Chapter 5

Story by Will785 on SoFurry

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#5 of All Alone

Hey guys! Sorry for the really short chapter but I have been kinda busy lately. Also by the time this is up and you are reading it I will almost be done with chapter 6. So remember to leave feedback and keep in mind this is setting up something bigger. So it might be a little slow, but I hope you enjoy!

Chapter 5

About two weeks later I woke up feeling great. I have a great boyfriend who would do anything for me and I would do the same. Everything is perfect. Even Alex has kept his distance, just glares and shoots dirty looks, but he hasn't done anything to me. I get myself ready for my day and go out to the bus, and go to school.

I walk over to the main doors and see a husky I haven't seen around before much... He waves at me with a friendly smile. "Hey!" He says. "Hi." I say, with a little bit of doubt. It's weird to me that people are talking to me. But I should just accept that people might not be as bad as I think they are. I look at him. He is a fitter husky, a little bigger than me and probably a lot stronger. He has white, black and grey fur that goes together very well. He is pretty cute, but I have Ryan so I don't have any feelings for him. "So I'm Zach," he says "I'm Skylar," I tell him "Do you maybe wanna do something sometime?" He asks, "I see you around but we haven't really talked." "Sure, that sounds cool!" I say. I see Ryan, he waves and jogs over. "Hey!" He greets me with a hug and a quick kiss. "Hi!" I say back with a smile. "So who's this?" He asks looking at Zach. "Oh this is Zach, we should all hang out today, it could be fun!" I say. "Sounds good!" Says Ryan, "What about you?" He says looking back to Zach. "Yea, I can do whatever." He says. "Great!" I say, "Let's all meet up here after school and we can go hang out." "Cool." Says Zach, "I'll see you guys after school."

"So what do you think?" I ask Ryan. He shrugs, "He seems cool." "Good, I think we should be friends with him, I haven't seen him much and he is never with anyone. He might not really have any friends." I say. He smiles, "You're sweet!" I blush and we walk to class hand in hand.

After school we all meet up at the front steps. "Hey guys!" Zach says, "Ready to go?" "Yep!" I say. I'm really excited for this. It has been nice getting to hang out with people recently, after years of going to school and going straight back home to repeat the cycle the next day, this was pretty cool. "So where to?" Asked Ryan looking at me and Zach for an answer. "Uh, I don't know... The mall maybe?" I say, looking for approval. "Alright." Says Zach, "What do you think?" He asks Ryan. "Let's go!" He says.

We all get in his car and go over to the mall. It's ok there, there is a food court, some stores, an arcade. The usual in a mall. We go to some stores, I get a shirt. Then we go to the arcade and play a few games, finally we go to the food court and start to go home.

"I'll see you guys tomorrow. That was really fun!" Says Zach. "Yea!" Says Ryan, "We'll definitely see you tomorrow!" I smile and nod. I am really glad they are getting along, I thought maybe Ryan would get jealous but he isn't like that. We all go home and get ready for school tomorrow. I really like Zach so far, he seems really cool and I hope we can be good friends.

Alex p.o.v. (A week earlier)

"So you see that guy walking up the stairs?" I say pointing at Skylar, "Yea." He says. "We are gonna bring him down." Alex says with a grin. "How?" He asks, "Leave that to me Zach. Leave that to me, first you gotta get to be friends with him and his friends, mainly Ryan, his boyfriend." "Uh, ok." Says Zach. "But how will that tear him down?" "Didn't I fucking tell you? Don't worry about it, I'll handle it." "Ok." He says, with a little bit of fear in his voice. "Great, now get to it." I say and he hurries towards the school. "Those little bitches are fucked now..." I grin to myself.