Lab Rats (2010)
#1 of Older Works
One of my oldest furry stories. It's short and simplistic; but I hope you enjoy it, regardless. ^^
I woke up in a daze. The scientists had come earlier then usual, I suppose it had to do with the recent discovery they had been jabbering about. They talked for a little while about the usual fair: "How are the kids?", "You still up for that sushi place tonight?", "Baxter still hoping for that promotion?",that sort of thing. Listening made it almost seem like when I was
one of the ones in the long white coats and not living in a cage. One of them walked toward my holding cell. She was a female with long black hair and bright green eyes. I think she somehow reminded me of someone I knew once, except for many striking differences. the door to my cage opened and long, slender, gray furred fingers wrapped around my torso. She brought me over to a large sterile table with a maze, a set of doors, and several other humans on it. When I was dropped into the group I was ecstatic over the thought of communication; I had not been with my own kind in over a week. I would have started chattering away if not for the fact that we had all lost our ability to speak. My hopes for human interaction were dashed however when one of the 250' behemoths snatched up myself and several others with his massive hand-paws. We were all placed in small translucent cubes with one side just a little more transparent than the rest. I knew from my experience on the other side of this "size-class" that this was the starting point of the maze.
The cage next to me opened it's front and the man who was once head of this fine institution scurried out and started fumbling through the maze like a blind man. When I estimated about two minutes were up I glanced up at the white-clad titan in-charge of this experiment. His stop watch went off only about fifteen seconds later. At least I could still tell time.
"Oh dear, this one hasn't shown any signs of improvement after five days of testing." Apparently the man hadn't finished.
"What should I do with him Professor?" asked the female as she took the test subject from the other giant.
"Take him to chemical testing, at least there his intelligence won't matter."
"Right away Professor." The man started thrashing around in her hand. We all knew what happened in chemical testing and none of us wanted to go there.
Suddenly the door to my cubical swung open and I dashed down the plastic hallways. I had to get it right this time. I thought I had this blasted coarse memorized but it was proving more difficult then I had originally thought. The clock was ticking but I managed to keep calm as I rounded a corner and rocketed through the exit.
"Well, Well, Well, a new record! Looks like I have some good news to report. Although humans are still not as smart as I had previously thought..." If only he knew, "...I suppose they are capable of remedial memorization though..."
"Talking to yourself again?" The female asked as she strode in, her thin, hairless tail swinging behind her.
"Sorry about that, but look at this time!" The two giants conversed for a short while.
About five minutes later I was picked up and placed in front of four red doors. I recognized this test, it was the electrical door test. Behind one door was a reward for the lab mice, behind the others were batteries rigged to the doors. The male giant pressed a button and the doors flashed open for a split second. As I thought, behind one door was a piece of fruit, the others were rigged. The small boxes were then mixed up in a way the resembled a ball-and-cup carnival game. It happened so quickly that I couldn't possibly keep track. I stood there completely still until I noticed the male giant was getting impatient. I looked closely at the doors. They didn't seem to be cleaned properly and three had burned skin where other people had tried and failed. I didn't want to get on the titan's bad side after his disappointment with our old Chief of Staff so I did not take any time in opening the clean door and tearing at the fruit inside. I didn't really think of manners, I had been reduced to the status of a lab mouse and besides, I was starving.
After I had finished I was picked up by the giant, surprisingly gently, and held up to his beaming face. "Apparently you don't like disappoint, my little friend. Record time on the maze AND successfully finding the fruit. Perhaps there is hope for humans after all."
"You know professor talking to lab animals isn't healthy." The female said with a snicker.
"I suppose so, but think about it, was deciding to work directly with these vermin the healthiest thing to do?" I was placed back in my cage and the two walked out. Vermin? I was dumbstruck.The thought of being called vermin by mice was just overwhelming. But then again, they were the ones with the height advantage now.