The Guardians Shadow ch6

Story by Tootall on SoFurry

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#5 of The Guardians Shadow


CH 6

"He seems to be coming around." Someone says. The hunter slowly opens his eyes, only to shut them quickly.

"Would someone please get that light out of my eyes!" He says in a harsh tone. The sound of shutters being closed are heard and the hunter opens his eyes again to a darker room. The shutters had been pulled only on the windows behind him and not next to the general. When he looks around he sees that he is in a hospital room. The general is sitting in a chair in the corner with a glass of something in his hand, and a nurse on his left holding a clipboard to her chest.

Judging by how intense the light was through the window he must have been out of action for a day or so. He hears the sound of ice clinking around in a glass and looks at the general.

"I know what your thinking and you've been out of it for at least two days." He then turns to the nurse and she nods.

"That's right. You took a pretty good knock to the head. You've got several stitches in your head so try not to scratch at them." Nodding to the nurse he reaches up with his left hand and can feel a large bandage on his top of his head. He lets his arm fall back to his side and sinks a little deeper into the bed and closing his eyes he takes a long sigh.

"I must say you had us all worried when you didn't check in after that thing was destroyed." He slowly opens his eyes again to look at the general. "That's right, everyone at the command center were watching the fight. After the thing was destroyed we awaited your call in for conformation on the kill but when none came we began to worry." He gives him a nod then looks over to his left at a table that has a plastic glass and pitcher on it. Quickly reaching over he snatches the glass off he table and drinks the thing down in one go.

"So what exactly happened down there?" The hunter places the plastic glass back on the table then tells him what happened. "I see. Well that is certainly interesting."

"What do you mean general?" The man sets down the glass he had just finished on a table that he hadn't seen and looked him right in the eye.

"I'm just surprised that a creature of that size would actually explode like that. And why that thing is sticking around." The hunter looks around only to see that no-one else is within the room. The general throws a thumb over his shoulder and it points to the only window. He slowly turns his head to the window to be shocked at the sight of the same black Renamon sitting on the sill outside the window. It had one leg propped up on the sill and the other hanging down off it. It seemed to be looking out over the horizon as if seeing something that he could not.

"Not only that but I think this belongs to you." He turns back to the general only to see him pull something out from within his jacket. The then throws something at him and he catches it out of the air. It feels like a box that you would put a nice bracelet into or a watch to give to someone on their birthday. When he opens his hands he is shocked to see a Digivice. The thing is black in color with purple buttons and the same for the border around the screen.

"What makes you so sure that this thing belongs to me?" He asks in a disbelieving tone.

"When the rescue team finally arrived, and yes they recovered your bike, they found you unconscious with a major gash on your head and that thing on your chest." The general pointed to him, indicating the device that he was holding. "That thing outside showed up a little later once we brought you in here." Just then he saw the Renamon look at the general over it's shoulder and give him a snarl. Obviously not happy with the comment that the general had just said.

This caused him to smile. "Alright that's enough. I'm going to have to ask you to leave now general. He needs his sleep." Nodding to the nurse, the general collected his glass and walked over to the hunter.

"Don't relax to much in here. I expect you back in business A.S.A.P." He clapped him on the leg and gave him a wave over his shoulder as he turned and exited the room. The nurse fussed over him for a little while then she too left. Just as he was about to drift off he hears the soft footfalls of someone walking towards him.

"How is it that a lowly human can kill a Graymon of that size where I could hardly even scratch him?" Some lady said in a somewhat dark and serious tone. "Just looking at you it makes me sick to think that you killed that thing and not only that but you saved my life. If I had my way I would kill you for injuring my pride like that." The sound of popping knuckles could be heard. "But no, thanks to that device I can not injure or harm you. Worst yet I have to follow your orders from now on."

This was bad. Here was another one of those things and it was here to kill him. Just then what the thing had said started to sink in. Because of the digivice, this thing couldn't harm him. So he thought that the better part of valor he sat up in bed and faced the creature only to realize that it was the Renamon from earlier. It's fur looked a lot better and it looked like it had taken a bath at some point, since it's fur wasn't coated with it's blood anymore.

The Renamon obviously wasn't expecting this and quickly jumped back and got into a fighters stance and narrowed it's eyes. The two of them just stared at each other for a while until the Renamon started to relax a little then stood upright again. "So are you going to say something or just stare at me?" It said as it placed it's three fingered hands on it's hips.

This seemed to snap the hunter out of his stupor and he took a closer look at the creature. From it's voice and figure he could almost pick out that it might be feminine, but he wasn't sure. Normally he didn't care about such things but something about this creature was almost like it drew his attention in. Finally after a while he shook his head, "I know that I have many questions for you but I think that most of them are probably going to make you angry." This also caught the Renamon off guard as it seemed to smirk then laugh.

"Well wonders never cease. A human that actually has a brain instead of just mush in that big head of yours, what a find." The Renamon simply walked over to where the general had previously had been sitting and took a seat. It must have wanted to avoid sitting on it's tail as the tail swished around and lay on it's lap. "So tell me oh great hunter, do you have a name or do you just go by Hunter?"

It had been so long since he had even thought about it that he didn't really even remember the name his parents had given him. Once he had been trained in by the Hunter organization, he was told that his previous name was now irrelevant, and from that day forward he was to carry on the name and brand of the Hunter.