Countdown to a New Chapter
#15 of Poems
With less than six months to go before I end my contract with the Army, I reflect on how my future decisions will shape where I go.
So many pages turned, so many more left untouched
The epic storylines of our lives, moments hurried, moments rushed
Times where we knew not when or why we followed a trail
What we might accomplish, how it would weigh on the scale
Some of us chose new directions, broke from the norm
While others stayed in comfort, embracing the warm
Those that fought for their country, their rights, their beliefs
Others who supported their friends and provided relief
We all have our books, the novels ever being written
Of our lives and even of the lovers to which we were smitten
Though some chose to live alone, it did not diminish
The critical potential for importance of the impact of its finish
Yet this is not about them, but rather, the closing of a chapter
Where one journey of our life ends, we pursue the ever after
Time to take a pause and admire the stark reality of the moment
When a diverging fork in the road provides us a golden token
The coin will permit us one shot at making a decision
So we look at our targets, choose one and aim with precision
Not knowing what the future holds, we fire with tenacity
And, for my future, I will fire the entire magazine's capacity
For my time in this Army is coming to a close, a defining end
Where the last signature on my paperwork will certainly send
My future on a new route, one involving college and new friends
One where I explore the mysteries of life, as well as who I really am
Because just as much as we write our books with the choices we make
We never know the true ending our course in life will take
And so, we put each word down and stomp the end of a day
With a period or exclamation mark, maybe even a question
A recollection of our perception of the conception of today
Remember that while one chapter ends, another is waiting in its stead
That finishing one portion of your life is just the beginning of more
This pattern of life continues forever until each individual is dead
So take every breath with a purpose, every step with meaning
Each decision in life, make it mean something, for every second is fleeting
Your story in this book could end without even the slightest of warning
So when you sleep and again rise, take joy in the morning
For again, you have the opportunity to impact the world with your story
So stand tall like a soldier, fight on, drive on, and conquer your life with glory.