preview of story in progress: sleepwalker

Story by LAF on SoFurry

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just a little snippet of my story I'm working on. ^^

The three of them had me pinned down. One holding my arms, one holding my legs, and the little one sitting on my back. I couldn't move. Tracy ran towards me in an attempt to help, but I shouted "stay back" and he froze. "I have to do this alone", I told him, "don't worry, I'l be back" I mustered up a weak smile, knowing what my future was. My gaze went up to the fourth one, different from the other three. He crouched down to stare at me. his dark, featureless face looming only inches above mine. And as he stared deeply into my soul, i stared deeply into his. and like the ominous void that was his face, everything went black.