Chapter 8

Story by Will785 on SoFurry

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#8 of All Alone

Hello! I'm so sorry again about the slow updates, I'm just dealing with a lot right now. As always rate, comment, you know... The usual. I hope you guys like the story, it really means a lot hearing from you all, so yea, enjoy!^^

Chapter 8

Skylar p.o.v

I don't know what to think anymore. How could my two only friends just turn on me like that? Especially Ryan, he seemed so loyal, so trustworthy. Not anymore. I wasn't angry with either of them, I don't know how I'm supposed to feel, but angry wouldn't describe the way I think about all of this. I don't know how to handle it either, I miss both of them really badly, but they hurt me. I'm just confused at the moment.

I pace around my room trying to figure out what I have to do. I can't think of anything, figures, I never really was the greatest at solving problems. But I knew I would have to stand strong this time. I had to clear things up with my friends.

Ryan p.o.v

I walked up the front steps of the hospital and went into Zach's room. He looked at me as I walked in, and looked away quickly in shame. "I'm so sorry..." He said quietly, "I'm here as your friend Zach. You don't need to apologize." I said softly. "But what happened?" I asked, I want to know what put him in the hospital. He took a deep shaky breath. "Someone made me do it..." He said. "What are you talking about?" I asked, "Please just listen, I need to tell you what happened." He pleaded, he was on the verge of tears and I didn't want to cause him any more pain. I nodded. "Alex set me up to ruin you and Sky, at first he just had me hanging around you guys, I figured he would want me to get an embarrassing secret or something from Skylar and I would tell him so he wouldn't beat me up. But then he wanted me to really fuck with you guys and tear your relationship apart. I told him I was done helping him but he threatened me and I had to do it. You have to know how sorry I am, I swear I didn't want to hurt you guys, after I got to know you I couldn't stand to help Alex anymore. But I couldn't back out, so I had to do what he said." I listened to him and didn't say anything. I was seething with rage, not at Zach, but Alex and myself, I should've seen something like this coming after what happened in the hall that day. He was going to get his revenge against me, and for some reason, attack Skylar too. But Zach continued, "After I kissed you I went to Alex and told him I was done. I wouldn't help him anymore. So he took me back to the end of the school, where no one was around as the rest is kinda a blur." I nodded at him. It wasn't his fault, I'm so relieved to know, almost for sure that he wasn't lying. I don't think he would make all that up... But I realize something much more important. Skylar needs to hear this.

Zach p.o.v

After the second time telling the story I was emotionally exhausted. It didn't take very long for Skylar to get down to the hospital. Ryan called him and told him I was in the hospital and he needed to come down. He didn't really argue. As I told him what happened he seemed shocked that someone else was responsible for all that happened, but he kept his cool. "I can't think of the words to describe how sorry I am, and I know I can't make you, but I'd really like to be friends again." I looked at him, awaiting and answer. His face is blank. He slowly walks towards me and Ryan and pulled us in for a hug. I feel him shuddering and he started to cry. "I'm so sorry for everything you had to put up with." He sobbed to me. I can't help but tear up as he said this. It is unbelievable how sympathetic he is. He then turns to look at Ryan. Who is having trouble not crying along with us. He looked into Skylar's eyes. "I missed you..." He said quietly, choking back tears. Skylar hugged us tighter. I felt so happy when I realized that Alex wouldn't be finished with me. But until I have to confront him, I will just stay happy for a while. But I can't help but imagine the hell that is going to be unleashed upon me when I walk back into school. "Can't fucking wait" I think to myself.