The Lucky Date

Story by masterlevan1 on SoFurry

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#15 of Literature

Thank you again for reading. This is looking to be a three-part series and I'm going to be working on it by myself it looks it, so it might take a while for the other parts to come up. I think it went really well and I hope you enjoy it.

The story I am writing belongs to me and the all of the characters I create and use. Thank You!

_This story is a bit of a prequel to the two stories that will follow this. I'll give a summary for those who don't know about this world. Basically, it's the same as the normal world but, vore isn't so much a fantasy as a secret indulgence. In the big city, there is a secret and prestigious club that is run by vore lovers and enthusiasts of the like. The club is called "The Abyss", relating to the double meaning in correlation to vore. Due to the sensual nature of their vore however, most of the "shows" that they put on in this club usually have one or more participants that are usually women who always perform in their natural state, meaning that their naked when they get eaten. Each girl or performer is assigned to a different predator that the club staff and crew keep controlled and well maintained for all of their assigned performances. These creatures range from giant crocodiles to large snakes to big whales and even dinosaurs. Anyway, the club's owner and founder, James (Jim) Cassings, has links to some top scientific research and has been able to genetically create these creatures, or find them in the wild, for his use. Now due to the legality and all of the troubles with things eating girls, he has all his performers sign a waiver and keeps the creatures on a strict feeding schedule so his trained performers can know exactly how to make the creatures regurgitate them in a safe, yet entertaining way.

This entire background applies to the story I'm about to write, because it comes a little while after one of the main characters of this world, Ani Stewart, becomes a "vore" girl and puts on her debut performance by having a "very" close encounter with being eaten by her chosen, genetically created brachiosaurus. Ani was a reporter for a local news company before getting romantically involved with Jim over the internet and, through a variety of different ways; meeting him, seeing an actual show, getting intrigued by vore, sensual activities between them, and different rituals; Ani was persuaded to do a story to release to the public that involved her doing a performance. Jim had only brought Ani and "pretended" to fall in love with her to get her influence in the news but, after all these events and a few humbling notions, the tables turned and he fell in love with her.

This story I'm writing follows after these events I just explained and features myself and how I come into this world and get thrown into "The Abyss" in a very jarring way. I will warn you this series (not this particular story) will probably have the most erotic themes in it but, through careful word placing and of course a strict mature rating, it'll be kept on the line. This story was supposed to be a gift to me that the original creator of this world and I were going to do together but...apparently she lost faith in the project and myself and abandoned me, unfortunately leaving me heartbroken. Luckily, before she broke ties with me, I garnered her permission to take over the entire project and this "vore club's" world so, that's that. If you dislike vore, some more sensual themes, and people getting eaten by big scary or cute creatures then, I suggest you stop reading right now. Thank you for all of my watchers and friends' support. I've had a really hard time these past weeks and I know that I haven't written anything in a while so I shall do my best. _

The alarm sounded throughout the apartment like a flying bullet. Beep! Beep! Beep! Another second went by-Beep! Beep! Beep! With a pounded force, a hand slammed on the little box creating the sound and a sigh followed the bang. Slowly but surely, the tired man, whose hand had silenced the alarm, slid out of his bed and groaned whilst walking to his bathroom. With a wave, a small splash of water hit his face and jolted his eyes open more. The man pulled out the smooth, mint-scented cream and slowly rubbed it into his face. Buzzing sounded just a second later and, a thick razor slid across his face, picking up the whiskers and hairs with the cream softly.

Another wave of water and sigh of content echoed as the man rubbed his face with a clean towel. He glanced over to his shower and yawned, flicking the notch to hot and starting the water spout. Quietly, he removed his clothes and stepped into the comforting jet of water. The man poured a sweet vanilla soap over his body and washed every inch of him, including his newly shaven face. Apple scents followed with his shampoo that he massaged into his soft, bright hair. A small smile appeared on the man's face throughout the duration of the warm washing. Mornings were always a drag but, the nice shower was a plus and the man seemed to enjoy the wake up call.

Fifteen minutes later, the blonde-haired man pulled on his slacks with a grunt and a simple but, dark maroon shirt-buttoning it up to the second button and leaving the top one open. He flicked a simple smoky, gray tie over his head and pushed the knot up to his neck but, then pulled it down an inch or two. Two pops in the kitchen sounded as he walked in and poured a glass of milk, looking over to where his pop tarts had just finished. Retrieving the hot, chocolate covered treats, the man quickly bit into them and finished eating them with a slurp of his milk to wash it down. He glanced down at his silver lined watch and gasped a bit, rushing to his counter and grabbing his keys, coat, badge, and his small backpack before rushing out the door and down the stairs.


My name is Mark Andersen and my life has been a bit stagnate lately-I guess a little boring but, recently I've been having anxious feelings and strange emotions resurface from my past and it's taking its' toll. I come from a pretty normal background I think. I consider my hometown to be Austin but, for the past six years or so I've been living in Chicago and working at a local facility there.

Eight years ago, I graduated at the top of my class from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology with a degree in Physics. Since then, I've been working at the Particle Physics Facility in the city, researching different abilities for matter and energy to interact with life and the strings of the universe. Thought this is fascinating and I love being a scientist and being on the edge of the known universe, there is something that has stayed with me for a while, a string of ideas that have always bothered me since I was young.

I first saw these ideas on an old television show I used to watch. It was like any other show-cool characters, action, romance, and awesome stories. The show, if I remember, was about this young group of kids who somehow got transported to a different dimension. Me being young, I was as gullible as the next teenager to these fictionalized fallacies but, I enjoyed it. They ended up in a kind of medieval time where "monsters" roamed and were things of nightmares and dreams. Well I watched a few episodes of the series and I was fine. The show was live action but, I could tell it was aimed toward audiences like me. Then came the one day where I watched the season finale.

The group had been able to settle down and seek safety with the local "villagers" or whatever they called themselves and had gone on adventures and seen some amazing creatures along the way. Well, this episode focused on two of the main characters, a boy and a girl; they took a little stroll into the woody area and encountered a large creature that resembled a giant version of a forest snake. Things happened-there were the screams and the running but, eventually...the two were eaten by the snake. Eaten whole, mind you and, at that age I guessed that since they were the main characters that, in the next episode or later in this one, the two would be saved by some form of hero.

It didn't bother me, at first-the show but, thinking back on the way that they got eaten and the dominate nature of the large snake, it didn't take me long to obsess over the idea of being eaten or watching someone be eaten. I kept this to myself at that age and tried to go on with high school but, eventually I couldn't bear the embarrassment of these ideas and shut them out, keeping focused on my studies, friends, and games. I never thought about those ideas again until something happened that would blow this idea out of perspective, and change the entirety of what I thought was "real" and "fantasy". This "epiphany" or recollection came on an average week not to far back. I believe it was on Monday, near the end of the day, after I'd gotten back from the science building that I happened to turn to an interesting channel on TV and get an interesting phone call that would change everything.


I slowly turned the key in my lock and heard the clicking that signaled the unlocked setting. With a grunt, I pushed the heavy door to my apartment open and slipped inside. Setting my backpack and keys on the counter table by the door, I yawned, looking at my watch and walking into the kitchen. I was happy. It'd been a long day at work and I was so glad that I had the weekend to myself. Turning on the microwave, I put a simple frozen dinner in there and pushed the 2-minute power button, igniting the cooking function.

"Let's see if they have any good shows on Friday." Glancing around, I found the remote and switched the television on and started flipping through channels. Quietly sipping my Root Beer, my finger pressed the channel button over and over again; sports, sitcoms, soap operas-all just boring. I got to the central news station and shrugged-I wasn't a huge fan of current events but, it was the only semi-decent thing on right now so I figured that it couldn't hurt.

_"Earlier today, A bus with about thirty students almost crashed, after one of the signal lights from an overhead traffic section burst in an electrical fire. Thankfully, the bus driver was able to maneuver out of the way before the section post impacted the ground. Fire crews were deployed at the intersection and it is estimated that traffic will be delayed for at least thirty minutes while cars are redirected to the nearest detour. _

The newsman continued in her bright but serious tone and moved onto the next story. A ding and the click of the microwave turning off drew my attention and, I got up and carefully removed the dinner from the microwave.

"Ouch!" I yelped as the corner steam burnt my finger a bit and I tossed it on the counter while licking my simmered hand. "Happens every time..." I mumbled while placing a fork into the dinner and topping off my beverage with another can.

_"Thank you, Ryan. Now we go to our senior correspondent in downtown Chicago for a story that might have you sitting on the edge of your seat. Last night, our news team received footage from a previous junior news reporter, who seemed to have found the big bite in this ocean of potential stories. Hello, Janet. How are you this evening? _

Ha...big bite, lame...

"Hi, Bill. I'm great. I'm standing only about five hundred meters from the much talked about night club, The Abyss. The club has been operating for about twelve years now and has drawn much speculation and gossip from the rich and high-end attendees that immerge each evening. Tonight, we have gotten our first glimpse into this mystical, magical word to which there is no straight explanation. Here is the footage from about a week ago that we've just finish editing, Bill if you please."

I sat down on my chair with my small spaghetti dinner and slowly sipped my Root Beer while listening to the TV. My face no longer showed the barely contented look it had earlier or the almost sarcastic feelings I expressed just minutes ago. Focused eyes and a puzzling look appeared on my face as I waited for the new station to show this "mysterious footage" that they had.

The screen changed from showing the decent looking newswoman to a tape that started playing. In the bottom corner it showed the date and time stamp with the little digital signature and was just a black screen. After a few seconds, the screen slowly lightened and showed a well decorated and beautifully lit stage. Standing on the left-center stage, was a pretty young women-maybe about five foot eight, five foot nine, standing there wearing a black robe over her body.

With a pristine pose, her robe slipped off. Obviously she was "naked" but, the new studio or the television had blocked out all of her natural areas and just showed her face and other non revealing areas in clear view. As soon as the women struck her pose, my eyes went wide. On the other side of the stage, a giant...thing came out towards the pretty girl. It looked like a giant-DINOSAUR! My eyes couldn't believe it at first, and part of me still attributed it to pure entertainment and fallacy but, that didn't keep me from watching.

The pretty girl turned towards the camera and started speaking. "This is Ani Stewart-reporting live from The Abyss! This wondrous creature behind me is Sling-back and, he's hungry for a tasty treat just like me! Jerry-I QUIT! Tonight, I become a fully official member of The Abyss! Now, ladies and gentleman, watch as I feed myself to this big, hungry monster!" The women then turned toward the creature as it looked at her and drooled before the screen faded to black.

"WHAT?! That's it?! Come on!" I shouted with frustration and tossed my unfinished spaghetti down onto the table in front of me, watching the screen intently.

Moments later the screen resumed and showed something different...

The woman appeared again-her hair wet with some type of liquid and, was surrounded by two or three shocked people. She was handed a microphone and she turned towards the camera or the "audience" and started speaking, despite still shivering. "That...felt...AMAZING! It was warm and tight and those juices gave me the best pleasure I've ever had! And...I'm completely unharmed folks, I apologize for scaring anyone but, it is my first time!"

_The tape miniaturized into the corner and the news anchor from before appeared, talking to the little corner screen. "And that was our very own Ani Stewart who, as you saw, unfortunately left for her new home. Jerry and all of us down here at the station wish her the best and are sad to see her go but, hope that she continues to enjoy whatever goes on in that club. I guess even with a tape, Bill, no one will ever really know what happens unless, by some chance, they get to go themselves. Thank you for watching tonight folks and this Jill Brink-Channel 8 news, saying goodnight!

"Thank you Jill, and thanks to everyone who watched tonight. Next up will be "Sixty Minutes", with Steve Kroft! Good Night!" Bill shouted and the station went to commercial. _

My face was in complete shock at what I'd just watched. "What the hell?! D...Did it actually just EAT her?!" With heaves and pants, I tried to control my breathing but, was having a difficult time. That monster apparently ATE her! Whether it was fiction or fact, my mind rushed regardless with different thoughts and, all the emotions seem to hit me in face at once-amazement, fear, excitement, arousal, worry, joy, sadness, and happiness. I fell out of my chair with a grunt and then breathed in heavily.

"W...whoa! Now that was a show..." I smiled at the television and leaned back on the chair as I stared at the ceiling.

I drank some more soda and tried to control my breathing. I couldn't believe it! I'd never seen such a realistic depiction. Did I think it was real? I don't know...maybe but, maybe it did have some facts associated with it.

"Wow...The Abyss, huh? I haven't heard that name in a while." A smirk appeared on my face while my mind raced to recall past events.

I think it was about five years ago? Yes. Five years ago, I'd heard some strange things about that Abyss club and was intrigued by it. I'd driven by the large building before. I was impressed. It was a nice, well kept up structure and it looked like it was really a hoot-especially at night. I think it was in a newspaper ad or some online advertisement but, basically there was a new thing for a short time only. To do it, you had to call the number on the advertisement and you could put your name in kind of a "lottery" circuit. The winner or winners would get a VIP chance to attend The Abyss's shows. You had to put a deposit of fifty dollars I think, with the agent on the line and then that was your entrance fee but, I was young and had only been in Chicago for about a year.

I'd almost forgotten that I'd paid that stupid ticket. Like I ever expected to get in-the odds out there but, this news report brought back some good times. That was my first year at the science facility. I was such a newbie there. At first, I was hesitant about moving from the nice, dry heat of Austin but, I was glad I made that choice. Even though the hours were long and, I was almost dead tired every day, I guess it was a job and, I was making a decent amount.

I quickly cleaned up and took my now cold spaghetti to the trash. I finished the last few swigs of my yummy soda before crunching it up and tossing it in the recycle bin. I muted the TV and sat back in my chair. I hadn't had a weekend where I could just relax in-too long.

I put up the foot rest and was starting to doze off when, to my annoyance, the phone blared across the room from the front room. I rolled my eyes. Either it was my work, some telemarketer, or my mom-I wasn't sure if I wanted to talk to any of them. Sighing, I heaved myself from my comfy solace and walked towards the front room. The phone continued ringing even as I picked it up.

"Blocked Caller? Hmm...might be some stupid moron." I held the phone up to my ear and reluctantly pressed the 'Accept Call' button, listening for whatever voice would come out of the other end.

"Hello! I'm lookin' for a Mister Mark Andersen?" The sweet, high voice rang through the phone.

I blinked a bit before responding to the cute, southern accent on the other line, "Err...yes this is Mark."

"Well hey sweetie! My name is Stephanie and I'm calling from The Abyss club to let ya know of somethin' special." A cute giggled sounded after her sentence.

"W-wait, The Abyss?! You mean that club that that cool news story just came from?!"

"That's the one sugar. I called to let ya know that your ticket that you purchased on April 10th, 2007-about five years ago, has been selected as this year's winner for our VIP raffle!" her voice sounded excited.

"'re kidding me?! I-I thought you stopped doing that I mean...WOW! I...I saw-I mean watched that..." I stopped and breathed deeply because of the excitement boiling in my chest, "Y...You mean I won?!?"

"Aw, you're cute sugar, ya know that? Yes you won, sweetie. We did stop that shortly after you entered but, we've had drawings every year for a winner to get rid of the ones that came up from the drawing, so; you get a VIP experience for our next show which is...approximately eight days from now, on Saturday." Stephanie gleamed with happiness.

"Well you', really cute yourself. T-thank you so much for...calling! This is such an honor a...and I don't know how to-" I squeaked and tried to contain myself.

"Aren't ya the most adorable little thing? Your stuttering is a real charm darlin'. Ha! But, I'm glad you are so happy. All that I need from you is to know if you want to accept the VIP ticket and then I'll need to charge you the rest of the amount for the experience in addition to your fifty dollar deposit."

"Oh y-yes, YES! I want it! Gosh you're just a ball of sugary goodness!" I covered my mouth because I didn't want to startle her and shook my head in embarrassment. My face was so red; I thought I was going to burst. Normally I'd never be like this but, if life hits anyone in the face like this, everyone would go crazy.

"Dawww! I could just eat you up, silly. Well I'm so happy to hear that! Now, I just need to know if you want to pay with the credit card we have on file here from your last transaction or if ya wanna pay the club when ya got here? Either that or you could drop it by the club on Friday mornin' if ya want?"

"Could I come by and drop it off to you, so I could see the pretty girl who's being so nice to me?" Despite being on the phone, I could tell that she was avidly blushing.

"That'd be an adventure; sadly I wouldn't be able to pick it up sweetie! If you wanted to do that, our Assistant Manager, Bryan, would gladly take it from you?"

"Aw...well I guess if that's the case Stephanie, then you can charge my credit card. H-how much is it going to cost?"

Her fingers typed on the keyboard, making crystal clear clicks while she did, "It'll be exactly four hundred and fifty dollars for the show and the dinner, Mark."

"Hmm...could you um, wait there for a second? I wanna be really sure I have the funds."

"Oh, I'll wait all night for you sweets" She teased across the line with a chuckle.

I quickly ran to my laptop with the phone against my chest and heaved it onto the dining room table. Placing the phone down, I threw open the top and quickly typed in the eight-letter password.

"Come on stupid computer!" Sweat dripped off my brow while I waited for my bank account to come up.

I clicked on 'Savings Account' and waited for it to open. My eyes scanned the screen and down to balance. The screen showed the dates on one side and the total balance on the end of the window. My eyes widened and I yelled out loud.

"YES! Awesome!" On the total balance it showed I'd saved over three thousand dollars from the past month.

"Hey Stephanie!?"

"Judging by that lovable little yelp, I assume ya have enough?" She seemed eager to hear my answer.

"I do, thankfully! And with a good amount to spare!"

"Great! I will charge it immediately sweetie and tell ya what? When you come on Saturday, give your name to the bouncer and he'll let ya in but then, I'll be waiting for ya near the entrance with a little goody bag to give to you. I'll also show you to your dinner seat, sugar. Maybe I'll even stay and chat with a yummy morsel like you and see the cute guy I've gotten to talk to today. Could I...get a short description of ya handsome?" She seemed to taste the words as she spoke them but, not in a demeaning way-almost with a genuine liking and affection.

My face showed the true affect of her words. I stuttered out my response and pressed the phone to my sweaty, red face. "E...Err yes, um I...I'm about six two or six three and I have light blonde hair and the same colored e...eyebrows..."

"Mmm, now you're even more handsome. Ya know I'm a blonde too" her accent was squeaked for a moment.

"O-oh really? Wow that's awesome! T...thank you so much S-Stephanie. Are you this sweet to all the people you greet on the phone?"

"I always try to be nice to everyone but, you were a special treat and I really liked talking to you, Mark. I will see ya on Saturday sugar and don't be late or I'll have to give you a big, wet kiss."

"I-in that case um, I'll be late!" I shouted with joy.

"I look forward to it! Good night sweetie and congratulations!" The phone sounded the dial tone as she hung up and, I dropped the bleeping machine and fell on the floor, panting.

"DID THAT REALLY JUST HAPPEN?!" I screamed to the ceiling.

I couldn't believe it. After all those thoughts came back, and after I happen to see that stupid report on the club. I get a call LIKE THAT?! Wow! I breathed deeply and gleamed at the ceiling with joy. I'd never won anything in my life-well anything worth mentioning but, this was something else! I would be able to see firsthand if the gossip was true or if it was just entertainment but, regardless...Stephanie would be there. S-she was so nice and I can't believe she actually sounded genuine like-she did really want to meet me...

After a few minutes, I leaned up and strained to get on my feet again and kicked off my shoes and started walking slowly toward my bedroom. I was so drained from all the emotions and the excitement. Even though I beamed happiness, I felt the fatigue hit me like a train from the day's activities. I waddled into the dark room and pulled down all the shades while sliding my clothes off as I plumped on the soft bed.

"Good night, Stephanie. Thanks."


"Mark, here is the reports on last week's experiment."

"Thanks, Joe could you file them into the, 'To be reviewed folder' on my desk, please?" The young man nodded and walked off to a nearby room.

It was Monday again and I had the afternoon shift at work. I didn't particularly like Mondays. Usually we'd just have to do inventory and make sure all our lab notes were updated this week for the experiments we would do.

I sat down at my desk and pulled out a notepad, writing a few things down on the page;

_10/18/12: "Last week's experiment was a decent attempt at accelerating the beta particles to analyze the affect of electroweak particles and the creation of electromagnetic energy from the collision of said particles.

-We received the data last week from CERN about their attempts to create the Higgs Boson Particle to prove the existence of the Higgs field and the compounded effect that we're studying on Beta and Gamma particles.

-Dr. Evert has given me permission to publish our findings and send the rest of the material about particle acceleration to CERN, due to the fact that they have more advanced methods and the means to study these effects with the Large Hadron Collider.

-This week is an off week it seems to just finish compiling this data and I shall make a continuing note of any significant progress. _

"Hey, Mark!"

I looked up and smiled a bit, "Oh...hello, Amanda."

She smirked a bit and sat on my desk, waving her auburn hair out of her face, "So, got any plans this week, mister scientist?"

"Oh, um...nope just notes and compiling experiment data." I giggled a bit warily of her teasing demeanor.

She moved closer to me on the desk, "What say we...have a picnic together. I've been working here for...oh two years and I don't think we've ever had lunch. I would love to do that and I think you should considerate it"

I hid the slight blush on my face from her bluntness, "Well...I guess it couldn't hurt to have a...friendly picnic though, I didn't think you really liked spending time around me, since you were assigned to Joe anyways as his assistant?"

Her smiled teased more, "Well, let's just say that I've wanted to get to know you a bit more and I think lunch would be a good opportunity. I'm free Thursday at seven. My house."

"I-I don't know maybe I could-" She put a finger to my lips.

"I'll email you my address and number. See you then." A short giggle left her lips and she walked away, out of the room.

I just looked confused. What the heck just happened? I mean I knew Amanda was a dominating girl I smiled a bit. I guess a friendly picnic couldn't hurt. After all, I do love the food at picnics and I guess...she couldn't be that bad?

I continued thinking in my head as I finished my notes up and glanced toward the door to see Joe coming back. "Hey bud. How's the work going?" A friendly smile greeted him.

"It's going well, Mark. Thanks. Hey so how was your weekend? We never got to chat this morning. Lots of filing! Ha!" He sat by me on a chair and smiled back at me.

I chuckled and just tried to contain my excitement. "W-well the weirdest and most exciting thing happened a...and I don't even know how to tell you!"

"Come on, please!"

"Oh, alright, but please don't tell anyone."

He put a hand on my shoulder, "Mark, I promise, I would never give you a reason not to trust me, mate."

I sighed happily at his sincerity. "Well anyway, this weekend, did you see that show about that club downtown?"

He nodded. "Yeah it was pretty weird. They did a good job at making it seem real. And of course the girl was hot!"

I laughed and continued. "After it was over...I kind of got this phone call and...well, apparently I, um, won a VIP TICKET TO THE CLUB!"

Joe yelped at my yell at started laughing, "Wow bud! That's amazing!! I didn't think they still did drawings for that kind of stuff! Congratulations, so when do you get to go?!"

"Next Saturday. There's a show and a nice dinner. I'm so happy about it!"

"I'll bet silly, I hope you have fun. So just a phone call?"

I blushed. "Y-yes a...and I met this girl on the phone as she was telling me about this."

Joe giggled. "Ha! Good for you bud; I hope you get to meet her."

"Me too."

Joe patted my shoulders and just looked at my notes over my shoulder. He'd been my best friend for a while and I could always rely on him to give me some help or listen to me when I was sad. I'd met him about three years ago during my entry years at this building and he'd been very kind to me. I think back then he was still an intern but, he helped me get situated and showed me my office and how to work the computers. I was glad I met him. Sometimes it would just get so lonely and having a friend like him really helped.

"Thanks, Joe. For the congratulations. I couldn't ask for a better friend."

He looked at me and gave me a quick hug. "I'm glad I could be one. And these notes look great. I'm sure Evert will be pleased."

I nodded, "I hope they're okay."

He went over and got a cup of water from the sink by my desk as he leaned back and yawned, still just looking at me writing.

"Hey, has Amanda been acting weird toward you?"

"Uh, no. Not that I've noticed, why?"

"Well, she kind of...asked me to lunch and I was really confused. She isn't the subtlest girl either."

Joe laughed. "You can say that again. But, no I don't think anything is wrong, maybe she's just being friendly."

"Please tell me that's sarcasm, ha-ha!"Joe kept giggling and I looked at him and rolled my eyes. Sometimes he was just too good at being a dork.

The rest of the day proved to be uneventful. I finished my notes quickly and spent the last hour or so just turning off the computers and making sure everything was set up for tomorrow. I prepared to go to my boss's office too. I figured that, even though the "show" was during the weekend, I was probably going to be worn out from all the energy and emotion so-I wanted to ask for a few days off. I gathering my papers and put them in my file slot while putting my laptop and a few folders in my side sling. With a heave, I put it over my shoulder and grabbed my keys and water.

I enjoyed my office. Pretty big-in comparison to some of the other offices around the center. I switched off the lights and glanced over the room again; making sure Joe and Amanda's desks were cleared and off as well. I nodded in approval and walked out of the office.

_I really hope Evert gives me these days. I wouldn't want to be tired next-AHH! _

With a painful hit, I collided with a women right when I walked out of my office.

"Ouch..." Rubbing my head, I helped her get up. "Oh-hi Lily."

"H...hi, Mark. I-I'm so sorry I didn't mean to hit you, I guess I wasn't watching." She stared at the ground and attempted not shiver so much.

"I...I w...was actually w...wondering um, do you like games, Mark? Cause I...I got this new game, um, Halo? And...well I can't get past one of...of the first levels...a...and was wondering if...if you would like to come over and...maybe have some pizza a...and play?" A few stutters and squeaks sounded as she talked while she glancing up a few times.

I couldn't help but smile a bit at her invitation. "Um, well yes I do enjoy games and I like pizza but, uh, when would you like to do this?"

"Oh! Err, would Friday work for you? the evening?"

"Well, hmm let me think." Let's see there was just Amanda's picnic, oh and I wanted to go shopping for a nice suit but, maybe I could do that Friday morning, or even Wednesday. Sure, I would love to do it Friday, Lily."

Her smile just widened and she shyly looked at me. "T...thank you so much, Mark. I...I'll get the pizza and everything you don't ha...have to bring anything, just yourself...would six o'clock work?"

I slowly nodded, noticing her blush. "Yep. I think so. Do you need my number?"

"W...well, I am the receptionist, I already have it." A nervous chuckle followed.

"Oh-well okay, that's fine just, let me know where you live and I'll be there a six, Lily. Thanks for inviting me to this. Just wanted to play some games or what's the occasion?"

"I w...wanted to thank you-for all your help over the past years. Not very many people have been as considerate as you to a...and I'm not the most w...well s...spoken person a...and you've always helped me tried more confident. T...thank you for your kindness M...Mark and I hope I c...can give you a good night and some g...good pizza."

I laughed a bit, unintentionally. "I'm sure it'll be great. You're very welcome and I love helping friends like you. So Friday?"

"Yes that would be w-wonderful. Maybe...afterward w...we could talk a...little science..." She continued blushing and tried to hide her excessive shyness.

"That would be fun. I'm starting to wonder if you meant to bump into me, ha-ha!" I joked.

She smiled a bit, "W...well, uh, yeah that would be funny." She gathered her papers up and gave me a sweet smile before walking off quickly.

I felt great. Lily was one of the shyest but nicest people in the building and I did truly love games. I don't know about this whole Amanda thing but, well I'll give it a try. I was still confused about it as I walked to my boss's office and knocked on the door.

"Come in."

I slowly opened the door and saw Dr. Evert's assistant, Ms. Williams there. "Oh, Hi Georgia. Is Kyle in?"

"Sorry, Dr. Andersen. He's out for today, could I take a message?" Her polite attitude was comforting.

"Yes." I walked up to her desk. "Could you tell him I just have a question about taking a day or so off at the beginning of next week and that he can call me at my home number?"

She nodded and wrote a short little note on a sticky pad. "I'll give him the message, Mark. Thanks for letting us know, he'll be back in tomorrow so hopefully he'll be able to get back to you."

"Thank you!" I smiled and walked back out the door.

It would just be so awesome if I got these days off. I hope Kyle wasn't feeling ill or something. Anyway, this had to be the best and most confusing Monday ever but, I'm glad that I came today. I walked along the hallways just humming a tune as I thought of my experience today. I was tired-dead tired but...somehow, I was happy. Now if that happiness holds after Thursday...ha! We'll see...for now, I'd like a nice burger and some sleep...


Thank you for reading. Part two will come soon!