A fateful day chapter #1

Story by MaryRowland on SoFurry

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Hunger, weak, these two words shot through my mind as I walked through the ever rising snow. I hadn't eaten in days and when I had it was no more than mice I had come across. So this is how I will die, by the cold or lack of food whichever came first. I was a young male wolf of low birth just reached full growth. For a male I was small built for speed as an outflanker. Had no muscle to speak of witch really made it hard to find a mate. Why am I thinking of a mate now when I'm about to die. Like a female would even look at me, at first glance most would see me as a female. A shagging brown coat, pale green eyes with the bottom of my mouth black. Even my name was derived from my size, Daren meaning little wolf. Now I look like a walking ghost with ice all over my fur. Oh yes let's not forget the fact that my ribs are showing for the whole damn world to see. So here I am making one slow painful step at a time when suddenly a breeze comes along with the smell of a fresh kill. My mouth could not have gotten wetter from the smell of blood. My body used what little strength it had left to get me to that kill. When I got there in front of me was a full grown bull Elk with its throat ripped open. Standing over it was a singe wolf the biggest female I had ever laid eyes on maybe two or three years old. Her body was lined with hard muscle her coat was whiter than the snow around her. All four of her paws and the tip of her tail were solid black and her eyes were a deep sea green. She had blood on her muzzle from the kill and alas she was taller then me. As I stood there staring at the elk I heard her give me a warning growl while flashing her very sharp teeth. I might have thought she was a very fine looking female if I wasn't dying of hunger. So with the last of my strength I moved toward the Elk.

Just about the time she began to eat another wolf showed up. A male by the looks of him she thought, covered head to paw by ice from the ongoing snow storm. She gave a warning growl to him to stay back, but he only had eyes for the elk a look that she somehow knew, but could not place. When he took a step toward me and my kill I said in a threatening tone take a step closer and I'll END YOU! He came on anyway as if he didn't hear me. Just before he could sink his teeth into my kill I lugged at his throat grabbing it in my teeth and twisting him to the ground. Something was off here he hadn't even tried to dodged her, she was meaning to scare him off, but he had just stood there and let me grab him without a fight. When she had him on the ground she saw why. The impact from him hitting the ground had knocked all the ice from his fur to show that he was nothing but skin and bones. This male before her had not eaten in at least a week if not more. How he even mange to still be walking, let alone make it up the mountain was beyond her. Then she recognized that look she saw in this wolfs eyes, it was the same look that her father had before he died. She looked into his eyes to see them fading his eyes said this is the end of me. If there was one thing she hated more than anything it was letting a male have his way. You aren't getting off that easy you're going to answer for trespassing on my mountain she said to him. She took hold of him by the cuff of his neck and dragged him around to the already open stomach of the elk and shoved his muzzle into the warm bloody meat. He hardly moved and wouldn't eat, so a thought went through her mind and she looked at his tail.


He didn't have the strength to rise again. For a moment he thought he was moving somehow. Then everything started to go black, just as he was about to let go of his miserably life, OUCH!!! He felt a joint of pain from his tail that shot though him like lightning. Forcing his mouth right into the elk in front of him. He realized at that moment the damn female had bit into his tail. The only thing he knew after that was a feeding frenzy as his body took over and laid waste to the bloody meat his muzzle had found.


Well what do you know a good bite to the tail can bring you back from the blink of death? She thought to herself as she had a good laugh at the sight before her. The male was tearing into the elk as if it was his first taste of red meat. After about a minute the poor thing fainted of exhaustion right on the elk the male's belly a lot fatter than it had been. Well he's alive and kicking she thought as she griped him by the neck again to drag him off so she could eat herself. That was slightly amusing, I ate my fill of meat, now what should I do with this male that came upon me while trying to enjoy a meal. She knew if left by himself he would be easy pickings for anyone that came along. (sigh) If I leave now then I saved his worthless hind for nothing. As an ice cold breeze came through the trees, which made the male sunder in his sleep. Another (sigh) at this rate I may as well become his mother. Not wanting him to freeze she lies down next to him and puts her head over his neck to share her body heat with him. She thought in the morning I'll just smack him around a bit then force him off the mountain. Falling asleep next to a male was the last thing she wanted to do but in the end her eyes won the fight and out she went. She woke to the sound of her name. Aiyana wake up. Aiyana looked up to see her sister Nadia. Why is that male still alive Aiyana you know we are supposed to kill any wolf that ignores the warnings and comes up the mountain? Mother won't be happy about this. You think I care what mother thinks Nadia. Suddenly she came up with a great idea; she could use the wolf to get under her mother's skin. Nadia was my sister yet looked nothing like me for her fur was a reddish brown with grey eyes just like our father while I looked just liked our mother. We never have agreed on anything she hated our father and loved our mother while I had loved our father. I've hated my mother Maya since the day she killed my father.


Daren woke up to see two females talking the one he saw last night and a new one he hadn't seen yet. When he moved, the brown one reacted quickly and bared her teeth to strike. The white one, who seemed to be the only reason he wasn't dead, rushed to stand between them, baring her own teeth at the brown wolf. He folded his ears back at this. Aiyana get out of the way he has to die said the brown one. Are you going to make me Nadia, Aiyana said with a wicked grin on her face. Aiyana was clearly both bigger and stronger than the other wolf Nadia. Have it your way mother will hear of this she said with a growl. Nadia then turned and left. The white wolf Aiyana turned to me, your name now! Um uhh Daren I finally managed to say. Well Daren it looks like if you want to live you better stay near me. Do I have a choice said Daren? Well your more than free to leave when you want but you won't make it off this mountain alive not if my mother has anything to say about it said Aiyana. Mountain? Where am I? This made Aiyana frown. You don't know where you are at? Of course not I've been trapped in that snow storm for three days starving. Well then you must have some very terrible luck, just so you know the only reason you are alive right now is because it will get under my mother's skin. Oh and welcome to Blood Stone Mountain. Blood Stone Mountain!! No no no no I can't be here this is right in the middle of The Black Howlers clan territory! This is not good not good at all. The Black Howlers are the biggest and oldest clan within 900 miles with at least 68 packs though out there territory and they kill outsiders on sight! And to make matters worse Blood Stone Mountain is held sacred to them. I'm standing on The Howlers holy ground for this offense they will no doubt give me the most slow painful death they can think of, oh Lupus help me. How did I end up here? He laid down and put his paws over his eyes.


So you are an outsider thought so said Aiyana. Well get your head out of the snow and lets go. I'll keep you alive for now. She turned around bit down on the Elks right horn and started dragging it away. This made the male jump up and follow her. While she was pulling the Elk along Daren said please tell me you aren't the Aiyana. This made her pause, what of it she said. So you are the daughter of Maya high alpha of your clan? Yes, so my name is known outside of the clan she said? Well short of (umm) you're known to be a bit more level headed then your mother. HA! They might be right about that. Now grab the other horn you might be skin and bones, but you're going to help me if you want me to keep you alive a fourth time. He grabbed the other horn at that and we were off. About noon we got the Elk back to my den it been awhile since anther wolf had entered her den. She rarely ran with a pack preferring to hunt on her own. Now she had other business to take care of to put her plan in action. You stay here I have some things to take care of and feel free to eat if you want, you're going to need your strength she said with a grin and at that she left the den.


I don't think I'm going to like what that female has planned for me. Well one thing was for sure, by the smell of this den Aiyana had lived here for a few years. He began to eat on the elk while trying to find a way out of his predicament. First he went through all he knew of The Black Howlers clan. Ok the Howlers clan started about 3 hundred years ago; during the war with the humans they were one of the few clans to survive the war. Unlike the humans who were winning the war just had up and vanished. With the humans gone the Howlers had claimed a lot of territory that had belong to them and taking up loan packs of wolfs to increase the size of their clan. Under their first clan leader Faolan they had become nearly unstoppable. Now days the clan has become slightly unstable three years ago the death of the high alpha male Mahika had shaken the clan. It was rumor though the surrounding clans that his mate Maya had killed him to rule the clan herself. Since Maya took over the clan has cut itself off from the other clans claiming death on any outsider who dares to step into their territory. From the few wolfs known to have left the Howlers clan alive since Maya took over, in clan fighting between packs was not unheard of. It seemed that Maya cared nothing for her clan only the power she welded. It was also known that Aiyana, Mayas daughter was the only one trying to keep her clan from outright destroying itself. Guess I was a bit lucky to run into her and not anyone else but what the heck she mean by she's only keeping me alive to tick off her mother. (Great) family drama and I'm stuck in the middle of it now. So having eaten his fill of the elk, between him and Aiyana there was not much left but bone on the thing. I think I'll take a nap and at that he found a nice spot in the back of the den cave whatever it would be.


He should be fine as long as he doesn't leave here. Now it was time to visit her aunt the Maori. No one knew her real name save for Maya. I asked her once what her name was and got in reply. Names have power my dear, those who know your name can use it against you. I love you as I would one of my pups if I could have any that is but never again ask for my name Aiyana never again. Maori was the closest thing to a mother she had and one of the very few wolfs she trusted with her life. The Maori are very few in our world there role is decided before they are born. There powers come into play the moment they are born. Sometimes they are killed at birth. Maori have power and are feared above all else, they are forced to live as a lone wolf. Few packs will allow them to roam within their homes for fear of what they can do. To be flank they can control the elements air, water, earth, fire, and more to a point. They can call forth a storm of any weather but to do so would mean days of channeling there power without sleep straining their bodies to the breaking point. Most Maori keep things simple with small uses of their power. Her aunt has become known throughout the clan now as a healer, many come to be healed by her unlike before where she was hated to no end. It been a long and hard job to end that and still some fear her. One thing about my aunt I never understood was her home. She lived in an old human shack that by all rights should have fallen to dust a100 years ago, but there it stood against time unyielding with my aunt standing in the front door waiting for me. Unlike me and Maya, my aunt was completely black save for a thin white strap under her right eye that went onto her neck then went up to the tip of her right ear. She was also a few inches shorter than me with dark brown eyes. The Maoris fur and eyes were very uncommon for wolfs, I believe there is only one other black wolf in my whole clan out of the 400 or so wolfs in the Howlers. I approached the door with my aunt sitting down looking at me with a bemused smile on her face. What's got you in such a good mood Maori? Oh I'm just glad that my niece has finely chosen a mate.


Aiyana stopped dead in her tracks laid her ears back and dropped her tail. She had such a stunned look on her face I could not keep myself from falling over onto my back laving. After a few secs she said "Wait" Who, What the hell are you talking about? I stood up after I regained control of myself to see my niece glaring at me. Have you forgotten what I am Aiyana, I know a great deal more of whats going to happen then you could possibly comprehend. She ignored my comment and said I found a male wolf down the base of the mountain starving. He's nothing but bones; I need you to come with me so you can heal him as best as you can. That sounds like a great idea Aiyana I can't wait to meet this male, he must be something for you to save him like you did. Tell me was it love at first site? She bared her fangs and growled. I am not taking him as my MATE! At that she turned and stormed off in the direction of her den. We shall see my niece, I thought to myself as I followed her out into the daylight. It was still a few hours intill nightfall which would provide pretty of time to see if my dream from the night before would come to pass. It would be a show alright something I have to see for my own eyes for I still can't believe it. I will find out soon since it's only a half hour walk to Aiyana's den.


I had only been a sleep for a little while when I woke up to the sound of voices coming from outside of the den. As I raised my head two wolfs entered the den, one male the other female. The male had a deep gray fur coat with three scars running across his back and anther scar over his left eye making it useless, looked like the work of a bear. The other eye was gray like his fur and he stood a good three inches above me. The female was a light gray wolf about my size with gray eyes like the male. They both seem to be about four years of age. The female said, zerick I believe we have found the outsider my goodness he's a mess. Wonder why Aiyana even took pity on him, I would have ended his suffering quickly. I was cornered with my rump ageist the back of the den with my ears and tail up showing my fangs in a futile attempt to look threating. At that the male zerick spoke up. Well now so the runt wants to fight this ought to be amusing eh Eva, well runt this can go two ways one you walk out of here with us nice and easy or two I go over there, tear you up and drag whats left of you out of here to see Maya. Please pick two it be a lot more fun for me. He started forward slowly taking his time. I have had enough of these damn bastards dragging me here and there I sure as hell was not going to die without drawing some blood today. I lowered my tail and ears in a submissive poster. This seemed to make him even more cocky since he smiled. A little closer you bastard, when zerick got within two feet of me with that damn smile of his I lunged just a spit second before he did. His teeth missed while mine latched down hard on his right leg not wasting my momentum I turned with my body to the right twisting his leg 180 degrees, his leg snapped like a trig. I didn't even have time to enjoy the yelp of pure pain from zerick before the female Eva had her fangs on my neck and then using her momentum yanked my grip on zerick free to ram me head first into the back wall of the den full force I crumbled to the ground dazed. I'll kill you for that! She said. She would have no doubt if it wasn't for another female voice who said in a very commanding tone ENOUGH Eva! You can kill him if you like after I'm done with him. Now drag him outside! Eva picked me up by the scuff of the neck and started to pull me out of the den while cutting off my air supply with her mouth witch didn't help my already dazed mind. She dropped me at the entrance of the den, as I coughed to get air back into my lugs. I tried to get my bearings to see what was going on, no such luck I couldn't get my eyes to focus on anything so all I could do was listen. You bought me out here for this worthless piece of trash Nadia the same voice said? But mother (Mother that can only mean one thing Maya was here!) Aiyana saved him for a reason I thought you should handle it yourself. You nitwit was said with a nasty growl back at Nadia. About this time I could hear Zerick making his way out of the den very painfully. Any joyful thoughts I had about causing Zerick pain were gone at Mayas next words. You are completely worthless Zerick being wounded by this runt. I think I'll make an example of you for others to know what happens when they fail me. Blood watch kill him. My eyes finely started to focus at that point and I took in what was before me. Eva was standing over me with a very shocked look on her face. I turned my head to see Zerick backing up on three legs from five wolfs who I assumed were part of the blood watch. Standing behind them was Aiyana? No it was Maya she looked just like Aiyana expect was wearing a gold chain around her neck and slightly smaller with "ice blue eyes?" Eva recovered from her shock and rush ahead of the five wolfs to stand in front of Zerick at the approaching wolfs. Wait Maya please he's my mate! The wolfs stopped. Now my 2nd in command disobeys my orders said Maya? No I am loyal to you my alpha. Good prove it by killing your mate! I managed to stand up since no one was paying me any mind but I have to say I don't know which was more horrible the look on Eva's face or the cruel smile on Maya's. I can't let this happen bloody hell if I'm going to do what I'm thinking of doing. I turned toward Maya who had her back to me just about 4 feet and I would be on her. I moved forward quietly 6 steps 5 steps 4 steps she turned those eyes on me. The last thing I saw was a blue flash from those eyes.