A life In College, Afterward Part 3: Final's Week, Part 2

Story by Darkvampire95 on SoFurry

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#20 of Life In College

I felt Rel's short soft fur under my fingers for a second, and then she turned to see me crouched behind her. I meet her eyes for a second, but in her eyes I read Don't you fucking dare! and I winked at her.

Then I pushed her into the pool. She went through the air, her short hair bobbing for a second, then she hit the water with a splash.

Another splash caught my eye when Anji felt the need for Cassidy to join Rel in the pool. The fox smacked the water with a splash, and Anji doubled over, his paws on his knees. I held my own stomach now, howling laughter to myself. Rel resurfaced from the water, and flicked her hair. Her ponytail flicked away, and the snow leopard shook her hair out, giving me the evil eye. Rani got smart now, and jumped into the water before Anji or myself got the idea to toss her in as well.

"Thomas you punk!" Rel shot me a look that would have killed. I looked at her, still laughing, but held up a paw.

"So... so..." I paused to let another giggle of laugher sweep over me, and I bent over with Anji now. The wolf and I chuckled, our laughter starting to die away.

"Sorry," I managed to get the word out. Rel shook her hair out again, but then smiled and began to back stroke her way across the pool. Rani and Cassidy both dipped under the water, and Anji let out a long satisfied sigh.

"Well, I'm going in!" he declared. The wolf then jumped over the edge of the pool, and hit the water with a splash. I let the last of my laugher die off, then I jumped in after my friend. I hit the cold water feet first, and let the cold arms of the pool wrap around me. It never felt bad to jump into a cold pool while living in the city of sun.

Under the water the world got calm and quiet, and all I saw was the light blue of the pool, the white sides and the long black lines that ran across the pool bottom. I swam to the pools bottom, trailing the surface with my fingers. I kicked my legs, swimming across the pool bottom. Rel swam near the top of the pool, her tail trailing through the water.

I swam over to the snow leopard, my lungs holding all the air I could need, and pulled at her tail. She was still backstroking the pool surface, but rolled over now, putting her face under the water. She looked at me, and I stuck my tongue out. The snow leopard poked her own tongue at me, then swam under the pool surface. She swam down to where I was, and I ran a paw up Rel's side. Rel came closer to me, then rubbed her nose against mine. I pulled her close to me, then pushed my lips against hers. I felt her lips touch mine, and her tongue instantly began to search for mine. Air filled both our lungs now, and I held Rel against me. The snow leopard wrapped her legs around my waist, and pressed her groin into mine.

That's one thing about Rel that surprises me. We've been together for just shy of two months now, but somehow Rel still found ways to drive me crazy. Wrapping her legs around my waist and pushing her groin to mine was one of them. She would sometimes run her fingers down my spine, the ran a paw down my tail, which made me melt. I'm no dog, but Rel will scratch my head sometimes, which is indescribably satisfying.

Things like playing with me aren't above Rel either. More than once I'll find her paw sneaking over my crotch, or my own paw being led to her sweet spot. Most of the time this happens in class, when others would see. But, thankfully, we've never been caught.

Rel's tongue running over my own brought me back to reality. Her paws were gripping my shoulders, and her eyes were shut. My own eyes were closed, and I breathed another breath for her. She held me tight, lips pressed to mine, her groin attached to my crotch. I was stirring just slightly, and found myself glad I had worn swim shorts instead of something more form fitting.

When she pulled away though, she kicked for the pool surface, and her head broke the rippling water. I stayed under a bit longer, taking a second to run my paws down Rel's leg. Her kicks got a little lighter, and her paws found my short hair. I felt a tug, and kicked for the surface. I came up, taking a light breath, and flicked the water from my hair. Rel playfully shoved my face away, and I wrapped my arms around her waist. She let me pull her to me, and put her forehead against mine.

I rested my forehead on hers, and she gave me a light kiss. I danced my fingers on her back, feeling the silky smooth fur under the water. Rel kicked her legs and I kicked my own, our feet touching in brief moments. I ran my fingers further down her back, then ran both paws down her bottom. I swallowed now, feeling her firm butt beneath my paws.

Then I took a grip on Rel's bottom, and pushed her against me. I heard her gasp, her lips coming open. Her hair was pushed out of her face, and her blue eyes looked at my chest. I squeezed her bottom again, taking another swallow. I was getting horny now, starting to feel the intimacy of having Rel so close to me. Rel stuck her tongue out, just barely licking the tip of my nose. I let out a small quiet moan, and Rel smiled at me. I gripped her bottom harder, feeling her soft cheeks in my paws. Rel let herself push against me, then she quietly said,

"Your such a bad boy."

Oh, that did it. I let my tongue flick briefly out of my mouth, then I dipped under the waters surface again. The cold water refreshed my face and neck, and I ran my paws down Rel's legs. Her paws found my hair again, and give it a light tug. I moaned under the water, my sex firm and hard now, but not quiet pushing out of my swim trunks. I squeezed Rel's wide thighs, again loving the thicker legs she had. I put a paw to her stomach though, and trailed my fingers down to her belly button. I stopped briefly by her belly piercing, a small silver ring, then put my paw to her groin.

The grip on my hair tightened, and I let out another moan. I'd have to come up for air in a few minutes, but I had to stay down for now. I poked a finger into the bottom of Rel's bottom swim piece, then pulled the material away. I saw the sweet folds of her under lips reveling themselves, and remembered the feeling I got when I went down on the girl. It was indescribable. I pulled the material out of the way, then kissed Rel's stomach.

I went down on her fast, and faster than I would have liked. Surely faster than she liked, but I'd need a breath soon. So instead of laying my lips over her smooth bottom folds and savoring it, I gave her a long lick, then kicked the surface.

I came up, pushing my hair off my forehead. Rel let out a gasp when I put my face near hers, and she pressed her lips to mine in an eager, hungry kiss. I'd gotten her warmed up now, playing around with her in the water. Rel pulled away from my lips quickly, then practically pushed me back into the water.

More than happy to go, I took a breath and went back to her sweet under lips. I ran my tongue over them again, and this time put my lips over her slit. I started to run my tongue up and down her sweet folds, savoring the way it made me feel. Rel gripped my hair tightly now, and put her legs around my shoulders. I raked my tongue up and down her folds, feeling the metallic taste on my tongue. I pushed Rel's slit against my mouth, my paws pressed against her bottom again. She pushed her own groin to my face, the snow leopard's paws working my hair into knots.

I gave Rel's folds a long kiss now, pressing my lips firmly to her. Above the water I hoped she was keeping a fairly straight face, since I couldn't see her. I squeezed Rel's bottom in my paws, working my lips and tongue over her sweet folds. I took a paw from her bottom now and ran it up her stomach, then to her breast. I squeezed her breast in my paw, giving her another long lick before coming away for air.

Breaking the pool surface I took a long breath. Rel was breathing heavier now, and she wrapped her arms around me, pressing her groin to mine.

"No ones looking," she told me quietly.

I nodded, and kissed her lips briefly.

"You wanna keep going?" I asked her in a soft voice.

"Uh," Rel let a moan drip from her mouth, and pulled me closer to her. "Is your roommate in right now?"

"Probably not," I said with a smile. Getting dried off and taking Rel back to my dorm instantly sounded good to me, and I kissed her again. Rel kissed me back, pressed her paws to my back. Her legs were wrapped around my waist again, and I felt her give me just the smallest hump. I swallowed, my lips still pressed to Rel's, then we pulled away.

"The dorm it is," I said with a smile. I dipped under the water again, and started to swim back to the pools far edge. Rel followed me, and I pulled myself out of the water, shaking my hair. Rel stayed down just a second longer, then came back up when she'd covered herself. I went to find two towels, and Rel started back to the bleacher.