Rhysoning With One's Heart - chapter 1- Fight For What One Believes
#1 of Rhysoning With One's Heart
Woot this is the first chapter, please enjoy it and there will be sex in coming chapters so please stick with me. Please enjoy this story and stick with me on the grammar and what not, and it was proofread by Catsithx, (though please blame me for anything that is wrong)
The title reads: Reasoning With One's Heart
The bell rang, or at least what I should call the bell rang. In all honesty a Pidgey calling on the roof doesn't really count as the bell that people used to know of. You see about a century ago bells used to make a ringing noise like well a real bell, at least that's what I was told. Though all those bells are gone now.
You see about that time an illness attacked washing over humans killing most of them. No body had a cure for it except for Arceus who refused to give it to humans. Instead he protected the Pokémon from the illness, claiming that "The time of humans is over." He was right, within a few months Humans had died out. Arceus appeared upon the world, and using the owers it had, made all the remains of the human's bodies and technology vanish, leaving nothing but the buildings.. Arceus also unlocked a few hidden genes inside of us. Arceus changed future generations of Pokémon. The next generation of Pokémon started to become shiny more often, their children even became different as well. It seemed to be that being shiny was not so special anymore as all seem to become shiny
Pokémon came together using what the humans left behind the cities, and towns to make homes of their own. Those towns soon grew into communities of Pokémon. These buildings were transformed to stores, schools, and homes for the Pokémon who wanted to start living normal lives not running in fear from each other and humans.
Though that was before my time. Even before my parents, and their parent's were even around. Since then nothing really has really changed much. Old human towns are still Pokémon communities and towns, filled with shops, jobs, and of course school, which is where the bell came in. Which is now a loud Pidgey calling us.
I was running down the hall late, just like I was every day. I focused on using Agility and my feet moved faster , the one move that help's me try to get to school on time, my name is Rhys, I'm an Eevee. I'm the regular brown Eevee, nothing special about me, nothing different about me. I'm a regular Pokémon who just wants to travel about more, which is unheard of in the town I live in. Though I'm getting ahead of my self, I live in Twinleaf Town, in Sinnoh.
I ran into my classroom colliding with the teacher's desk. I fell to the ground and cursed. I rubbed my head as people laughed. That was the part I was known for, running into things. I stood up my feet hurting, it always happened, after an Agility my paws hurt, which wouldn't be much to complain about, but when you walk on four feet instead of two like humans it does hurt more.
A blue looking Vulpix walked up to me and smiled, "Nice dude." Tatsuya one of my best friends, yes I do have friends. One of them is Tatsuya. Tatsuya who is a Vulpix like I said earlier, is one of the different colored ones. His tails and small tuff of fur on his head were a light green, and the rest of his body blue, symbolizing two of the colors of fire, my other good friend is Krystal, she is an Eevee like me, a normal looking Eevee. He laughed lightly and we started walking to our seats. "You should really learn to control that speed."
I glared at Tatsuya who laughed, "I hope you were kidding, my speed is just fine" We shared a laugh and took our seats as the teacher walked in. She was a Lopunny, a bit of a klutz, but a good teacher.
She called roll, and started class. Today's lecture was on evolution something we all thought would happen one day to us. My mind drifted off though about half way through the lecture, I ultimately missed the discussion on evolution due to the surrounding area.
My mind drifted to the next few days and what I knew was coming. Arceus did one thing before he left; he made female's heat all happen on the same day for a day only twice a year. Near the beginning of spring and towards the end of fall. Sure that act stopped breeding to a limit, but it became troublesome to protect towns, when most females didn't mate till they were in a relationship for months, taking the human term dating to the extreme. Pokémon didn't mate because of a primal need or should I say lust, they mated for love and life.
Like always around this time of year most females were getting ready to go into hiding. Most of them fleeing to the forest and caves around us. Some were even going to the lake, to try and hide in the cave belonging to Mesprit. Also like around this time of the year, I became sick as a dog. It wasn't like I wasn't used to getting sick, its just that Arceus decided to pull a fast one on me and make me sick whenever the smell of a female in heat came along. He came to me in a dream the first time I got sick during a heat and explained, "One day this sickness will help your town, use it wisely." Ever since then I stayed home in bed, while most of the available females in town including my friend Krystal ran to woods trying to avoid the males that want to mate them, even though the females weren't ready. Yeah I can see how this helps me and others....NOT!
The only Pokémon not infected were those with mates, they stayed in town and tried to keep things in order while the other females were away. Those not being affected by the pure chance that they are only attracted to their mate's scent, squashing the urge to mate as soon as it started, Arceus made it to where the females sent scent vanished after mating . He tried to make life easier but he didn't see the changes that were to come when after he left the Earth. Mostly that Pokémon would take on dating like the humans did.
The school bell rang and the day ended, that was when the fun started. Tatsuya and me were walking down the hall discussing what my plan was for the coming heat episode. "My parents are going to keep me in the house and make sure I don't leave. I don't plan to leave but I might not be able to help myself you know." I glared at him and stuck out my tongue, "That's right, I'm sorry I'm forget full." He laughed lightly, before a little Poochyena ran into him.
"I'm sorry, please don't kill me." The kid spoke lightly stepping back. I chuckled, Tatsuya was always the Pokémon that little ones feared, and it was funny to watch. To bad what they didn't know was that Tatsuya couldn't kill a fly.
He smiled and held out a paw, "It's alright little one, run along and go enjoy your life." The little one nodded and ran away, I was sure I noticed a hint of fear though. We shook off a bit of laughter and continued walking.
"I plan to be in bed, with my mother fretting over why I get sick every time this happens. My dad on the other hand will go back to work and not care. It's a good thing I'm an only child." I spoke sighing. I bet most of you though are wondering how I'm an only child. Well that's any easy answer, my parents and a few other parents managed to find a berry bush that continues growing no matter what, that stops the production of eggs. Tatsuya was one of the few families that also had an only child.
We exited the building and gasped at the scene before us. The park was empty. That may not sound bad, but the park is the one place that little ones went to play, the fact that it is empty meant one of two things, war or the heat period was going to be a big one. We walked around the outside of the park and still noticed nobody. "Hey Rhys!" I turned around and noticed Krystal.
She was an Eevee a very cute one at that. Her fur was the lightest of all browns, which suited her well. She was about my height, though she was weaker. What she lacked in strength though she made up for in smarts, she was the pokmon that helped me form my battle moves. Her moves had made me one of the more powerful normal type users. She ran up to Tatsuya and me and stopped, "Everybody is preparing for the time and the park is closed. "
Tatsuya and me sighed and looked at Krystal, "Thank you for the info, I guess I'll head home." Tatsuya told us walking away. His house was in another direction from ours so he usually walked home alone.
Krystal and I lived practically next to each other, only a few houses away. "Let's head home." I suggested and we walked away the park disappearing from view. My house came into view half an hour later. We stopped in front of it and hugged lightly. "Please be careful, I know you are leaving tomorrow to go into hiding. Please be safe, I know you aren't ready for kids or a family."
Her eyes filled with tears which were streaming down her face. "You are way to kind, please be safe yourself." She walked away and I entered my house.
Later that night I fell asleep listening to the rustling of the wind and the call of birds knowing that school in the morning was going to suck.
Early that next morning Tatsuya and yours truly were walking down the halls. Like every cycle of heat the halls were empty. Males were the only Pokémon walking around in the halls. Sure the heat didn't start for another day but this gave the female's time to run, the males respected that. We stayed away, though I shouldn't say we, I should say those of us that were actually affected by the smell stayed away, I just lived life the way I normally did knowing that tomorrow I be would sick.
Today's class was about something only male Pokémon could find interesting, fighting. Most of us have already heard the lecture so we skipped to the light sparring, using no techniques of our own. The sparring we did was like wrestling, mostly trying to dodge our opponents. Like always Tatsuya was my partner.
We squared off in the ring as the teacher started the sparring. He rushed me his head held low. I jumped to the side as he neared and kicked out one of my back paws to trip him. He skidded along the floor jumping up just as I started running towards him. He moved to the left, which gave me opportune moment to use the only thing that I had an advantage at, speed. I turned left after a short skid and plowed into his side. He yelped and jumped back trying to get away from me. He of all people knew my speed was an advantage over most Pokémon. I smirked, "Had enough?" I spoke getting ready for a dash.
"In your dreams." Tatsuya jumped. He kicked off a wall and flew towards me,. I was knocked by the force of his attack. We both rolled on the ground, he ended up on top of me, his arms pinning me to the ground. I wiggled trying to get out, but only managed to make my situation worse. "I win." Tatsuya spoke jumping off of me.
We got back into position and squared off again. "Only round one." I moved, using my speed more this round, I managed to get around him and tackled him to the ground. I pinned him on the ground. "I win round two." I jumped off and got back into position.
"That wasn't fair you know, you can always win when you use your speed." I smiled and shook my head. "You won't use it this time right." I nodded and he started the final round.
He rushed and I dodged jumping in the air over him. I landed behind him and spun around jumping to knock him over. He rolled to the side sensing this attack and kicked out his legs brushing into mine tripping me. I rolled on the ground and jumped kicking off the wall I spun to a stop where I was originally standing. Tatsuya stood and chuckled. He rushed forward and slide to a stop kicking up a cloud of dust which covered me and the battlefield. I coughed and looked around trying to find where Tatsuya was going to strike. I gasped as his head collided with my chest forcing me to the ground. I rolled until I hit the wall. I stood up lightly gasping for air. Tatsuya took that moment to tackle me to the ground. We rolled fighting for the position on top. When we stopped I was on top. Tatsuya though kicked me off. We stood up and rushed, colliding in the center. We both flew back me rolling on the ground, Tatsuya hitting a wall. We were both down and almost out. We tried standing only to fall.
"It's a tie!" The teacher yelled sending students to help us up. We managed with effort to sit on the sidelines, drinking some water. We stayed there drinking and resting till the lunch bell ringed. We managed to walk ourselves to lunch and felt amazingly better after we ate. We returned to the ring and watched the other fights.
After the matches a teacher walked into the room. He was an Alakazam that with years of practice learned to cast recovery in an entire room covering everyone with its soothing aura. All the Pokémon in the room sighed as their wounds were healed and their minds relaxed. My body did the same, a few joints that I didn't know I bruised healed. Tatsuya bumped into me pointed towards the door as the last bell rang. We walked out the door following our school mates.
Outside we walked towards the Park which was full of people when a Houndour walked up to me and Tatsuya. He was flanked by a Poochyena. The Houndour was named Hunter, the Poochyena Chip. They were known as the school bullies and why they walked next to us was a big question. "Hey Rain." He always got my name wrong knowing that it bugged me. "Any idea where that little friend of yours, Krystal is hiding?"
I smirked and chuckled, "Why would I tell you." I laughed, "You have no need to know, and even if I did know it's not like I would tell you."
He backed me and Tatsuya into a corner, "Listen you little twerp, I plan to find Krystal tomorrow, then when I do I plan to rape her silly." He stepped back and laughed smirking proudly to himself as Chip was there cheering him what. "So either tell me or I'll just have to find her myself, and then I'll rape her twice as hard." I flinched and swiped at his face, leaving two gashes on his forehead. "Bitch!" he yelled moving back.
"You will do no such thing, and I'll make sure you won't!" I yelled stepping towards him as Chip got in my way. "Move!" I yelled.
He shook his head and got in a fighting stance. "Hunter stand back I'll take care of him don't want you ruffed up for the hunt." I looked behind Chip as Hunter nodded and sat down.
Tatsuya jumped in front of me just as I got into my stance. "I'll fight him, you take care of Hunter ." I nodded and ran to the side.
"Hunter you and me after them." He nodded looking forward to the fight at hand. I sat down and glared at Tatsuya, "I know you will win."
Chip started the fight with a Slash which was easily avoided. Tatsuya jumped into the air and opened his maw. I gasped in shock as a ball of fire formed. I knew he was a Vulpix and all but I never seen him breathe fire. Chip was even in shock as a line of blue and green flame flew towards him. I gasped knowing that blue and green were one of the hottest colors of fire around. Chip managed just barley to escape the flame, his lack of reaction time causing some of his tail to burn. Tatsuya landed on the ground, just as Chip rushed forward with his maw opened. He landed a nasty bite attack and jumped back after puncturing Tatsuya's skin. Tatsuya jumped back and unleashed another ball of fire. Chip was hit and sent flying. His back collided with a steal cage meant for human kids to hang from and he cried out in pain. He landed on the ground and kicked up a dust covering. When it settled Chip was lying on the ground fur singed and gashes opened in his side. Tatsuya stood next to him, smiling. In the dust Tatsuya must have ran into the fog and slashed his up making sure he couldn't do much. I sneezed the smell of burnt fur in the air tickling my nose.
"Never mess with me." Tatsuya spoke smiling. Hunter stood up and started shaking he then ran.
I smirked, "No you don't." I focused and dashed towards Hunter plowing into his side. He rolled on the ground and smacked into a nearby tree. He stood up on wobbly legs, "You aren't going anywhere we have a fight to finish." He smirked and sent a ball of flame my way. I jumped over the ball and smirked.
"You asked for it, damn it!" Hunter yelled running towards me claws extended.
I jumped back dodging his claws. He kept up his pace though and brought his other set down, hitting my head cutting the top of it. I growled and jumped back flipping around and releasing a Swift attack. The stars flew forward and cut into his skin, some of them though vanishing in the dirt or cutting the tree. "Bastard, I'll fucking kill you!" Hunter yelled charging up a huge fire blast.
He tilt his head back and fired it, the symbol growing into a massive size flew towards me. I ducked down and tried to dig, but was too late. Hunter yelled something that sounded like ‘Bitch die'. The flame moved faster and hit me dead on. My fur singed and a few patched burnt away. I flew backwards and hit a tree. I gasped and cried out in pain. Staggering to my feet I coughed out blood. "Bastard." I chocked out and ran forward.
When I reached Hunter I bit him, sending a spray of blood all over the ground and into my mouth. I spit it out and unleashed a rein of slash attacks on Hunter . His body bled profusely and he started returning my attacks with his own. My tail swished and stars from the Swift attack flew towards Hunter . He jumped back sending an ember attack towards the stars. They both vanished in a violent explosion and our relentless assault towards each other continued.
Minuets flew by of what felt like an eternity. Claws sprang forward cutting into both of our skin. His claws and mine were soaked with blood, our teeth drenched in the taste of skin, sweat, and blood. We jumped back away from each other, both of us panting waiting for one of us to drop. I ran forward one last time, covering the air around me with stars from a few Swift attacks. Hunter started to run, covering his claws and teeth in flames. We collided head first, my Swift cutting into his skin, his flames burning into my open wounds. It may have been stopping the bleeding but it hurt like hell. His teeth clamped onto my front leg and broke it. I screamed in pain and as my other paw collided with his leg I heard a crack his leg breaking. We jumped back for the last time. "Bitch, I'll kill you." He spoke coughing up blood and falling to the ground loosing conscious.
I fell to the ground myself, Tatsuya running to my side. "You did a good job buddy." He lightly licked my face, trying to clean up some blood. "You know if you keep going all out like that in real fights I won't get the chance to ever save your life, which you know I will one day." I tried to laugh but the pain was hurting to much. Tatsuya was always saying that. He somehow knew that one day he would save my life but he just didn't know when, so he kept reminding me that he would.
I looked up at him, "It's a good thing we took out that ja-" My eyes closed and I blacked out.
I hope that you enjoyed this and please look forward to more. Please rate and comment (i take advice)