and sensational feeling of happiness and joy, so overwhelming with beauty its looks very peaceful here and it has a great sight to behold, thanks er..." Jason wags his tail in sheer excitement. "My names Daisy I'm a Snivy, Snivys are green snakes with arms and legs, just like you" pointing at Jason.
"Oh hi Daisy, It's a bit late for that I guess hehe" Jason said clearing his throat."I'm er... My names Jason and the only thing I can recall is being a human but with a dream before that" Jason said tapping his head to see if there was anything else to remember. Walking to Jason."Well if you remember anything else you can tell me" getting close. Looking up."No nothing but voices like I have a role to play in the world of Pokémon, like there's some bad event occurring that needs fixing, but it was a dream soo....what can I say" He tapped his head wondering what else is there he could remember, Daisy gazes at the water for an idea. "Hey I know, look Jason, look into the water, maybe you'll see that your no longer a human, well as you claim to be" Daisy pointed to a safe ramp leading to shallow waters coming from Lake Aqua. "Right, good idea" walking up to the pure crystal clear water flowing calmly to see a half green and cream colored Snivy seeing my own reflection revealing the truth."Hhhh boy oh boy, this is not real I don't believe this" letting out a sigh. "Many Pokémon live near this lake and even live at the lake but for some reason I can't spot any today...seems strange" Daisy was confused by this. "Many Pokémon you mean there's others, like other Pokémon besides Snivys?" Jason said very surprised."Really are there" Daisy pulled a strange look. "Well yes there are like loads of different kinds of Pokémon in fact I think there are about six hundred and more different kinds of Pokémon, including, the fact there's such things as becoming a rare kind of species like for example I could be born with rare traits that are extremely useful I heard but my brothers an expert in that stuff" Claimed Daisy. Jason eyes widened. "SIX HUNDRED! So we are one out of that six hundred, and there's more than that what!" Jason said very interested. Clouds start to swarm the blue clear sky slowly as the lake becomes darker by enveloping shadows thickening the atmosphere creating what looks like a storm, many bird Pokémon flutter in the sky heading south soaring high into the sky making louds sounds as they do. Starring into Jason's eyes."Everything you told me so far doesn't make sense about yourself, like being a human and that, are you trying to fool me? If you are then you chose the wrong type of Pokémon to do that to you see erm, Snivys are naturally calm, quick and clever Pokémon not really the types that'll easily, but you don't seem calm... Well so far" Looking at Jason to seeking a response. Jason wants to show some evidence but he can't. "Well I have no proof of being a human but you must believe me, I'm completely lost with no knowledge at all" Looking down with no hope of showing evidence."There's no way this could happened though" Mumbling on the spot. Walking to drink water out of the lake cupping my hands together sipping slowly."Well do you have a family? A house? Anyone to care about you?" Daisy questioned."You should try the water of this lake, I think it tastes cold and refreshing" Woundering."No nothing, I know nothing but that I'm randomly a Snifty" walking closer to the shallow waters hearing Daisy start to laugh copying Daisy cupping my hands together this time splashing my face before drinking the water. Giggling cracking up."A Snifty!? Snivivivi!" Daisy laugh her head of."Sorry you mean your a Snivy, try saying it again, S....n....i...v...y Sn...ivy.... Snivy" pronouncing it to Jason helping him learn. Feeling sudden faint raindrops hit.
"Sni...vy... Sniv..ty oh wow, Sni..vv....y...Snivy, there we go, one giant step taken to understanding what I currently am, Daisy sorry to have troubled you with my nonsense, do you think I'm weird, or even too much of a stranger to stick around with, I don't want to startle you more than I have done" Said Jason."I probably have ruined your day" feeling bad from earlier. "Well yes I think your weird and strange but I'm not the type to just walk away, in fact I think your funny and unormal and I like that" Daisy said smiling."I think It's fine Jason I seriously have nothing to do today, all my friends are always busy and have no time for me... Not even a simple conversation" Daisy looked down upset by how her friends are lately. Rain drops become more and more noticeable as the rain thickens and more dense making it hard to talk in these conditions, dark grey clouds unleash a series of powerful gusts slowly becoming more powerful by the second raining down making the two Snivys below, Jason and Daisy becomes distressed by the weather.
"I'm getting wet" replied Jason seeing the rain become more visible by the second."Oh dear bad weather I suppose" Daisy still getting used to Jason and agrees with him. "Jason we are probably going to become ill if we stay out too long" Daisy stated quickly seeing Jason hold his hands out feeling rain. "Well I wonder what Pokémon do in cases like this" Jason wondered what would a Pokémon do, Daisy really couldn't believe what she was hearing. "Really you have no idea? Tell me....really?" Daisy felt like he wasnt serious, Jason looks back to Daisy. "I'm not lying I have no clue so the answers still the same, no idea" looking around for ideas, Daisy's mouth drops in disbelief. The clouds now start to unleash a powerful burst of strong rain crashing down heavily on the two with a mixture of whirling gusts buffering the the two struggling against the winds making it hard to see as water would get into their eyes. Running a few meters towards home seeing Jason stand looking up at the clouds pulling an unhappy look."Jason you should go back home and rest" "Home? I haven't got one, looks like I'll stay out here" letting out a sigh looking at the dark grey clouds shower cold rain as he shivered in the cold wind rain. Standing under a tree for a quick shelter seeing that the weathers going to get worse feeling soo guilty."Hey! Jason come with me!" Daisy shouted louder than the rain crashing down. Winds start to to become more and more tough as the rains heavily drizzles down, the lakes waters whirls side to side crashing onto the shores of land connecting to the sides. Jason smiles happily."Ok Daisy!" Taking the offer gratefully standing up to move towards Daisy. Daisy feeling so proud to help Jason out."I'll lead the way! Try to stay by me" starting to pace herself faster towards a safe shelter. Jason follows Daisy in her pursuit of a nice shelter running in and out of trees that they both walked past to enter the lake retracing their steps, Jason every so often trips landing on wet muddy water becoming dirty having Daisy help Jason him up each time he tripped over, after several minutes passed the two passed many trees and the place started to change in looks, there were many brown stumps all around scattered in a rounded shape formation in which had many wooden made houses which most of them had a huge leaf bending down to cover the roofs from weather, in the middle of this area has a post sign with four directions pointed on it coloured white. Daisy runs to her house knocking quite loud with her hands."Hello It's me Daisy, let me in please" Staring all around admiring the looks of the area taking it all in."Wow this is really creative I have to say!" loving the area feeling great to be here.
The door opens up and there's two friendly Serperior that's huge waiting there, one male and the other female."Come inside quick!" said the Serperior. Looking back at Jason amused."Jason come inside with me" Daisy said as she walks inside looking at Jason feeling cold. Quickly noticing Daisy in the house running towards it."Err hi am I aloud in" Jason nervously talking to the friendly Serperior standing outside the door. Mother Serperior replied." Yess, come in" looking at the state they're both in. Walking inside observing shivering, shaking madly."Thank you two very much" Smiling and feeling soo happy after that cold rain. The place looked like a rounded house with it all made put of wood, ceiling and floor, there were stairs located about two meter from the door, a few seconds after Daisy and Jason enter footsteps can be head coming down the stairs at a fast pace as if something had ran down them becoming louder by each step. A male Servine approaches, a brother to Daisy. Shivering."I feel cold, ahh, Vi!" Daisy sneezed."Ewww, gross" wiping her nose. Laughing."You sound fun...ah, Vi!" Jason Sneezed."Looks like we have something in common" nudging Daisy."Get it" smiling turning to see Daisy. Pulling a fake smile. "Whoa Daisy and you look terrible, where have you been?" Levine the Servine stated looking at Jason. Feeling shy."I am definately dirty, ehh I feel horrible and I hate it" Jason said leering out a sigh.
"Well we better get you both in better conditions as you two have a cold as well as feeling cold right?" Daddy Serperior stated. "Oh my your both ill, let me get you both something to warm up, also something to clean up" Mother Serperior said slithering of. "Wow this is all so new to me, this place and everything around me, It's, It's so not what I'm used too, but It's cool" Staring everywhere. "Your definately not the normal type which I'm actually happy about you see many Pokémon are either to pushy or just busy all the time, others brag too much" Daisy said happy to have helped Jason, Leavine notices that Daisy has some sort of feeling towards Jason. "Hey if he's a guest of yours Daisy maybe if he's aloud he can stay for dinner as It's getting quite late now" Leavine said to Daisy as farther liked the idea. "I think that would be great idea, how about it?" Farther Serperior said happy about the idea insisting to Jason."Would you mind joining us?" "Sorry for changing the topic but, so am I a male, I didn't know that Pokémon even had genders, well I don't recall remembering that" Jason replied sounding unsure of himself checking to see if there was any physical differences. Mother Serperior comes back into the front room holding a mini bath like tub filled with water that looks steamy with two like vines attached to Serperior layer down in front of Jason indiacating he needs a wash as the conversation continues. "Well for one your acting like a very unusual male Snivy, but you definately sound a lot more like a boy or male how ever you'd like to say it including you don't look female to me" stated farther Serperior.
"Daisy's a female, in fact she's my sister" Levine quickly replied. "Wow, Daisy's a... A FEMALE!" Jason said loudly very shocked."I wouldn't of guessed oh my" turning to each Pokémon on the room."Oooh myyy" Daisy felt a bit thrown of. "Female... You didn't think I was a girl or maybe looked like one, how rude, but if what you said earlier is true then I can't blame you, I know your a male Snivy named Jason" Daisy said trying to assess the situation. The family looked at eachover in confusion taking in what's been said feeling a bit strange from Jason's reaction. "Soo Jason why don't you join us for dinner, It's a great time in fact as we're half way finishing the preparations for dinner, but if you don't mind could you clean yourself a bit" Jason looked around at each and every unique Pokémon in the room with his stomach growling as everyone heard it. "Well I have to say my belly agrees, that would be great if you will be ok with it, I'm happy to hear" cupping my hands tightly grinning gratefully. "Well that's great, our first guest in such a long long time" Leavine said surpriced finding Jason funny at first impressions cracking a smile. "Yeaaah, I can't remember the first time we had a guest but I'm pretty sure Jason will enjoy being here right" Daisy pointed out tapping my lip. Mother Serperior answer back."That's right, I'm hoping Jason can feel welcome and enjoy dinner here, but we all have things to do, Me and my love will finish the dinner preparations and Jason, you might want to clean up as I'm sure you must not like being dirty so feel free to use that water there" "Right, I will and may I ask, are you all related to Daisy as I'm sure none of you look like me or Daisy or any other Snivy shaped being?" Jason stated. Leavine quickly replies."Yes we are in fact, I'm her brother, and that's our mum and dad" Jason accepting the truth."Oh that's surprising, should of known, will I kinda had thoughts but I wanted to make sure" With the small introduction the family and Jason discussed, mum and dad go into another section of the house and preparate the food with the help of Leaving meanwhile Jason attempt to clean himself with his hands failing to clean other areas of his body giving up, he then dived into the small tub letting out a splash as the mud soak out, Daisy waits patiently watching Jason admiring how funny he looks thinking about if everything will be alright today, a few minutes have passed and Jason is now clean, Daisy and Jason get called by the parents another section of the house they all sit together in a separate room where the family dines together as one, this time with Jason. "Dinners ready!" shouted the parents calling them both, shortly after the two came sitting down to relax for what's in front of them. "Wow I'm hungry but you served more than usual mum" seeing a load of bowls of food consisting of Apples, Green Gummis and Cheri Berries, everyone starts eating but Jason as he stare blank at each of the new food in front of him wondering what to think about them all. Picking up what looks like an emerald colored jelly baby."I've never heard of a Cheri berry or Green Gummi before, apples I have heard of them but I don't remember what they taste like hmmm, It's all a bit vague" tapping his head to see what to try first. The family pause to stare at Jason.
"Really I've never tried any of these, well an apple I'm not soo sure about" Jason said gazing at the Gummi checking it. This came as a shock to the family. "I'm not saying you will like it but I think mum is a great cook and berry hunting with my dad" Daisy said knowing Jason would be nervous by now."Try it Jason, give it a go" "Wow we'll isn't this a huge shock, all of the three food here made for dinner and you know nothing about them" mum replied rather shocked seeing Jason break the Gummi in half. "Exactly right I know nothing of the foods in front of me but the name apple" Jason felt soo nervous hoping the food wasn't going to taste bad but hoped for a nice tasting result. "Hey Jason I think you'll be fine, if you don't like it then you can try another right" Leavine points out to Jason seeing his face start to smile. "Thanks, all of you seriously" Jason placed the bit of Gummi into his mouth chewing rather slowly, everyone waits for Jason's response and Daisy is eager for an answer. "Well is it" smiling biting my lip."How is it" ".........It.....tastes.....GORGEOUS! Oh my It's soo scrumptious, it gives me this tingly feeling in me inspiring me to eat more! How do you make these?" Bursted Jason."I've never loved food as much as this ever, please can I have more.......oh where are my manners, would I be aloud more of those Green Gummis please, I love these soo much" Jason's eyes opened widely at the sight of these Green Gummis, mother was overjoyed to hear this as so was everyone else.
"Well thank you Jason and here have more" mother Serperior gladly passing a bowl of just Green Gummis, Jason's eyes twinkled like small bright stars before he started eating quickly. "Wow Jason, you worried me there ahhh" Daisy was relieved letting out a sigh, Jason is focused on filling am empty stomach eating many Gummis Quickly, Daisy ate another apple. "Well I have to say your personality stands out brightly like a shooting star, It's very hard predict you as you have one hell of a twist" Leavine said as the family nods agreeing. "You think soo? I guess that nice of you to say Snivy" Jason grinned nearly finishing the last Gummis in the bowl. "Can I ask you some questions one by one if you don't mind" Questioned Leavine."Ok one....How did you and Daisy meet together" Jason tapped his head not really knowing that answer properly. "Well you see I.." Jason gets interupted by Daisy. "I found him unconscious by himself in the woods on the path to Lake Aqua, he was completely knocked out with leaves on top as well as mini twigs half covering his body, he woke up not knowing really anything but the fact his name is Jason and he wasn't there when he went to sleep" Daisy quickly responded.
"Dad, Mum, do you think Jason was kidnapped.... maybe something went wrong" Leavine asked. Mum and dad looked at each over. "We wouldn't know of course" replied the parents. Looking at Jason."Well at least he's safe now right?" Jason wanted to say the truth explaining he was a human but leaves it for another time. "So that's what happened, interesting I really wonder why" Leavine mumbled."Ok last one for today, do you know where you are? Any Pokémon are chasing you?" This sparked Leavine as he wanted to know, Jason pulls a serious face. "No.....Nothing, I know nothing but the fact Daisy introduced me to Lake A-aqua I think I said it right, I don't know nearly any Pokémon and your the only ones I've seen in my experience of living as a Pokémon" Jason said as Daisy understood it better than the family did, mum and dad felt quite helpless to know what to say next, Leavine saw Jason's expression and knew he wasn't lying one bit. "Wow your not lying....are you?" Leavine said softly."I feel like as if your completely new to everything somehow just by looking into your eyes, you seem lost" Leavine felt soo much feeling about Jason mostly feeling bad for him, mum and dad saw this and mumbled to each over. "Hey Jason.... You want to have a night round ours, like sleep over today" the parents said."It's dark and now late, would you mind?" questioned the parents, Jason was very shocked to have realised where else would he be able to sleep. "Really! A sleepover is been months or... Even years since anyone had a sleepover in this family" Daisy excitedly said. "It's true Daisy we all haven't had even a guest in a while so this I'll very new" Leavine said happy to see his sister happy again. "Oh yes oh yes please, if your still ok with that" Jason's heart raced hoping that he wouldn't have to sleep outside shaking from thinking about it looking down at the floor, the parents mumbled to each over but Leavine hears something they said and wants to add to the conversation while Jason and Daisy stare at the three mumbling, after a minute the dad looks pretty concerned but Leavine pulls a grin with last of all mum having second thoughts.
"Alright alright, you've said enough son, I understand hhhhhh" Farther said eyeing Jason making Jason feel really nervous."Look Jason you can stay in Daisy's room tonight, she has a spare bed in her room which she can show you, but if there's any harm done to Daisy then I won't be happy at all....clear" Telling Jason straight seeing him close his eyes widening them afterwards. "Oh my I wouldn't dare harm Daisy anyway and how would I, I have nothing to attack her for or anything with me to do so, but thanks for letting me I promise I won't hurt her" Jason said trying to sound normal but was thrown of by farthers words feeling a tiny bit threatened, Leavine winked at Jason and Daisy smiling. "Oh thanks dad" Daisy said giving farther a hug as well as the other two, Jason felt very relieved that the scariest moments out of the way. "Ahh I'm full Sniiiii" Jason yawned stretching his arms and legs Daisy walks over to Jason seeing that the bowl was empty and there was a noticeable bulge coming out of Jason's belly. "You looked like a stuffed toy you know Snivivivi" chuckled Daisy standing Jason up."I'm tired Sniiii" yawning seeing Jason is smaller than me."I guess I'm older than you, respect the elder ones Jason me..... I'm joking I'm not like that" Jason smiled. "You got me but I really am just smaller than you, but does that mean I'm younger or can I grow slower than you" Jason giggled questioning Daisy.
"I don't know really to be honest I'm assuming your younger" Daisy thought to herself."Shall we go to bed then Jaasssoon" Jason nodded in agreement so Daisy went to lead the way. "Let's go follow me" Walking around the house through the living room into the front room with the stairs located two meter away from the door, going up a ramp which leads to second floor showing four rooms connected to one big corridoor, two rooms were on the left side, one was on the right side and the parents one at the very end of the corridor, Daisy's room was the only room on the right side. Walking into the room with Jason."This is my room ok" Daisy said walking up to a huge square shaped mirror."This was left to me by a gift, I like using it to see if I'm dirty so I can take care of matters also of something personal" Daisy quickly said moving towards the holes of on side of the room."These are my window or I call them anyway but they're great at catching moonlight, I loving watching the moon shine aswell as sunsets they're the best" sighing to myself, Jason listens to everything Daisy just said staring at her by accident. "Oh my snap out of it" Jason slapped himself to see Daisy turn around."Your room looks nice with those window, mirror and the size looks neat"
"Thanks but what is it Jason?" Daisy said noticing the mark of Jason's slap."Looks painful" showing the beds to Jason walking over to them."These are the beds we sleep in, they're really just hammocks made from tough string and large leaves, It's also formed like a bunk bed but I love sleeping on top so if you don't mind sleeping bellow" Daisy mentioned as Jason stands looking at the bunk beds while Daisy gets into her own top bunk bed. "Wow, I feel so unnatural but you know, I like this stuff and all not knowing what's what, I have to say everything to me so far is a huge shock to my system, I don't understand much but I'm hoping we can be friends" Jason felt very shy and nervous to go out by himself and wanted someone to trust choosing Daisy first in his mind. "Yeah im alright with that Jason, we can be friends as my current ones are always busy so I visit the Lake as it makes me happy and more calm with a tint of a sadness" Daisy claimed. Jason felt guilty from earier. "Daisy.... I'm sorry" Jason said as Leavine was behind Daisy's door listening."I wanted to say I'm soo sorry" Jason said letting out a sigh. "Why are you saying sorry for, your worrying me, what's wrong" Daisy nervously said. "I was nothing just a helpless Snivy and you took your time to help me get used to who I am, creeping you out with my weird nonsense and wasting your time, you even had to help me up in that storm a couple of times even leading me to your house inviting me in" Jason said out of breath. "Oh Jason I was lonely today and I was scared you were dead, you weren't responding for a while so I thought I would help you if you had signs you were alive, I couldn't just walk away.... That.... just wouldn't be me, I like to help others and you definitely needed help so I wanted to stick by you until you could stand on your own two feet, the results ended up like this which I prefer a lot more I've got to say" Daisy answered back her truthful thoughts about it. "How can I repay you and your family, I am in your dept to have saved me from that harsh storm and being let in" Jason felt like problem put on the spot."I must of put pressure on you and your family, I feel bad about it so I want to make up for it" insisted Jason. "Jason I promise you It's all ok, I'll help you if no-one stops me I promise, let's both go to sleep seriously as we will need it for tomorrow" Daisy said wrapping the leaf around her getting comfortable. Jason went to lay in the hammock getting used to it right away looking at the light the moon shined into the room think about what's happening tomorrow.
"Good night Daisy" Jason said closing his eyes wrapping himself in the huge leaf covering him to warm up as so does Daisy, they both drift of to sleep letting their bodies rest for the next day. "Good night Jason see you in the morning" Daisy said softly drifting of asleep, Leavine walks away happy to know that Jason only has good intentions soo far going to bed himself staring at the open bedroom before entering his room. Hours past as the luminous dark sky continued to stay now really early in the morning still dark, the house was dead quiet and small sounds of rustling can be heard outside, the family is still sleeping like a rock as Jason had a dream about some Pokémon trying to talk to him, he couldn't hear anything that Pokémon was saying but word like, mission....role, this upsets Jason waking him up. "What was that?" Jason said quietly getting up holding his head with both hands."I felt like someone was trying to talk to me, role, mission.... What was that thing...Pokémon saying, it was acting like I was being warned.... Is this a message hhhhhhh, I don't know" Jason walks up to the mirror to get used to himself in looks and body style, he was dying to explore."Wow this is going to be fun exploring myself, sounds really weird saying that as I'm not tired enough yet so why not?" Jason now looks at himself checking his new form out talking quietly."Well my face has a nice grassy green color with an under half of cream color being separated from the tip of my nose connecting to the point of each eyelids, my eyes are huge with eyelids colored bright yellow with a luminous blood lust red coloured eye glowing very brightly having a black long rounded pupil, reflecting small amounts of light from my eyes seeing a taint of crimson light on the wall, whoa my eyes glow really bright in the dark, nice pattern on my eyes connect to what looks like a yellow section with yellow like collar on each side of my shoulders connected to my body, the same cream color flows down my body forming a strip that goes down my body passing the belly widening as it starts from the neck becoming smaller eventually when it passes half down my body it starts to shrink, it connects like a leaf shape inches away from my tail tip" Jason turned around back
towards the mirror still able to see it."On each side of the cream strip was the same color green was on my face with quite small arms under each collar I had colored the same green, the yellow pattern continued from the collar and formed a leaf shape reaching half way on the back of my head leading down my entire body leading straight in a long leaf pattern on my three pointed leafy tail passing half way up then having another two yellow leaf shapes coming out of the start of my leafy tail, the thick leaf was fused inches into the rim of my tail, but my feet looked like a shape I couldn't describe.... It looks fascinating" Jason then went to see how flexible Snivys are or him so he curled into a ball coiling up realizing that he was extremely flexible looking at the mirror seeing he looks thinking that he was adorable, he kept that position for a while to see if he would receive or get strains, something of that sort but nothing happened, Jason body begins to glow blue all around him making him feel stronger in some ways but he wasn't sure, he broke his coiling position jumping out of his skin.
"Ahh, quiet Jason, quiet I dont want to wake anyone up do I.....oh I hope no-one heard that, Sniiiiiii" Jason felt extremely tired walking back to the hammock looking at Daisy sleep."Aww I have to say Daisy looks cute and the Pokémon Snivy is one thing I'm proud to be right now, I love the looks, It's great" getting back into a comfortable position sleeping fast knocking out quickly. Now everyone sleeps and the day now starts to speed up, many hours pass after Jason started sleeping again, what was his dream about? The sky start to become a darkish blue shortly becoming sunrise lightening the sky as the moon slowly fades back into hiding waiting for night to come back.