A secret shared, a battle won

Story by Monew Hubea on SoFurry

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before i write this story I would just like to say one thing, it is my first I have ever written and there may be some hints towards homosexual (male/male) relationships even though there is no direct references (I've just been told it has). The reason it contains only references is because it was submitted as english coursework, I hope to be getting a yffy version up fairly soon. Anyway, enjoy and tell me how you felt at [email protected]


We have been watching the humans for a long time now; their lives seem trivial and insignificant. All they ever do is sleep, eat, complain or declare pointless wars on each other for no other reason but enjoyment. We have analysed them both from afar and from up close, we have taken aerial photo's that may prove useful and abducted many humans for further examination. Along out studies we have noticed another race, something we have picked up upon as to be called the "furies". Unlike the humans, they seem intelligent, battle wise and, above all else, lethal to humans. It may be useful, considering the humans' innate ability to absolutely loath anything that is not their own, to allow a rip in the two worlds so that these two species may mix and destroy each other for us, all we would have to do is send in a time transformer and the rest, as the humans say, "writes itself". Included in this report is a short life history of two ample candidates from the furies realm along with a review of the conflict as it happens. I will be dictating as if from within the two furs' brains so a couple of random thoughts may slip through, just thought I should warn you encase you worry if this happens.

Chapter 1-Sskylore

I am a good friend of Stythis' and have known him from starting school. He moved to Canada when he was 16 to study psychology. I don't know why he had to move abroad though, Durham seems to do a good course, but he said something about "getting away from it all" or something like that. Anyhoo... I'm getting side tracked. Where was I again? Ahh yes I was describing how I know Stythis, we became acquainted at primary school long ago. It was my first day out of the house by my self for a prolonged length of time and I was shit scared. I spent the entire journey kicking and screaming and being hauled across the ground, it was a nightmare. Then I arrived at the building called 'Brother Jovian's primary school' (which looked more like a prison than anything in my experience) and calmed down a bit. I then saw this very confident young wolf come over, he looked as if he was going to walk straight past me so I ignored him but he actually started talking to me. As soon as I heard his flowing voice I instantly calmed down and knew we were going to be friends for a very long time, he put his arm round me and walked me in. I forgot all about my initial fear of the place and just followed, blind to his leading voice. Pretty soon it was the end of the day and sadly we had to part, we arranged to meet outside the next day and it turned out that out parents knew each other so we arranged that he could come over to mine tomorrow after school. Over the course of the next few years, we got along greatly, him always the leader and me as submissive as always, following in his calm, serene wake. We shared the good times and the bad times, we laughed together and cried together. Eventually we left Brother Jovian's to go to a bigger school, as always we stuck together and went to the same secondary school, "St. Johns". Continuing the pattern we took the same options and sat the same exams and even got the same GCSE's. It was then that we finally split; we were planning on going to the same college but he changed his mind and got on the next plane to Canada.

I have a lot to tell him now; much has changed about me over the past few years but I have to tell him it person, I must send him an e-mail to arrange a date and time...

"Stythis, I have something very important to tell you but it is VERY personal and I don't want anyone I don't want to find out. Call me as soon as you get this and we can arrange a place and time to meet. I'm coming over for a while so ring me on my mobile, the number is 07952 319 654."

There, I hope he got it; maybe I should ring just to make sure?

Chapter 2-Stythis

I had known Sskylore for what felt like forever, since we were 5 I think, but it was only last week that I found out something that may change my life forever. It was on a bright winters morning, like today really, the sun was just say rising on a beautiful scene out of my window. There was snow on the ground and not a footprint in sight, exempting a small bird that hopped across my window ledge looking hopefully down at the ground for some form of meal that managed to wriggle out of the thick, white carpet covering the ground. I left the window for now, the snow can wait just a bit longer, I was the only one around for miles, living on my own farm in the north of Canada surely had it's perks. I went into the kitchen to make a cup of tea and cook a nice fried breakfast when I heard the phone ringing. I had to drop everything I was doing and rush out into the hall to answer it before the answering machine kicked in...too late.

"Hello. I'm sorry, the answering machine is broken at the moment, and this is the fridge. If you would like to leave a message after the tone along with your name and number I will write it down and stick it to myself with one of these magnets.... beep."

"Hi Sty, it's me Sskylore. I've sent you an e-mail so if you could please read and respond accordingly to this one I would most appreciate it. I'm sure you already know my number so I won't trouble myself by saying it. Oh well, hope to see you soon. Bye."

Damn answering machine, it always cuts in too quickly but I don't know how to change the timer on it. I'm kind of glad it did this time though because if he only called to tell me he sent an e-mail I really didn't want to talk to him that time. At this I checked my e-mails and found that I had received thousands. Most of them were only junk main advertising 'free web hosting' or 're-morgages', there was only one that I would deem useful or important and that was the one previously discussed by Sskylore.

This is just stupid, first he rings me to say he's sent an e-mail, now when I read it, it tells me to call him! And what's this about him coming over? He doesn't even like flying!! I'm starting to wonder what it is that he wants to tell me; I suppose I better phone him to arrange a time and a place, now, what was that number?

Chapter 3-Sskylore

"Ring, ring", "Ring, ring".

Hello, Sskylore speaking. Ahh hello old chap, yeess...I do remember that e-mail. Yes I could meet you at the airport at five o'clock if my flight isn't delayed. Ok, see you soon, yeah I have to go because the plane's about to take on passengers. Ok bye.

That was lucky; I thought he wasn't going to call and another second later I wouldn't have been able to answer. I hope I can get there by 5:00 PM; it's only 5:00 PM now so I should have plenty of time. Considering that it is a 6 hour flight yet they are behind 6 hours.

"Last call for gate 32 for Toronto, Canada. Last call for gate 32 for Toronto, Canada" squawked the intercom.

"Holy shit, that's my flight", I thought as I ran as fast as I could down the tunnel to the runway and jump on the plane as fast as I could, I fastened my seat belt and we started taxiing towards the runway. It took me a while to calm myself down, what with the excitement of almost missing my flight and my eccentric fear of flying but as soon as we hit the air I managed to get to sleep. When I woke up the lunch trolley was coming round, I said I already had something and pulled out my bag of emergency air food, which consists of 12 scones, 14 crumpets, 20 packs of butter (stolen from many restaurants and "B&B's") and a large jar of plumb jam. I did ask for a cup of hot water though as I brought out a tea bag and a slice of lemon, I just can't stand how anyone can bring themselves to drink the awful instant concoction that anywhere other than home makes. After my tea and my make shift lunch I decided to get out my laptop and watch a film (if my battery holds out).

After the flight we touched down at about 4:50 and I gathered my possessions together. I left the plane as quickly as I was permitted and ran towards the luggage collection point. Luckily my bag was one of the first to arrive and I sped through customs to see Stythis waiting for me on the other side.

Chapter 4-Stythis

I left the house in my Mitsubishi Warrior at about 3:30 because the airport was only an hour's drive away and I needed time to allow for delay in traffic. I arrived at the airport a bit earlier than I would have liked, 4:30 to be precise, and was waiting for quite a while (damn me and my punctuality). By the time it got round to 4:55 I decided to get up and wait nearer the gate he would be coming out of, 5 minutes passed and, bang on cue, the doors opened and Sskylore came jetting out as if his tail was on fire. I went over to welcome him but I was trampled in his gait, he fell right on top of me and we wrestled to get up. When he finally let go I offered to help with his bags and started dragging his favourite 'union jack' suitcase out the door and towards the car, him carrying a bag of what looks like teabags, milk, sugar and crumpets beside me.

"So, what brings you to Canada?" I ask, already knowing the answer he would give me.

"Well, as I said in the E-mail, I have something very important to tell you and I can't discuss it in public earshot."

"Yeah, about that. Why did you have to send me an e-mail then tell me about it over the phone?"

"I have absolutely no idea." was the answer I received. I forgot how terribly awkward and secretive Sskylore can be.

We arrived at the car and hauled the heavy case into the gaping chasm that was the rear area as Sskylore went to the driver side of the car, opened the door and almost fell backwards with shock.

"Forgot you English drove on the wrong side of the road did you?" I said, teasingly.

"Yeah. But it is you, my friend, that drive on the 'wrong' side of the road" he responded while walking round to the other side of the car.

"So...what's this thing that you have to tell me?" I asked inquisitively, wondering why on earth he had to come all the way out here to tell me.

"Well, you know how we've been friends for ages..."

Chapter 5-Sskylore

It was peaceful to see Stythis again after all those years, I had forgotten how silvered his fur was. He still had that same calming voice and made me forget all my initial worries of how he might take the news I had to tell him. At one point I had considered leaving it and never telling him but I needed to. That's when he asked, I had to tell him then, it would have seemed extremely awkward to come all this way to tell him something then not actually tell him what it was. He took it surprisingly well when he heard it, he didn't seem disgusted, nor did he seem too over exited about it. He simply replied with "Oh...me too." It was the best response I could have ever hoped for.

When we actually arrived at his house it turned out that he hadn't been able to go shopping and therefore didn't have anything in the house to eat. He asked if I would prefer to come with him or just lie down, I told him I was quite tired after the flight and just wanted to rest up, I lay down on his couch and fell asleep straight away as soon as he left. When I woke up, Stythis was sitting there at my feet with the TV on and the smell of something burning in the kitchen filled my nostrils.

"Ahh, your up. I was trying to cook us a nice breakfast but as you can smell it didn't go as planned so I thought we could go out for a McDonald's or something, you don't mind do you?"

"Yeah sure, let me get changed first though."

Chapter 6-Stythis

When Sskylore told me he was gay in the car I was quite shocked that I was the first he came out to, I think it must have gave me the courage to admit my sexuality to him as well because the next thing I find myself saying is "Oh... me too." I'm glad he felt that I was a good enough friend to listen to personal information like that and not take it the wrong way. It makes me feel sly though because I didn't tell him about me when I found out, I just moved away thinking he wouldn't understand. The next morning I tried to cook a meal for us but it went drastically wrong and we ended up going out for breakfast. After that we decided to just stay out in the town for the day, getting stuff that we would need; extra shower gel, clothes for Sskylore (the stupid idiot forgot to pack anything other than tea and crumpets) and other essentials. That night, after we had a massive snowball fight, we considered where Sskylore was going to sleep, I don't have a spare bed and he can't spend three weeks on a sofa. We also decided it wouldn't be right to share a bed given the recent circumstances. We eventually agreed that we would have to either buy a new bed or get an inflatable airbed for him (you can guess who suggested which option).

Chapter 7-Sskylore

A few weeks later I was getting ready to go home and Stythis was out shopping again. I had just finished squeezing all my new stuff into my bag when I felt the ground beneath me shudder. At first I thought it was nothing but it happened again, and again. Eventually my mind realised it could be an earthquake so I ran outside to see if I could find Stythis but I ended up finding much, much more than just my friend. Evidently the source of the shuddering was coming closer down the street. What can only be described as a giant robot was walking down the street with, as far as I could tell, Stythis' car in it's grasp. Luckily Stythis wasn't in his car at the time of the attack and was running after the robot on foot. It then turned and headed straight for our house, straight at me in the way of our house. Then it happened; a blinding flash then there was nothing, just white emptiness all around me. Soon I could hear Stythis scream and then he arrived in whereever this weird place is. I ran over to him and asked if he knew what happened or where we were and he said that there was a split second when he saw me standing in the way of the giant then it let out a tremendous electric bolt at me, then nothing, apparently me and the house and the car had all disappeared. Then it turned on him and here we were. At first I thought I was dead but then again, I was thinking perfectly clear, I just couldn't see anything.

Chapter 8-Stythis

This place is weird. It's all white, the last thing I remember Is this massive robot killing Sskylore and then turning on me. Wait a second, is that a crack over there in the distance, it seems to be growing, like a doorframe; it IS a doorframe. The darkness, it's flowing in around me. HELP, HELP, AHH!!! Wha... what was that? Sskylore, you there?

"Yes, I'm here Stythis. What is it?"

"Am I dead? It all seems so weird."

"No, at least I don't think so. All I remember is this huge robot coming towards me then this brilliant white light."

So I didn't dream it then, there was a giant robot thing. What the hell is this place then? If it's not a dream it must be real but it's nothing like I've ever seen before. I hope we get back sometime I don't like this place.

Wha... What's happening now? Another door's opening, now it's all strange, at least it looks real now. There are mountains and valleys, streams and trees everywhere, there are even birds singing in the sky. Something doesn't feel quite right though. I'll have a walk around and see if I can find anything.

Chapter 9-Sskylore

This is all too strange for me now, I only intended to tell Stythis I was gay, now I am stuck somewhere after being zapped into oblivion by God-knows-what. And what's more, I find I can control the place. It was too light earlier so it went dark, then I thought of the darkness fading and it did. I wonder what this place would look like if them trees weren't there? Wha... they just disappeared! I'm really freaked now, we need to find somewhere we can get help, "What do you think Stythis?"

"{Shouldn't we consider what we could find first?} Yeah, sure. We need to get out of here A.S.A.P!!"

That was stranger yet; did I just read his thoughts? No. I couldn't have. Could I? Maybe that encounter with apocalypse did something to my mind.

After a while of self contemplation we finally set off in what felt like a northern direction, I don't know why we chose north, or why I knew this way was north, all I can say is that this way felt like the way we should travel in. Along the way I thought about more and more things and I found that if I wanted anything it was just round the next corner and if I didn't like something it went away. I'll have to be careful with this power; I could find myself in awkward situations, primarily with Stythis (but I won't go into anything at the moment, it might come true). After a while we came to what looked like a city, it seemed to have buildings and people, but they weren't like us. They didn't have fur or feathers or anything, only garments over skin. They seemed to understand our language but didn't talk much. When we walked past they just stared at us as if they had never seen anything like us before. One of them even threatened to shoot one of us with a 9mm hand pistol but didn't hold up to his word, he just ran away (as if for his life).

Chapter 10-Stythis

We spent a few nights in this new place and found that the inhabitants grew more and more hostile as the time passed; they even kicked us out of the city and threatened to kill us on next sighting. I suggested to Sskylore that we attack the city but it was a stupid idea, us two against however many thousand there are of them, we would die within the first second. What we needed were some re-enforcements, some more of our own kind to help us live out our lives in peace. Suddenly there was a humongous explosion behind us and the biggest army of furs we had ever seen erupted from nowhere, all fully clad and ready for battle. I don't know how or where they appeared from but it was exactly what we needed. That night we plotted how we could seize the hostilities while leaving all the innocents at peace; we eventually came up with a plan and rested. The next day we put our plan into action, I took one half of the troops and attacked from the south while Sskylore took the other half to the north. We had decided to only kill if drastic measures had to be used and to gently disarm anyone who threatened us. All in all the plan worked exempting a few casualties from them and over ¾ of our side falling, there was just one think left to take care of and that was Sskylore's predicament, by this point in time I had realised about his ability to use his mind to influence the world around him and he didn't seem comfortable with it. I told him it must have been given to him for a reason and that he must have done something really great and this was his reward. He seemed to get accustomed to the idea but I could tell he was still restless, he kept going on about "what if I make you do something" but I told him that if he did I wouldn't mind, I would do anything for him as it is anyway, I have a feeling that we're going to become much more than just good friends.

Chapter 11-Sskylore

It was a ferocious battle, the enemy was much more prepared than I thought they might have been. Stythis keeps counselling me about this ability I've been granted, he says he's concerned about me but I can tell he's worried that he might loose me. I think he wants us to become more than friends, and that's OK, I just wish he would actually say it rather than hinting all the time. I might even ask him, just to get it out of the way, when I have more time obviously, I want to master this ability first.

It is a few days later and I think I may have cracked it. I can ask someone's opinion and actually choose whether I hear his or her thoughts or not. We're living peacefully with the humans now, they are still wary after the battle but they seem to be OK with us now. There's Stythis, I think I might come out and ask him, what's the worst that could happen?

"Hey, Stythis, come over here a sec. I need to ask you something."

"Yeah, what is it?"

"I know how you fell about me and I just want to let you know that I feel the same way."

"Wha... what do you mean?"

"I've seen the way you look at me, I know you want to start seeing me and I decided to save you the trouble and ask you instead."

"Well... yeah but...I didn't expect you to feel the same way."

"How could I not? We've been through so much together. So... will you?"

"Yes, yes of course I will. Do you want to let other people know yet or should we keep this secret?"

"Let the people hear what they deserve to hear. There should be no call for secrets between furs."

We then rushed out of the tent we had set up in the street, arms around each other's waist and shouted "WE ARE GOING OUT TOGETHER AND NO-ONE IS GOING TO STOP US!!!"

Chapter 12-Stythis

This is so cool, I now have a proper boyfriend and we see each other everyday. We never spend any time apart, we work together, live together, we even... well, I'll leave that to the imagination. The best part is the ability that Sskylore has seems to be rubbing off on me as well, I seem to be picking up minor thoughts now and then and I even made a can of coke appear out of nowhere the other day. I hope these days never end, I feel so alive. What's the time? 11:00!! Sskylore should be back by now. He was only going out for a walk and said he would be back by 10:30. I should go look for him, what if something dreadful happened? What if that weird robot thing came back? I must find him, wherever he is ...

(To be continued)