Chapter 13

Story by Will785 on SoFurry

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#13 of All Alone

Hi everyone! This one was tough to write, but I hope you like it.

Chapter 13

Skylar p.o.v

I hopped on the bus feeling anxious. I was gonna do something really stupid and I was really nervous. But I was determined to do it, I needed to help Ryan. I could tell he missed being with his dad, even though he said he was a jerk. He had told me before about all the stuff he did with his dad, if it was fixing some old car or just watching a football game, they were close. Which is what I'm gonna tell his dad.

The bus dropped me off about a half mile away from the house. I was getting a worse and worse feeling about this, but I go anyway, I can't see Ryan this sad anymore, I know he hides it, but I heard him the other day in his room crying softly, I didn't want him to be embarrassed but I knew I had to try to do something. I looked at the stone path before me and looked at the familiar house it lead to. I'd been here many times and this probably isn't the most nervous I've been walking up this path, but with every step I wanted to turn back. I know something is going to go wrong, but I keep going. I look at the big brown door before me, hesitate for a second, and finally knock on the door. I wait and the door slowly opens. I see Ryan's father, I wasn't expecting what I saw.

He looked tired, like he hadn't slept in days, his eyes red from crying and he looked like part of him had just been ripped away from him. "Hello." He said to me, quietly and sadly. "Hello," I said back, "can I talk to you about something?" He nodded, "Please, come in." I followed him through the hallway to a living room. "Sit down, you don't need to be so nervous." He said, I looked at him, "How can you tell I'm nervous?" I asked him, he let a small smile show on his face, "You're shaking." He said "Can I get you something?" I was indeed shaking, I tried to calm down and sat down, "No, thank you." I said. He sat down in a chair across from me. "Before you say anything," he says to me, "I just want to say that I regret every word I said to him." I nod, "Well he doesn't know I'm here" I say, "I was actually coming to see if you'd want to have him back home. He has been upset and I think he misses you." He looked down, "My little Ryan..." He said to himself. He looked back at me, "Please tell him that he can always live here and that I love him." I know he is genuinely sorry, "I'll definitely tell him." I say, he nods back to me. "Thank you."

After I left I was happy, Ryan was going to be happy again, and his happiness is all that matters to me. I walked back to the bus stop and waited, I checked my phone while I was waiting, I had a few messages from Ryan, mostly the just said where are you? I replied, "I'm coming home now, don't worry." He answered back immediately. "Ok, I'll see you when you get home." I put my phone back in my pocket, I'm really excited to see how happy Ryan will be.

Zach p.o.v

I sat at the dinner table quietly while my parents are talking about a dinner party they are going to tonight. I wait for them to stop talking. When they finally do I look over to my parents, "Uhh... Guys?" I say they look over at me, "I kinda have this problem at school and I was wonderi-" my dad cuts me off. "Are you getting picked on?" He asks. "Kind of," I say, "I'm just-" he groans, "Look son, you need to man up and face this on your own." I look over to my mom, she is on her phone. Probably didn't hear any of what I tried to say. I try to hold it in, but I've put up with this for too long. "Can you guys just help me for once?!" I half yell, "I ask you for one thing, and it's like you don't even care!" My mom looks up, "Watch your tone!" She says, my father glares at me, "We are trying to help you," he says, I look at him, astounded, "Are you kidding?" I ask, "I can't think of one time you have been there for me, can you?" He looks stumped, "I'm done." I say. I get up from the table and walk out the front door. I turn around and look through the window, neither of them has moved. But I'm not going to stop, I'm just gonna keep going, but where? I think for a minute, then I remember, my cousin lives in the next town over, I'll just take the bus and see if I can stay there for a while. I see the bus pulling up to the stop. I jog over and get on, I am surprised to see Skylar on the bus, he doesn't see me, he is looking at his phone. I walk over to the seat next to his, I tap on his shoulder, he looks up. "Oh hey!" He says with a smile. "Hey!" I say back, "What are you doing on the bus?" I ask. "Just had to take care of something." He says, "what about you?" "I just walked out on my parents, I couldn't take them not listening and not helping anymore, so I'm going to my cousins house." He looked at me, "I'm sorry, well if you ever need anywhere to stay, you can stay with me." He said. "Seems like everyone wants to leave home and live with me." He says, we laugh at this for a minute. "Thanks, I'll keep it in mind!" I say. The bus stops, Skylar gets up. "Well, good luck!" He says. I'll see you at school if not before then!" "Thanks! See ya later!" I say and he gets off the bus and walks to his house. I wait by myself now for the driver to get to the stop at the end of town, when we get there I thank him and get off the bus. I am almost at my cousins house.

When I finally get there I knock on the door, he opens it up, "Hey cuz!" He says, "What's going on?" "Hi, I say "I'm sorry about not calling or anything, I was hoping I could sleep here for a while." He looked confused, "Why?" He asked, "Because my parents don't help me with anything and they don't listen, I'm just so tired of it." He nods, "I understand. Well you can stay here as long as you like." He says. "Thank you so much," I say "I owe you one." He grins. I follow the husky into another bedroom. "You can stay in here." He says, "Thanks again!" I say as he walks out. It's not the nicest house, but he's only in college, and I'm not complaining, he has been close with me for a long time, and I'm glad he's letting me stay. I lie down in the bed and try to fall asleep, I wonder what my parents are doing, probably leaving for that dinner party or whatever they were going to do tonight. Not gonna let their son leaving ruin their good time. I sigh, I just want them to care.

Ryan p.o.v

I'm getting nervous, Skylar has been. Gone for like 45 minutes and he didn't tell me when he left, or where he was going or anything. At that moment he walked through the door, "Hi!" He said, he sounded excited, "Hi." I said, "where were you?" His ears folded back, "I'm sorry I didn't tell you, but I went and talked to your dad!" "You what!" I said astonished, "And he wants you to come home!" I look at him, the smile on his fave slowly goes away, his tail stops wagging. "What's wrong?" He asks, "Don't you wanna go back?" "No!" I say, "I don't! The things he said and did are unforgivable!" Skylar looked sad, "But he is really sorry, and you guys were so close. I think you should give him another chance." He says. "I don't care if he's sorry and I don't care if you think I should give him another chance! You didn't hear the things he said! Why would you go talk to him?" "I just thought you were sad... I wanted to see you happy again." "I just don't understand why you would do it after I told you how much I hate him!" I shouted, Skylar was getting a little angry, "You don't have to yell, it's not helping." He said, "I don't need your help, I can do this on my own!" I said back. He looked shocked, "I can't believe you, always trying to be the stronger person, but you have to understand you need help!" He yelled "And that's all I'm trying to give you! But if you don't want it... Fine. You don't need me, and I guess that's it." He said quietly, "Did we just break up?" I asked him quietly. He looked at me, "I don't know Ryan. I'm just... so mad at you right now." I nodded, "Well, I guess that's it then." I said. And with that, I walked out the door of his house, and got into my car. I leaned my head on the steering wheel and cried, I couldn't help it. Tears rolled down my cheeks and I felt more hopeless than ever before, I started the car and drove away, and as I passed Skylars house, I saw tears in his eyes as he watched me through his window. I pulled into the parking lot of a 24 hour pharmacy and parked there for the night. I'll try to sleep and I'll figure out the rest tomorrow, when I can think clearly, because right now, I just feel a numb emptiness. I curl up in the backseat, tears still soaking the fur near my eyes, and fell asleep.