Tugan Tails: Tugan Lake
#1 of Tugan Tails
his is a new story that I came up with recently. Kind of goes along wit hmy first story -ever-, Darkest Lust.. in the fact that the characters have certain animals that follow them around. However this story will eventually get finished, and they will have some good, some not so good things happen to them while out and about.
They used to say, that whenever someone got their animal, they were complete. That their life could or would not be any better without the animal that had chosen them. These are the four legged. They come in many shapes and sizes, species and colours.. as we all do. Only, we are the two legged. We look as animals do, but we can talk to one another and walk only on two legs, rather then four. Our senses are not as great as theirs, but we make pretty good teams. Always on reaching adulthood, we are met with our animal. It could be a fox, or a bear.. or it could be in similar like and colour to ourselves already. When getting your animal, you just have to wait. There are no special tactics or ways to get your animal. Some are born knowing what animal they will have.. others may save the creature somewhere and become bonded with it. The Bond, now that is something worth watching. There is normally this white light that shines brightly to the skies, almost like calling something down do them as they meet eyes. Though there are other times where there is a 'spark' some say that happens, when they touch. All these are amazing things, though.. none more amazing then being a shape-shifter. They are treated higher then any archer or warrior of the lands, as they can shift into animals and hide, normally taking on their own selves on four legs instead of two. It has been many years however since the last shape-shifter was born, but there is talk of another. This is her story.
"Mark!" Arrows were raised. "Aim!" Arrows were pointed, waiting to hit the center of their targets. "FIRE!" Arrows were let go. One by one hitting their mark. Hitting stone on wood, fast.. but silent through the air as they need to be on the hunt. A Doe turned and set up her marker again. Her eyes fixated on her target, a slow moving marker. Her ears lay flat on her head, her eyes slightly closing. She brought the bow to her shoulder, lifting it high as she aimed. The butt of the arrow lightly grazing her cheek before she let it fly. It flew through the air, turning slightly as the breeze tried to take it off its mark. Cheers sounded. It hit.
"Good job Kimi! Normally you can't hit for crap.." A Clydesdale spoke out from down the line. "Yeah well, I am a Cleric.. no real need for bows, but I figured I would try it out at least once." She gave a grin before bowing to her teacher and returning the bow. She moved over to where the horse now sat, just next to a willow tree, "So, Micha. You excited about Sunday?" She asked, ears perking now. He looked around the line a few moments before answering her. "Yeah actually, I heard that one of us could be the shape-shifter. Seems like they plan on putting us out in groups to travel to Tugan Lake." He bit into a root treat, his chewing stopping before it even began as he looked to his friend once more. "What?" Kimi shook her head, "They can't be serious.. Tugan lake it like, a four months walk almost from here!" Micha shrugged, "Hey, if you have an issue with it, talk to the big guy in charge." Kimi just crossed her arms and lay back against the tree.
Both their ears perked as a name was called out of the line. Kaeryn. She was a irregular mixture of sorts, being one of the few hybrid that lived in the village. She had the head and face of a wolf, her ears were as big as a fennec foxes and had the tail of a fox too. Her markings were probably the weirdest, as they took the look of a wild dog, not seen in their parts for a long time. Mixtures of black, white and tan. She however, was one of the better ones at fighting, with any weapon. Her strongest point however, was the bow and arrow.
Kaeryn stepped out of line, once her name had been called. She was dressed in all leather, from head to toe. She wore boots instead of shoes that were normally worn for archers, and a bit heavier built chest piece, made herself. She moved with ease to her spot, her own bow along her back. She raised it up into her paws, then quick like lightning, all three arrows she was given hit their mark. She was not one to need lessons on archery, but she was there to teach the new ones a thing or two.
"Keep your eyes open at all times, I know a few of you who keep closing them, not wanting to see where the arrow hits.. if it hits a deer, do not worry. If it hits your friend.." She looked over to a young fox boy, aiming his bow not right in the right direction. She lightly touches the arrowhead, moving his bow downward. "Then you may worry." She took a few more steps, away from the line.
"Mark!" Arrows were raised once again. "Aim!" Arrows were pulled back, some shaky, others were quite steady. "FIRE!" Arrows shot. Most missing their mark but one. The little fox boy.
"Maaaan, I am starting to get tired of all these classes." Kaeryn rubbed at her head. No hair lay there, she was known as 'bald' to most, because she did not have a set of hair as most did around, she was born without. "You do know you can come to Tugan Lake right? You are on the list to go." Kimi spoke up, as Micha and Kaeryn both stretched out at the side of the tree. It had been a few hours since the class had ended, now they are just relaxing before they get summoned to the circle, so see who is going to the lake and who is not. "I know I am on the list, and I would love to go. But I will be the only one without a companion. Mina died, remember?" She looked to Kimi, who bowed her head. "Yes I remember, it was a really good hunt though.. she was a great eagle too." All three nodded then bowed their heads. Anytime a missing or a deceased companion was mentioned, they would do so out of respect.
Micha suddenly raised up his hoofed paw, "I heard it! The horn!" He stood and wiped the grass from his pants before lending a hand to Kimi. Kaeryn he ignored, as per usual. "M'lady, may I escort you to the circle?" He grinned widely. "Yes you may!" She almost squeaked out.
Kaeryn just walked, shaking her head. "Lets see what all this is about."