#1 of Trip to Canada
A sequel to Through the Airport that is set just before Newspapers training. It's part of this serie of stories I wrote about what could happen if I met Fiona's parents.
Loupy followed his grandfather to one of the handicaped toilet while his mommy followed the grandmother to the other one. "You sure are in need of a change, puppy. Not kidding." said the cat, getting the wolf to blushes. "Let's get this dress up, Puddlepup" ordered Tyler while preparing the supplies. Loupy did as ordered, leaning down and holding the dress up.
The black cat removed the cloth diaper, the two diapers and the stuffer before starting to cleans him with warm wipes. "Must have been a long trip, Puddlepup, how are you doing ?" asked Tyler. "Huff... I'm not a puddle pup." answered Loupy. "The fact you leaked on your legs tells another story." was the reply. The young canine crossed arms and pouted but couldn't deny it.
"It was a long trip, I slept some of it but I feel a bit sore and my tummy feel weird." He finally said. "That jetlag, your mommy must likely feel same. Don't worry, we will put you both to nap once at home so you can rest and such. I have also this for you." said the feline holding a bottle of pineappel juice. "Thanks for the baba, grandpa." said the wolf. "But I don't take naps, they are for babies."
"Say the one who is in diapers." said Tyler. "Grandpa is in padding too, and I can smell he is quite wet too, so you aren't in position to tease." answered the pup. "Huff !" said the adult as he was double diapering and powdering the young. Once done he lets the wolf enjoy his babybottle while he gets himself changed. Then both of them head out and reunited with the two ladies who were done with Fiona's change. Loupy had been leashed once he got out of the toilets and it seems his mommy was too.
"Mommy has only one diaper" said Loupy poking under Fiona's dress. "Mommy wets less than you or grandpa, sweetie." said grandma Peggles. Both huffed in response before the family headed to the rented car to head home. The luggage was quickly loaded and the two european pups could see they had special seats waiting for them in the back.
A big baby seat was waiting for Loupy, and he was quickly sets and secured inside it. Straps crossing at his tummy, a bit tight on his diapers, he wouldn't be getting out of this without help, which was kinda the point. He pouted a bit, but it was kinda his habit, once sets in while his mommy discovered that she had a kid booster seat waiting for her. "Mommmmyyy' she said, but the older canine didn't let her get away with it and she was soon strapped too alongside the other baby.
"Now, the finishing touches." Peggy give both cubs a pacifier tied with a little ribbon to their clothes and a plushie. Fiona had a wolf diapered plushie that she immediatly named Puddlepup and Loupy had a chocolate dog plushie that he named Cuddlepup. "My Cuddlepup has training pants, not like the real one." teased the wolf. "Huff !" was the only reply.
By the time they got to their home, the two puppies were completly asleep in their seats, their plushies barely holding to their laps. Loupy was drooling a bit around his pacifier while Fiona was snoring a bit. "Awww, aren't they adorable ?" said the dog. "They sure are." said the cat, taking pictures with his phone before they started to unload the luggages. They left the puppies sleep until they were the only thing left in the car.
Then Peggy picked up Loupy and Tyler picked up Fiona and took them in, the two cubs waking up slowly in their arms. They entered the house by the garage and Loupy spotted a doggy bed in the dust, thrown away in a corner with his name on it. "Am I going to sleep here ?" shivering in the unheated garage, wetting himself as he did. "Of course not sweetie. We just dropped the bed while unloading and forgotten it here. We wouldn't let any of you sleep in such condition." said the female dog while petting him to reassure him.
The were taken to a room with a sign written "Fiona's nursery" and featuring a silhouette dog changing a silhouette wolf. Inside was a white crib filled with plushies, wall decorated with My Little Pony characters, a changing table and lots of toys for girl. And a bunch of boardgames pilled behind a tv with many consoles. "You'll be sharing the crib." said Tyler. "But I wanted a big girl bed, daddy. Puddlepup can have the crib." said Fiona. "Sorry sweetie, daddy and I think that you aren't ready yet to have a big girl bed." said Peggles while leaning down her charge in the crib. "You not gonna see more of the house for now, both of you are of to nap." said the cat.
"I don't need a nap." said both pups while sets inside the crib. "Don't be naughty or you are off to a spanking you two." said the feline. The two pups finally leaned down and got a kiss on their front each from both parents before the curtains were closed, a mobile showing little stars on the walls was started and a soft lullaby drifted the two pups cuddling together to dreamy land.