Chapter 12

Story by Will785 on SoFurry

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#12 of All Alone

Hello! Sorry for being a little late, but this is really the set up for a big chapter I've decided, so get ready! I hope you like it, don't forget to leave feedback, tell me if I make mistakes, I want this to be a good story, so I've gotta fix the mistakes! Can't wait to hear from you all!!^^

Chapter 12

Skylar p.o.v

I got up for school and walked over to the bathroom to get a quick shower, but when I got there I heard the water water was already running. "Ryan must already be in there..." I think to myself, I'm about to walk away when I hear something else coming from the room. It's Ryan, singing softly to himself. I am surprised, I've never heard him sing, but he is really talented. I lean against the wall and listen to him sweetly sing the lyrics to a song I don't know. When he finally finishes the song and steps out of the bathroom he jumps back in surprise. "God Skylar! I thought you were still asleep." He said, I smiled, "Why didn't you tell me you could sing?" I asked him. He blushed "You heard that!?" He yelled, not angry, just embarrassed. I laughed a little, "You sound fantastic! Why are you hiding that kind of talent?" He shrugged and smiled shyly. "Never really thought I was any good." I smiled at him, "You're amazing." He looked away, but I knew he was really happy. Suddenly an idea came into my head, "You should sing at the spring kick-off!" I said, he looked at me again, "What is that?" he asked, I had forgotten he hasn't been here very long. "It's like a big school event before spring break starts." I explained, "It's a lot of fun and they let people do stuff on stage and have a good time!" He laughs a little, "I don't know Sky..." He says, "Pleeease!" I beg, "For me!" He sighs, "Maybe, I'll have to think about it." I smile at him, "You should, you're really good." I say. He smiles back.

We got ready for school, which was pretty much like any other day, and finally drove over to the school. The ride was kind of quiet, I think Ryan is still a little upset about being kicked out. From what I'd heard before it happened, his dad seemed like a cool guy. But he obviously had no tolerance and didn't want Ryan to be a part of his family, but I don't know how it's affecting Ryan. He is so independent, he doesn't really tell me how he feels, but I don't want to pry answers out of him if he doesn't feel comfortable telling me, it's his choice. I look over at him, he looks back and smiles. I don't know what to think. But maybe I can try to fix it.

Zach p.o.v

I walked through the doors of school, looking over my shoulder for Alex, I am scared, but I'll never let him know it. I can't give him that kind of power over me. I still feel stiffness all over my body, I'll need to readjust to walking around again, I'm a little sore, but not hurt enough to get out of school. Even if I was my parents would probably send me anyway, I don't know what their problem is. I have tried so hard to make them proud of me, and they never care. That's really why Alex scares me, he can do whatever he wants, and they won't care enough to get involved. He could just kill me, and they probably wouldn't notice for a couple of days.

But that doesn't matter now. I've got my friends back, they have forgiven me for the horrible things I've done and they have my back now, and I have theirs. But I don't have to worry about that now because I haven't seen Alex and I got to first period, a class we don't share. I let out a quick sigh of relief. I'm safe for now.

Ryan p.o.v

We pull up the school's parking lot and get out of the car. We walk up the steps in silence, I'm glad for the quiet, I really need to think through what has happened to my life in the past few days. I lost my family and moved in with Skylar. Not what I thought was going to happen this week... I'm so lucky to have him, he let me stay with him in his time of need. I never want to go back to my dad, he was horrible and now he is in the past, I don't have to deal with him anymore. I need to look at this positively, it's all a good thing, and it's all happening for a reason. I'm not sure what I believe in, but I do believe everything happens for a reason. I look over at Skylar, he seems deep in thought also. We keep walking to class. Out of no where Skyler gives me a kiss and looks into my eyes. "I love you." He says, I smile a little, I pull him in for a hug, "Love you too," I say, "I'll never let go." He hugs back. I grip him tighter, he is my family now, and I couldn't be happier.