Innocent Bonds Page 3
As We left off from the chapter 2 of this story, Keino came back again from his last disappearance as he had died.
But his aura, and personality is different, as it emits cold, and dark.
He attacks by grabbing Joe by the neck, and the others swoop in to save the pup.
Innocent Bonds Part 3
After the while of knowing and witnessing my older brother's death at when he was killed by the Voice Man, we thought it was over for Keino but till he came back in a few weeks after his death.
He was different in his clothing, the eyes are cold, and dark as he gives a strange, and scary sensation. I turn my face away for a bit till I was alerted by LT, but it wasn't enough time as I look back and instantly I see my brother in front of me as he quickly snatch me by my neck, lifting me up.
I held on to his arm, and look into his eyes, as he's very different, and cold-hearted, like... death had changed him. But even though knowing that he's holding me by the neck, it doesn't feel life-threatening as his grip on his hand is just holding me and just paralyzing me there.
Keino then let go of me as I fell on the ground due to LT, Gus, And Sebek rush in and attack Keino together but my brother is somehow faster than all of them as he dodged their attacks.
"Keino! What the fuck is wrong with you?! Why you're doing this?!" As I shouted out to Keino, he doesn't say anything for a bit, as he seem bitter, and angered by the interferences of my friends, and team. LT turn to me and started to check if I'm all right and no hurt.
"Pup, Are you ok? He didn't hurt you, didn't he?" I nodded that I'm fine and ok. Then LT looks at my older brother and says to me while he facing toward my cold older brother.
"I don't know what's going on with your brother, but his aura is different, it's... just dark. I don't know if his death changed him or what, but we got to do something before he can try to attack again."
I got myself up, and get into position before my older brother can do anything.
"We got to do something to help him, or relax him. I see a strange negative point coming from his heart, like something is controlling his body..
I'm going to remove that shit out of him! Everyone! We need to hold Keino so I can try to heal him, I think that's the only way!" shouting to everyone, and making sure everyone is prepared and ready for my brother.
As Keino had nudge his head, he cracks his neck side to side, as he looks towards us, after the moment of silence, his mouth starts to move as he yells out to us.
"I came for you, Joe! I'm here to take you back with me, your fate is connected to mine, and I won't let these fools get in my way!"
Gus, and Sebek rush in on Keino in trying to detain him, but Keino suddenly moved a inch, avoiding Gus's grip, and then he fists my pal in the face, knocking him to the ground, as in a mil-a-second, he grabbed Sebek's arm, and flip him over as he landed on Gus.
But then Sebek got himself back up quickly, and trying to land a kick to Keino's back, but somehow Keino had stopped Seb's kick, as he grabs on tight and swirls the crocodile around as fast like a tornado, as he then let go of Sebek, sending him flying toward the woods, knocking down as possible as like 30 trees at once, as Sebek was knocked out from that landing he received from my older brother.
Gus strikes again on Keino, only leaving a small cut on his face from Gus's Heaven, and Hell Guns, which Keino chuckles at Gus's efforts in trying to beat him. My brother grabbed Gus's hand, and twisted it thus breaking his wrist resulting Gus to yell and scream in pain from the injury, but the pain continues as then Keino smashes Gus's face as he pushed him back, and delivers a fatal kick into the unfortunate tiger's chest.
Sending Gus flying toward the boulders in a distance, after impacting into the rock, left a small crack rip in Gus's chest. Gus struggles a bit to try to hold on to his life.
"Hehe... You want some of this, fat cat? I will do worse to you if you don't hand over my brother this instant! I don't have the time to play with you mother-fuckers. So be smart, and give me my pup brother... NOW!" Keino threatened LT, as the big tiger stands in front of me, refusing in giving me up to my brother.
"LT... No... Do what he says, and go... Get the others out of here and to the hospital, Leave ME!" as I said those words to LT, the big lug refuses still, and readies himself to take on Keino.
"I will never abandon you. Not now, not ever.. I will protect you." as LT spoke to me, I smile a bit, so I got next to LT, and ready to help him in taking on my older brother.
"Then let's take him on together, Lightning and Fire has always been a good combination for so long, so let's show it to him."
As both me and LT charge for the attack, Keino keeps dodging our attacks, as he moves on spot, to another. LT was able to land a hit on my brother with the energy claws, but Keino doesn't seem to slow down from that hit.
Keino lunges at LT with the Heat Fist, but LT blocked the hit with his energy bolt barriers. But the hold won't last as the bolts are draining more energy from LT's body. In a moment, the bolts started to diminishing, as Keino pulled a trick and hit LT with his Flame Wheel kick in which pushing LT back, as before he can react, Keino's speed somehow gave him the advantage as he hit LT with a strange new attack in disabling LT's power flow, the effects of that attack had made the big tiger light headed as he fell down.
As I'm the only one left to defend myself, I stand back a bit, as difficult my brother had become, his powers are different, and much dark.
Keino gave me a look with smirk on his face, as he slowly walks toward me.
"Did you see that?.. On how I managed to beat them all, and put them down? They didn't listen to me... Like mom tried to take you away from me... like that bitch had tried to send me away!
I interrupted his speech as I used my heat fist on Keino, as it connect to his face, but later, he turn his face to me, and held my fist in his grips, as he pushes my hand back a bit.
"That's not a good thing to do, especially to your older brother, the one who cared for you, and loved you... I taught you these moves, and you dare raise your hands at me?.."
He grabbed my other hand, and started to pull me in, as he got close to my face, as his nose touches mine, seeing closer to his eyes, he started to say more to me as his eyes become dazing and low feeling..
"You wouldn't harm your big brother... I merely came to just take you back home with me.. Just relax your thoughts, and give in... hug your older brother, and let's go home... fighting is done.."
His eyes are seem to be hypnotizing me into lowering down my guard, and come freely with him, I nodded it off, and try to resist the spell and his grip on me.
"No...No.. Stop it!.. LET GO!.." as Keino seems displeased as his power is having low effect on me, in next he had no choice but to knock me out in order to take me away, he placed his hand on my neck, and gave a tight squeeze as I felt week, and instantly was knocked out as everything had black out.
I wouldn't know what would happen next, but to me, it's not good.. Why would Keino changed, and why he could come after me and force me to go with him?..