Guardian's demon

Story by PhoronPhaux on SoFurry

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Copyright 2005, Phorone Sarosake

Distribute freely, as long as the text, including this header, is unaltered and never sold.

I request that I be contacted just to let me know whenever this is posted somewhere new

for distribution.

I welcome and invite all comments, criticism, questions, and suggestions. like it? Not? Think I can make it better? I don't bite...okay maybe just a little? =3


Phorone and Kadur both wake up in their cell Kadur curled around Phorone as usual Phorone blinked and squinted as the light poured into his blood red colored eyes. Phorone was an albino and he was an oversized dingo around 4'2" to the ears and a good 5' long and yet he was a very shy specimen. Phorone stretched out his back and hopped over his brother's larger form about 2" in every dimension and padded on all fours to the mesh of the cage and looked out of it. Phorone grinned excitedly and nudged his brother awake; with a grunt Kadur rolled over and stretched on his back. Except for his size Kadur was a perfectly normal dingo golden fur and an icy green eyed stare, however he had many scars from the violent encounters with the staff at the N.O.F.T.R.O.E.A. (national organization for the research of exotic animals). The mesh opens and Phorone backs away behind Kadur. A large grey fox pokes his muzzle into the cage and stared at Kadur, his eyes flickered to Phorone

"I'm not gonna hurt ya" he said in a soft tone holding out his paw for Phorone to sniff.

"Go away" said Phorone softly with a shaky voice

"you heard him get out" said Kadur menacingly and glaring at the fur.

"As you wish" shrugged the fox and he withdrew his paw. Kadur looked over at a near clock and it read 10:49 the mesh was never closed and he heard the fox and two other furs talking. Soon a fur with a pole and noose approached the cage and Kadur's fur all along his spine rose and he growled viciously. With a quick jab the fur slipped the noose around Kadur's neck and dragged him out the cage which was taking all of the fur's might to keep Kadur from ripping him to shreds. Another fur reached in and pulled out Phorone by his scruff and set him in a cage. Kadur was stuffed into a larger cage for easier storage.

"Lousy bugger... needs to be gassed that he does" said one of the transportation furs. The brothers were transported in a small truck

"where are they taking us?" asked Phorone sounding panicked

"I don't know Phor" said Kadur reassuringly. They stopped and then were taken off of the truck Phorone was easily leashed and Kadur had the same struggle and was set on a long pole being forced to walk by the small shocks the noose gave him.

"You two have a new master now you should be happy" said one of the trainers as they approached a door. Kadur growled as he saw the same fox standing in the doorway Phorone backed away and they exchanged papers and handshakes. One of the transporters grabbed Phorone forcefully by the muzzle and spoke firmly into his face

"this is your master you WILL obey him or we'll be back got it?!" Phorone said nothing but just looked down away. The trainer faced Kadur and grabbed his muzzle and nearly shouted spraying Kadur as he talked

"this is your master you will obey him you WILL NOT harm him in any way or we'll put you down-"

"what again?" Kadur interrupted

"SILENCE!!" the trainer screamed.

"You will be humble in his presence and report of misbehavior and we'll be all over you we're watching you and we hope you screw up do you understand" he finished obviously trying to sound calm.

"Blow me" Kadur said glaring

"oh yah he's perfect" said the fox and he grabbed Kadur's collar and unlatched him and then took hold of Phorone's leash.

"You can leave her whenever you want so go" said the fox grinning down at Kadur

"not without him" said Kadur said nodding toward Phorone.

"I'm afraid you can't do that you see I like your sibling here and I have no intention of releasing him" he said calmly. Kadur growled

"then I'll make you let him go" he said as he lunged for the fox's jugular. The fox quickly pinned Kadur to the doorframe grinning

"you certainly won't get him back that way" he smiled and threw Kadur down and pinned him down with his hind paw. The trainers obviously gone by now

"now you can at least tolerate me for a while because if you've noticed your brother has gone to explore my house" he said jerking his head back at a wandering Phorone. Released by the much larger creature Kadur trotted up to the side of Phorone

"what is it?" he asked.

"It's amazing" he gazed out dreamily out to two separate rooms I identical to each other they had mats with large blankets in the corner. On the shelves to the sides it had movies and books each to the liking of the different dingoes. The fox appeared above them

"those are your rooms and if you'll follow me I'll show you around here" he said turning to leave down a hallway. Phorone absently followed him and Kadur stayed close keeping the fox in his sight at all times.

"This is my bedroom you are welcome in here anytime you like" he said warmly he walks another short distance

"and this is the bathroom here you WILL be taking baths and you will be well groomed" he added after seeing Phorone scratch off a couple fleas. He showed the two the den and the kitchen what they'd eat and when to eat and where they can and can't go.

"and that's once again you may choose to leave if you like and this time the offer is extended to both of you" he said plopping on a couch.

"Well what do you want to do I'm leaving this decision up to you" Kadur whispered turning his back on the fox for the first time

"mee?! Why me you're the older one" asked Phorone

"well because if you think you're happy here I'll stay but if not we're leaving" said Kadur coolly. Phorone thought for a while

"well let's give it a shot brother" he finally said sighing.

"You sure?" Phorone gave a nod "we're staying" said Kadur trotting to inspect the house further.

"I thought you'd say so" said the fox as they were leaving. They both spent the rest of the day exploring every inch of the house getting familiar with all the surroundings and they both became tired and both retired to one room. Both of them now drifting to sleep


"Yes brother?"

"Can we trust him?" asked Kadur sitting up and looking out past the door into the darkness.

"I think we can if he wanted to hurt us he'd have done it long ago" said Phorone falling asleep. Kadur stayed awake all night on a vigil to protect his little brother.

In the morning the fox greeted them both and Kadur watched his every move

"good morning you two" he said cheerily. Kadur growled back at him in reply Phorone woke with a start he yawned and looked over Kadur.

"my name is Tagun you may call me that or master although I prefer if you called me master I doubt if I'll get that from you two" he chuckled and reached over to stroke Phorone's tail and Kadur growled. Phorone bit Kadur lightly and jumped over him and brushed softly under Tagun's paw

"ahh I see someone trusts me" said Tagun lightly.

"He's the only one" said Kadur dryly

"I made breakfast you two...steak and eggs!" he said grinning at the two. Phorone looked shocked and stared at Kadur

"how did he know that's you're favorite brother?" asked Phorone bewildered

"I don't know" said Kadur as Tagun walked away. Phorone walked into the kitchen at Tagun's heels. Kadur followed in the distance Tagun set two plates in front of both of them with a huge slab of meat and a scramble of eggs Kadur inspected the food and sniffed it and pushed it aside to Phorone who has scarfing away happily.

"not hungry Kadur? I know you haven't eaten in a couple days" said Tagun looking concerned

"fuck off" spat Kadur walking away.

"aww don't mind him he just gets that way because he's too stubborn to say sorry and he does trust you ya know" said Phorone in a cheery voice.

"how so he stayed up all night watching you and he thinks my food is poisoned" said Tagun cocking his head.

"well for one he left you alone with me and two he's turned his back to you on more than one occasion and then he gave his food to me so he couldn't possibly think it's poisoned although I don't know why he didn't eat" said Phorone wagging his tail a bit. Kadur locked himself in his room for a while and came out when he smelled meat again. Tagun was off out on the back porch and he left a couple T-bones marinating on the counter. Kadur snatched on and ate it raw quickly and fled the scene re entering back into his room. When Tagun cam back and saw the remains of the raw steak eaten

"I see" is what he said and he left it at that. Pretty soon the days melted into weeks and the weeks into months and Phorone became the happy obedient pet how ever Kadur's progress turned very slowly but he surely did begin to trust his master.

One night Kadur was basking in the full moonlight when he heard a noise out in the den. He ignored it then heard it again he looked in on Phorone who was sound asleep and then on Tagun who also was asleep. He went out to the den and there was the silhouette of a fur who had broken in.

"get out" said Kadur coolly and alerted the thief who swung something at Kadur missing him by inches. Kadur pounced on the thief and clamped on his jugular and bit down gushing blood down his throat Kadur loved it the gurgled scream the sweet copper chemical that followed then he ended it by biting down harder and hearing the final crunching. Kadur lapped up all the blood he could and murred as he licked hit chops but he then found himself in a sharp pain in his left shoulder. He also couldn't hear a thing and he spun around looking straight down the barrel of a gun pointed right at him. He froze and he heard a shot...Phorone was under water he felt something go down his thought and give him air...he was now on a cold table they were injecting him with burned his eyes turned a deep blue and...he felt dizzy...he was dreaming...a light shined in Kadur's eyes and he squinted and sat up and gagged out a breathing tube and was bound to a table completely unable to move. Then a fur in a lab coat came at him with a scalpel. He tore his flesh open and Kadur felt every pain he struggled and felt a hand on his shoulder. He snapped awake and bit the paw of Tagun who yelped and withdrew it quickly.

"it was only a dream pet" said Tagun reassuringly licking his bleeding paw. They were in a hospital and Kadur was leashed to the bed he was lying on

"release me" he said viciously

"whoa whoa now brother, Tagun saved you life" said Phorone at the side of the bed.

"what?" said Kadur glaring

"yah when you uhm got rid f the first guy shot you once and then master jumped in the way of the second bullet which a third guy smacked you in the head I got him" said Phorone smiling. Kadur was dumbstruck he just had a weird look on his face then he finally spoke

"you have earned my trust master" he said bowing and then he drifted back to sleep. The next time he awoke he was back in his room with a plate of food at his face he ate and drank without hesitation. He limped out to the hall way and greeted his master and wagged his tail for the first time in a while

"hello there" said Tagun patting Kadur's ears. Kadur licked his master's paw and murred nuzzling up against him

"master i'm sorry for how i've acted and for...biting you" said Kadur lowering his eyes and drooping his ears.

"hey there it's alright we all make mistakes we are mortal afer all" said Tagun smiling down at Kadur. Phorone watched out of sit and smiled to himself

"things are getting better" he said wagging his own tail Kadur trotted back to his room and began to throw thing out of his room he knew he wasn't gonna use. Tagun appeared behind him

"what are you doing?" he said with a odd look on his face

"wel all know i'm not reading anything" said Kadur kicking a book behind him and right into Phorone's face.

"oooowwww!!" yelped Phorone but no one heard him Tagun helped Kadur organnize after they were finished Tagun went in his room. Phorone was tending to his face and Kadur walked into the room with Tagun and sat on his bed with a movie in his muzzle

"wuzzat Kadur?" asked Tagun who took the movie out of his mouth and they watched joined soon after by Phorone. the next day Kadur actually ate food and slept most of the day except the hour after Tagun tripped over him. In the evening Kadur watched over his master

"why do you protet your brother s closely?" asked Tagun

"it was our mother's last wish" he said his voice darkening.

"i'm sorry i shouldn't have" said tagun stroking Kadur's ears from the seat of his chair. "No no it's okay it's just that they took her away and we've never seen her again...i know phorone misses her but he's gonna avoid every attempt to talk about it" said phorone after giving a churr.

"well i'm here for you both if you ever need me" said Tagun softly.

The two finally bonded closer and they played together ad worked together and were inseparable until that wretched day months later. The doorbell rang and Phorone ran up to get it and soon Kadur playfully shoved him aside and stood on his hind legs and scratched at the door

"gimme a sec" he said opening the door. To both their horrors there were three trainers from the facility with nooses and the slipped it onto Kadur's neck when he was off guard. Kadur whimpered and struggled to get out of it when Phorone snapped...he was growling deeply and viciously advancing slowly. Tagun called him to stand down as they stuffed Kadur into a cage where he was cursing away.

"What is the meaning of this?" demanded Tagun

"Kadur has killed he is a danger to you and your other pet he is being put down" said a fur.

"YOU CAN'T!!" yelled Tagun holding Phorone back from killing someone as well

"we have to stop them master" said Phorone panicked.

"You're right come in the car" he said rushing out to a car parked in the side of the street and gunning it after the truck with Kadur in it. They followed it all the way to the facility where it all began and then they lost them. Tagun darted into the main entrance and sprinted past the front desk and the flurry of 'sir wait's' he followed the signs and was stopped by security and he saw Kadur being taken into the room of death. Tagun reached out a paw to Kadur and he heard him whimper and he yelled

"NOOOOO!" as the doors closed and the hared Kadur's screams and after a while...they stopped....there was nothing but silence...Tagun soon began sobbing on the floor with Phorone curled around him.

"prick got what was coming to 'em" said the guard as he released them. Phorone snapped again and lunged at his jugular like Kadur did.

"Phor NO!!" he said halting Phorone in his tracks.

"I can't loose you too" said Tagun hugging around Phor's neck the guards walked away and Phorone darted for the room where Kadur was Tagun caught him by his collar and whispered


"I have to!!" Phorone screamed as he bit through his collar and ran down the hall way. The history of him and Kadur flashed before him their child hood their time with Tagun and the joy they had all gone never to be seen again. Tagun had flash of his own tying a tassel to Kadur's tail and having him chase it repeatedly.

"KADURRRRR!!" Phorone screamed as he flung himself through the doors. There it was... a cage that had been ripped to shreds random body parts of other furs everywhere they were all dead and there was Kadur huddled in a corner shivering covered in blood. They only pissed him off so now it begins...