The mirror pool
Just something from before.
Not proofread. something I wrote from a long time before. I don't want to read it myself.
There is a lake called the Mirror pool in West Yorkshire, UK. How far would you go to meet an idol? Would you die?
How does it go? Devotion, fanaticism, martyrdom?
It was worth a shot. Getting to the pool was easy, getting to where I _wanted_to go would be the hard part. There was a small boat on the shore. It looked old and unwanted, nobody would miss it. I rowed to the middle of the lake and drew in the oars. As the ripples fled into the distance I noticed the water was as smooth as glass. It held a perfect reflection of the sky, the clouds, the birds. I stared into the water for the longest time. Looking at the images in the perfect water. I decided it was time.
I slipped in, careful to try and not disturb the water. It seemed wrong to do so. Down I swam. Blue faded to dark blue and then black. My lungs were burning, I was thinking of returning up, but then there was a light. A pinpoint in my vision. I swam deeper and the light grew. It filled my vision with perfect whiteness.
The whiteness faded and in front of me was a purple pony. I was in Ponyville! I had made it! I couldn't help but have the widest grin on my face. Her face however looked like one of sadness. It puzzled me.
"You can't stay here." She said grimly, glancing over her shoulder
I followed her gaze there was a shadow on horizon, looked like the shadow of a cloud sweeping over the horizon.
"You have to leave." She said bluntly.
She looked in the other direction and I followed her gaze again. There was a similar shadow but instead of going in the same direction, it was coming towards us. I spun in place and realized that it was coming from all directions. A blackness coming from all directions.
"You must go."
Her horn was glowing, creating a circle of magic behind me. I looked at the ring and noticed the wave was covering the buildings on the outside of town covering them not in a shadow but in total, darkness. I turned back to her. Her back was to me which confused me. The shadow was almost to the center of town, where we were. To my surprise, she gave me a swift kick to the chest and I feel back into her portal.
There was a flash of light in my eyes and there was a man! Pushing on my chest! I sat up and coughed up water. My coughs turned into retching, spilling sludge into the crystal clear water.