A birth defect

Story by dragonmoon on SoFurry

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Dan anxiously paced around in the hospital waiting room. Then, the doctor opened the steel door and said, " Dan," then beckoned him over. He went over and followed the doctor. Then, they stopped outside a certain door and the doctor asked, " are you or any of your family members dragons?"

" No, why? Is there anything wrong with the baby?"

" No, your offspring is a healthy little boy, but...I'm afraid he has dragothropic birth defects?"

" Dragothropic?"

" Well, he has some dragon features, like scales and wings."

" Can I see for myself?"

" Sure."

The doctor opened the door to reveal his wife, Addis, holding their son with a somewhat defeated expression. He approached and saw the stubs of wings and scales on his belly and hands. Addis looked up at Dan, then held the infant out to him. He took a gentle hold of the infant and lowered him to his stomache, holding his tail over his son's head. The infant reached for the wolf's tail and Dan said, " I think I've got a good name. How does James sound?"

" Sounds like a good name."

He looked down to the infant hugging his tail, then smiled and said, " James it is then."