The Fireborn: Blood and Honor
#5 of The Fireborn
September 26th, 2011
One, two, three and to the four.. the silence in the room was enough to drive me tears. Here we were with our prey before us and I felt almost paralyzed in the still motion of this endless second in time. He had fallen upon us like an emissary sent by death, waiting for negotiations to over our souls to begin. Fafnir and I stood almost shoulder to shoulder, glaring at the fox-man and judging him. He too stood and gazed upon us with naked hostility, his fiery, white hot eyes betraying the calm mask he wore over his skull's face. For a single minute, five fucking days in my head, we stood and watched each other. Ever tick of the eye, every flick and twitch of the finger, every harsh whisper in our breathing. We were not just gauging each other's ability and determination.. no.. we were all staring into our opponents' very souls.
Fafnir and I had one advantage that we could tell: Instant and silent communication. Our mental and spiritual connection as each other's brood mates. "You ever see Star Wars?" Fafnir almost doubled over, his physical face was like stone but I could feel the -what the fuck- look he had behind his eyes.
"Seriously Tyr? Now of all times you're gonna ask a question like that?" I nodded at him mentally, even smiling a bit at our foe.
"Yeah.. point is I wish I had a force pull power so I could summon a grenade to my hands. Maybe even the assault rifle."
Fafnir rolled his eyes and gave me a mental slap to the back of the head. "You have a pistol on your hip dumb ass, and if you were a proper jedi you'd have a lightsaber in your coat."
I let my gaze drop just a moment to take in the brilliance of my own idiocy.. and then I drew the gun. Four shots snapped in rapid succession, my gun barely moving from it's holster as I fired from the hip. I could not believe what I saw: The damn beast dodged every single shot. Each bullet passed through a phased image of the creature. Every movement he made ripped at reality in a queer fashion, like his image smeared the air and left a glowing, greasy smoke in his seemingly instantaneous travel. Before I even had time to correct my aim he was behind me. His hand chopped at the back of my head in a snap that cut through the air like a flying piece of cloth.
Fafnir reacted to the fox-man as best he could, parrying the blow aimed at me by uppercutting with Ivan to smack the beast's wrist. The fox withdrew his hand and I rolled away, bringing my gun up and snapping another two shots. Again though my shots zipped through air: this time the accursed prick had leaped over the shots, round house kicked Ivan into Fafnir's face and then kicked back off of Fafnir's body.. pushing Fafnir to the ground while the fox propelled itself into the air and well away from us.
"Fuck! This guy is fast!" Fafnir shouted into my head while he picked himself up off of the ground. I ignored him though, instead throwing my gun to the ground and dashing at the beast with kiem held low. He came at me as well and we both jumped, a savage meeting of blade and fist and fang and claw! We traded blow for blow, constantly weaved around one another and threw the occasional cheap shot. Fafnir came in from behind the fox-man at one point and struck in a downward arch with both of his claws. The fox flipped backwards when Fafnir swung though and while in mid jump kicked him right in the back of the head which pushed him right at me.
This was the killer's mistake. Fafnir let himself fall forward and tugged at me mentally, a split second attack plan based on one crazy move. I jumped up on top of and then over Fafnir. Kicking off of him brought me high enough into the air to get above the fox. I spun my body downward with legs extended and blade flashing down in one blinding moment.
My attack connected like the force of a great and blinding snow gale. Both of my heels smashed down on his shoulders while my movement dropped me in front of him, the kiem's edge of death cutting squarely across the guy's chest. A spray of blood came up in offering to the blade's kiss and coated my hands. He staggered back from the blow and Fafnir charged. He jumped over me, as I was still sitting, with hammer held high. The beast had no chance to dodge the heavy smash that followed in the wake of Fafnir's mighty swing. Again the fox-man was pushed back by our onslaught.. he was cut, bruised and dazed.. we sensed victory was in our grasp.
We were wrong. Fafnir and I charged with weapons ready and swung, but our weapons met the hollow ghost image we were becoming used to seeing. "This thing can fucking teleport Fafnir." We spun around in unison and received a boot to each of our faces. The cloaked warrior had teleported directly behind us into a running gait and we had turned around just in time for it to dropkick us with a boot to the fucking skill.
"Yeah captain obvious.. I noticed the FIRST time she did it." The creature jumped upon us again, a constantly moving cyclone of attacks. She grabbed me by the shoulders while in the air, used me to swing herself around and plant a brutal kick into Fafnir's chest and then threw her body weight at the ground, sending me flying over her shoulders. I was thrown away from her like a shot from a cannon, smashing into one of the many stairways that led from the dome's ground level to the bleachers just above it.
"Aahhk.. he's.. really.. really strong."
Fafnir rebounded from the attack he suffered only to find the creature in the air again. He grabbed my brother while in mid jump like he had grabbed me, but instead of kicking he spun around and braced his legs against Fafnir. 180 degrees of motion later the fox threw his body weight down and kicked Fafnir up. Fafnir was thrown like a rag doll into the bleachers near my stair case and a sick crunch came from his torso when he landed with the grace of a falling whale.
"Fafnir!" I felt it.. our shared mind let me know his pain.. I was grasping my own ribs after he landed.
"I'll.. be alright brother.. just.. kick his ass." I kicked my legs up and twisted my torso, bringing myself to my feet with enough momentum that I could jump and flip backwards down towards the creature again. I had one trick left at this point.. two with my aegis. My quarry sprinted towards me and I at her. I stretched my claws out and flashed them menacingly at her hoping she would take the bait. We both jumped at each other again.. I brought one arm up to block and one arm down so my fist was by my side, open and ready to skewer. I thrust that hand out and she grasped it with one hand while bringing her free arm down on my guard.
Another wet spray of blood come from this bastard's body. I had a tail to work with so dammit I was gonna use it. The blade of my tail came up just over the pelvic region of my enemy, an excellent skewering blow. At this point I also released all of the frozen energy I had built up inside of me. The burst was immense. His wounds froze over in an instant and the clothing he wore stiffened up. There was an obvious blow against his strength as well as the lethal arctic cold that splashed from me froze damn near everything in the vicinity to the core of its mass. I withdrew my tail from him, pulling the deep cut back open, grabbed the creature by it's throat and then lobbed him into a spare podium in a nearby junk pile. The frozen stone stand shattered under the weight of his body toppling on top of it.
I dropped to the ground in a kneeling position and waited. The fell beast was not done with me yet and neither was I done with it. The thing got up from crumbled stone and looked at me.. it's face was totally expressionless and it's mouth moved quickly in a whisper. "Oh.. fuck me."
I sprinted at the chanting fox man but I could not reach him in time to disrupt his spell. He leaped above me, way up into the air and then went completely spread eagle. The energy the creature had woven colleagued into diamond like knife blades, several of them, and they fired at me as if slung at me by an slingshot wielded by Atlas himself. The blades bit deeply into my flesh. I wrapped my arms around my chest to protect my torso and both of them suffered for it. I could even feel my bones cracking as they took blow after blow from the storm of diamond blades.
He landed next to me and though I wished to resist her my torn up body had no more energy to fight with. The beast picked me up by my throat, it's hands only possessed two powerful fingers and a thumb. "Die you brat." The other fist balled up and struck me several times in my gut, the pain of each blow was intense like nothing I had felt before. I could almost feel my stomach collapse. The creature most have sensed this because it ceased it's attacks and flung me like a rag doll into on of the many tables in the room, the strength of her throw put me right through the thing. It seemed to wait for me to stand.. and I sure as hell had no intention to die on anything but my feet... so I stood so I could face oblivion with pride.
"Hey bitch! You forgot about DAS VIKING!" Fafnir shouted to get her attention and we both turned our heads towards him. He was standing further up on the bleachers with one hand held high with palm extended to the sky. In it he held a bolt, a twisting and pulsating orb of white lightning. "Catch."
The coruscating bolt of lightning and fire snaked towards the fox-man at blinding speed. The shot ripped right through it's chest and several other objects behind it until at last the bolt collided with the dome walls. Our foe finally collapsed, the bolt of energy had blown at least one internal organ to pulp. This fight was over.
I collapsed to my knees at this point and took a moment to breathe a breath of relief. My body ached all over, my arms were broken in some places and Fafnir was barely in better shape than I was thanks to that god awful throw into the bleacher chairs. He slowly walked up towards the fox and I and a certain sarcasm and humor overtook him while he spoke silently to me. "Fuck.. this.. I have GOT to find a way to get a paycheck out of this BULLSHIT! I don't care what government agency it comes from or if I have to rob a gas station, I'm done doing this charity crap."
I simply knelt there, blood running down my arms and from my lips. "Fafnir.. I.. I can't move.. finish the job already and lets go."
He was down with us now, but his look was worrisome. "You that hurt?" I nodded and just knelt there, gritting myself against the quickly rising pain.
"My.. ferocity is wearing off.. I'm.. pretty fucked up. Just kill the guy already.." Marco nodded and grabbed my pistol up from the floor and cocked the hammer back, leveling the gun at our enemy's head.
"You know that it's a she right?"
I did the classic cartoon double take, looking at the fox then looking at Marco and then rapidly back to the fox. "What??"
"I only told you two or three times dumbass." Marco grinned and walked up to the beast, lifting her by her throat and throwing her at my knees. Her breaths were short and raspy, her eyes were lacking pupils. I peeled the cloak off of her collarbone and arms, trying to find a non intrusive way to discover this strange revelation.
"Fafnir.. how.. can you tell?" He stepped up beside me and pointed the gun at her head.
"It's in the hips."
His finger went to the trigger, and just before he shot the world bent. Fafnir was no longer standing next to me.. it was a shorter, robbed man with leather armor. The gun he carried made no flash or sound.. for it was not a gun.. but a crossbow. I still was on my knees.. but I was not injured.. no.. I wore the same robes and armor, and my hands held a book.. like a religious text..
I don't think we're in Arkansas anymore Tito.