To Learn a Lesson Part 4: Acceptance

Story by RevolverWolf on SoFurry

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#4 of To Learn a Lesson

Wow, part four's a bit shorter than I remember. Oh well, hopefully you find it short but sweet. Enjoy!

For the first time in his life, Ryan wished he'd listened to his parents more. If he had, they probably wouldn't be used to him staying out all night; meaning they would've already called the police and went out looking. Maybe, if he listened to them, he wouldn't have to worry about finding his way home at night, while being less than an inch in height. But sadly, that wasn't the case. Ryan _had_made it out of Virgil's house (Thanks in part to a now unused doggy-door the previous owners of the house had installed), but now he had to travel half-way across town to get to his house. Come to think of it, even if he got to his house, there was no guarantee he could get inside, or that he could get the attention of this now-colossal parents. For a brief moment he considered going back, but there was no telling how Virgil would punish him; regardless of the mouse's previous 'Forgive and Forget' philosophy, he was sure whatever discipline he would receive, it wouldn't be pleasant.

Ryan continued his trek, awestruck by just how large everything was. The grass was twice his size, the streetlights, which were already tall, soared to dizzying heights, and the rabbit-morph walking toward him was positively huge! After what he'd been through getting out of Virgil's house, he was a little out of it. "Rabbit..." he said to himself as his thoughts swirled around in his head trying to make sense. "Rabbit!" he yelled as one of the giant's long paws descended toward him. Ryan dove into the grass and out of its way. Unfortunately, he landed on the same arm he had when he fell down the stairs. He let out a roar of agony before succumbing to the pain, and losing consciousness.


Ryan opened his eyes but he couldn't see straight, everything was blurry. "Two times in one day, I need to stop this passing out stuff..." Ryan felt a something soft rub across the top of his head.

"What do you mean dear?" His mother, Maria's voice whispered from somewhere above him.


"Hm-hmm," Ryan's vision returned and he found himself staring up at the great smile of the giant lioness as she gently stroked his mane with a fingertip, "Thank god you're all right, I was so worried..."

"Mom, you have no idea how great it is to see you right now! But uh... how did you find me?"

Maria giggled, "Oh that's easy, I didn't."

"What are you talking about?"

"Go back to your master Ryan, you'll be safe, taken care of. It's for your own good." Ryan sat up and looked around, his mother was standing on a field of white that stretched on for what seemed like thousands of feet in every direction. At one end was another field of white that went upwards at a ninety degree angle, after being handled so much he knew what that meant.

"Your mommy's right, my pet." Ryan looked up to Virgil's god-like face that had to be miles in diameter, "It's for the best. After all, isn't this what you've always wanted?"

Ryan looked away and his breath quickened, "No, I have n-no idea what you're talking about..."

"Oh come on, every person wants what they normally can't have; and for you, that's a lack of power. You were always the biggest and the strongest, everyone always expected so much out of you. You were supposed to be the sports star, the lady killer, the most popular guy in high-school and you were supposed to look great doing it. And for what? To protect your family's pompous reputation? But you don't have to worry about that stuff anymore, the pressure's gone. With your lack of power comes a freedom greater than any you could ever have when you were big; Ryan, you're free."

Ryan dropped to his knees and started to cry, he couldn't deny it, Virgil was right. "I-I'm sorry Virgil, for everything. Will you still be my master?"

"Of course, but first you'll have to wake up."



Ryan lied in the grass for a few minutes, the early morning sun was just peeking over the tops of houses. He was wet, covered in morning dew and his arm was aching. "Okay," he said to himself, "I'm not that far away from Virgil's place, and school doesn't start for another few hours, I should be able to make it back before he leaves; hopefully he won't be too mad that I ran away..." Ryan positioned his arms in a way that would allow him to pick himself up, but when he tried his right arm buckled. "Ahhhhhhgggg!"

he yelled as he fell back to the ground. Ryan tried again, this time using only his good arm, and was able to stand up. He began walking back to Vergil's house.

When he arrived he simply walked through he doggy-door again and after hearing people in the kitchen, headed in that direction.


"Listen sweety, I'm your mother and I know there's something wrong."

Virgil just kept staring at his breakfast with a worried expression on his face, "Nothing's wrong Mom..."

Angie placed her hand on her son's, "Virgil..."

"Everything's fine Mom, if something was wrong I'd tell you," Virgil pulled his hand away, "Can I finish eating? I have to get ready for school."

Angie sighed and stood up, "Alright, but if you ever need to talk..."

"I know Mom, thanks."

Angie walked out of the room and up the stairs. Meanwhile Ryan was making his way back to his master. He ran over to Virgil's feet, 'I hope this works...' he thought as he began rubbing as hard as he could with one arm. His efforts weren't unnoticed by Virgil, who twitched his foot and unknowingly knocked his pet over (thankfully not on his injury), but the determined lion picked himself up and got right back to rubbing.

"What the hell?" Virgil looked under the table, and saw his run-away pet furiously rubbing his toes. "Ryan!?"

"I'm sorry I ran away master, please forgive me."

Virgil was taken aback by Ryan's sudden sincerity. He knew Ryan would listen to him through force, but he never thought it would be of his own free will. Virgil reached down and gently wrapped his fingers around the tiny lion. "Y-you came back?"

"Yeah, I realized that... I needed you to survive, yeah and uh..."


"Uh... please let me be your pet again, I promise I'll be good, I'll never run away again!"

"Of course you can still be my pet little guy." Virgil stroked Ryan's back a little.

"You're not going to punish me, are you master?"

"No, you came back on your own, I know your sorry. Now come on, I've gotta get ready for school." Virgil cupped his hands around Ryan and headed back toward his room.

'Maybe, this really isn't so bad...' thought Ryan as he was carried up the stairs.

To Learn a Lesson Part 5: Guilt

Virgil slipped on his clothes: a T-shirt and a pair of skinny-legged jeans before scooping Ryan up off the desk and putting him in his shirt pocket. Ryan, just like the day before was very comfortable in the pocket and had to fight to stay awake....

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To Learn a Lesson Part 3: The Great Escape

"Well?" asked Virgil, his lightly flushed face looking down at the lion expectantly, "I think it'll be much more comfortable with me then in a fishbowl." Ryan's jaw dropped. This was quite the unexpected turn of events. But, perhaps it provided the...

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To Learn a Lesson Part 2: Home Sweet Home

Virgil stood on his doorstep and fumbled around with his keys until he found the one for his house. He didn't understand why his dad insisted on locking the doors during the day when everyone was home. Maybe it was because he was a mouse too, their...

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