Under Cloak of Darkness: Chapter 12

Story by Darkscribe on SoFurry

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#12 of Under Cloak of Darkness

The group stared in awe at what stood before them. Dameon Swade (the original Dameon Swade) gazed at them awkwardly, hands behind his back. He locked eyes with Eve.

"You," Eve said with malice and hatred blatantly evident in his draconic irises. He jumped at his skeletal nemesis. He ran at full speeds across the courtyard and lunged, flapping his wings once to push him forward at incredible speeds. Dameon just cocked his head and side-stepped smoothly. Eve slammed into the post where Dameon was standing in front of just a few seconds before.

"I'm sorry...it's me, and i know we've had some differences in the past, but I need your help," he said quietly. Cyllea ran to where Eve lay in the dirt. Dameon looked at Darrow, Cyllea, Eveser, and the lifeless body of Kimona lying near a destroyed building. He shook his head in sadness.

"Excuse me? Did Dirge do all this?" he asked cautiously. He looked down at the steel colored dragoness. She looked back up and nodded slowly.

"That's terrible. I should have gotten here faster! Stupid, stupid, stupid!" he said and rapped his palm against the side of his head multiple times. Darrow looked at him. He looked at him with disdain before quickly pulling out his gun and pointing it at Dameon.

"Die you bastard!" he shouted and pulled the trigger. Dameon reeled backwards from the shot, flying out of the courtyard and through the gate, landing on his back on the pathway that led up to the gateway.

"I suppose I deserved that," he said, slowly getting back to his feet and looking at Darrow. Darrow looked on with rage and loathing, growling and reaching up to pull his hat off. His ears stretched and twitched as he walked forward and cocked his gun once more. He was about to pull the trigger when his gun was knocked from his hands by a long, scaly tail.

"Don't shoot him, Darrow. I don't think he wants to hurt us," Eveser said, getting to his feet slowly. "If he did, he would've done so by now."

Dameon shrugged and walked up to the gateway once more.

"What do you want, Swade?" Cyllea asked.

"I need your help with killing...me," he said.

"Wait, you want us to kill you?" she asked, confused.

"Not me now, but the other me...Dirge, he calls himself," Dameon explained.

"Where did he come from anyway? And why?" Darrow asked, confused.

"Well, a couple years ago, I sensed a huge surge of malevolent energy in a mountainous region called Abhorav. I took a group up there and mined out most of the mountain. What i found was a huge temple with six crystals surrounding a pedestal. At first I thought they were just diamonds, but they didn't look normal. They had a strange liquid pulsing inside them. When I picked one up, I felt a huge surge of power inside me and it made me kinda...go nuts. Needless to say, I was the only one who left the mine that day," Dameon recalled to his eager, and resentful, audience.

"What the hell did that have to do with Dirge?" Eve asked. Dameon held up his skeletal claw.

"Excuse me, if you don't mind, I wasn't finished. Anyway, I wondered what it would be like if I were to instill all that power, from each crystal, into one creature. The result would be a being with so much power, it could wipe the slate of reality clean," Dameon explained. "Fascinated by this, I started working on a machine. This machine was designed to drain the liquid from inside three of the crystals and release it directly into a host. This seemed simple enough. However, I soon found out that even though the power of that total darkness is implanted into the host, their good side remains intact and causes split-personalities, self-destruction, and mental problems, eventually leading up to complete mental collapse. To make a long story short, they become a vegetable."

"You sick motherâ€" Darrow jumped at Dameon full force. Dameon whipped to the side and held his arm out. Darrow saw but couldn't stop before he literally ran into Dameon's forearm. He did a flip in the air and landed on his stomach.

"Dameon!" Eve shouted. "Darrow! Stop it. Now."

"He started it!" Dameon pointed his finger at the coughing tiger lying in front of him.

"Shut up! *sigh* Continue, you were talking about the effects of the crystals on a creature when their "good side" intervenes," Eve said. Dameon continued.

"Oh yea, well, I had to find a way to make sure the good side didn't cause a problem. So I remade the machine, but this time I put in a device that literally rips the goodness and the purity from a being's soul. Needless to say, that was the Dameon without goodness, and this is husk you see before you is a living embodiment of all the good that was in Dameon Swade," Dameon finished his tale and looked at his audience. They looked back at him.

"So what do you propose we do?" Cyllea asked, sighing with disappointment.

"I propose we kill the bastard! He might be tough but he's not invincible. Nothing is. All we need is to fight him together...he can't beat us all. And besides, what's better then teamwork at a time like this?"

To Be Concluded...
