Chapter 7
#7 of All Alone
Hello everyone! Happy holidays and I hope you have a happy new year! Sorry about the late chapter posting but it is the holiday season, I have been kinda busy. The story is growing more and hopefully I'll be able to get the next chapter up soon. I hope you like it! Remember to rate and comment, be honest, I can take it! Maybe... But seriously, I hope you guys like it!
Chapter 7
My alarm goes off at 5:45. I don't get up, I just hit the snooze button. My eyes are open, they have been all night, I couldn't sleep. I'm not going to watch the sun rise this morning. I flip over on my bed, the pain I was feeling yesterday hasn't gone anywhere, I still feel terrible. But I still have to get up and go to school, which starts in about an hour. I get up and go to the shower.
I turn the knobs and step into the hot water. It rolls down my back and down the drain. The warm steam from the water isn't relaxing me. I sigh and step out of the shower when a thought hits me, "No one is home to tell me what to do, so why even go to school?"
Ryan p.o.v (7:00)
I'm standing at the stairs waiting for Skylar's bus to come up. But when it finally shows up, he isn't on it. My ears droop back, I feel so bad. I don't really know how he is feeling. Probably betrayed and really upset, and I wouldn't blame him if he was really mad, he should be, but not at me. This is all Zach's fault, he did it, not me. But how does Skylar know that? He doesn't. And until I can talk to him, he won't know. I pull out my phone and send hi a quick text, "We need to talk soon, tell me where and when and I'll meet you there. We need to clear something up." I clicked the send button. I wasn't going to tell him over the phone, I need him to see that I'm really telling the truth.
I walk to first period and sit down in my usual seat. It feels so lonely without Skylar there next to me.
School goes by relatively quickly and I check my phone when the last bell rings, when I realize I left my phone in my locker. I swear under my breath and walk back to my locker. On the way back I see something around the corner. I jog over to see something I definitely wasn't expecting. It's Zach, lying on the floor with a deep cut on the side of his face and a really bloody nose. He is curled in a ball clutching his stomach, I don't know what to do. "Zach?" I say to him. No response. "Zach, can you hear me?" Still nothing. I kneel down next to him and check his pulse. He is still alive, just beat up, I take him to the school nurse.
She is packing up and getting ready to go home for the night when I walk through the door with him in my arms. She looks at me and I say, "Can you help him, he passed out or something and won't wake up. His heart is beating but he isn't responding to anything I do." She looks back at him, then me. "Ok," She says, "put him over on the bench there. Thank you for bringing him to me. Did you see what caused this?" I shook my head. "No, sorry I just found him." She nodded, well it's a good thing, he might need more help than I can provide. I'm going to call him an ambulance. You go on home, you've done all you can." I nod again. I wave, "Thank you." I say to he with a wave. She waves back goodbye and I softly pad down the hallway back home. "I wonder what happened to him." I think to myself as I walk to my car and start to drive home.
Zach p.o.v (End of school day)
The last bell finally rang and I walk out of last period. Hopefully I'll run into Ryan, I need to apologize for what happened, but I actually saw the last person I wanted to see. Alex was standing at the front steps waiting for me. I stepped up to him and he said, "Good job dumbass, now we start the next part of my plan." I just looked at him, totally speechless. "Are you fucking serious?! You want me to further hurt them?! Well I'm done, I don't care what you do, I'm done with this." I turn to walk away. "You're not going anywhere." He said and pulled me back into the school. I tried to pull away but he was too strong for me.
We rounded another corner and he pushed me to the ground. "You aren't backing out." He said as he stood over me. "Y-yes I am." I stuttered, "You can't stop me." He smiled, "Oh I can't?" He asked, "Do you really want to mess with me?" I didn't say anything. I stood my ground and tried to stare him down. He laughed. I barely saw his fist fly by as it hit me in the head. I feel dizzy and I stumble over against a wall, but that wasn't the end of it, he lunged over and kept hitting me. My whole body hurts but I am having a hard time staying conscience, finally I just let go.
I wake up later in a hospital room. I look around, a little dazed and really sore, but other than that I guess I am fine. I wonder how I got here, and really where I am. I just realized I have no idea. It couldn't have been Alex, why would he do that. I'll have to figure it out later, a nurse walks in the room.
She gives me a warm smile. "Hello." She says, "It's good to see you're awake, but you need rest." I nod, "Thank you." I say. She walks out of the room and I try to go back to sleep so I can leave as soon as possible. But I see my phone has a couple of messages from Ryan, I smile and unlock my phone.