
Story by Nightshade79 on SoFurry

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#1 of Psycho Phantom

The psycho is back and even more insane!


This story contains suicide, strong language, an insane psycho killer, blood, and descriptive content that may frighten or sicken you.

Read at your own risk if you dare.

Definitely not for kids unless you're into this kind of stuff.

Psycho Phantom


After the days of October 6thand October 7th, the assassin known as Sheridan had played his friends, slash, acquaintances in his attempt for murder. He has killed three out of the thirteen people he had trapped in Southern Wells and escaped after his clones were killed in the end. His true whereabouts are unknown as his clones have been throwing his trail off. Several more murders were successful as he continues his assault, yet as the federal authorities get closer to his primal location, he manages to escape and leave a note taunting that he will not be caught until the human race is finally ended. Over the years of this, people have become afraid of this and some have ended up to committing suicide to not suffer a painful and gruesome death of the serial killer.

October, 21th, 2017

Somewhere in Montana

(The FBI has been hot on Sheridan's trail and has tracked him deep in the mountains in Montana. Never in the few years have they've been this close to finding the real Sheridan and executing him. Shadow and his men have tracked his location to a hidden base within the mountains and have killed numerous clones towards their advance.)

Shadow: ...... (Finally...I will avenge you brother. He will die today in my hands one way or another.)

(Shadow then walks up the path towards the ruins of an old safe house, shooting clones that pop out. Another agent caught up with him.)

Shadow: What's the status?

Blaze: We have the whole area secured. He won't be able to escape this time......anyways, mind telling me how you know this guy?

Shadow:'re new, aren't you?

Blaze: Yes sir...this is actually my first assignment.

Shadow: Ok, Sheridan...that is his name. Little over three years ago he attempted murder of several students as a start of his plan to kill all humans off of the earth. He even killed my younger brother after he arrested him...I never forgave him for that, but I had to hide my attempt of trying to kill Sheridan as I had him trust me enough to become his "partner" in his plan. He however knew I was playing along with him to get near him.

(Two more clones then charge towards them, but Shadow threw a bomb at them which blasted them off of the cliff.)

Shadow: After helping the kids escape and being ambushed by Sheridan and his clones, the police arrived in time to kill them and to only find out that he had already escaped. We've been tracking him down ever since.

Blaze: When you were close to him, why didn't you kill him?

Shadow: That's the problem. Both my knife and gun were taken by him somehow...however, even if I were to try to snatch them back and kill him, it wouldn't matter, his reaction and reflexes aren't human.

Blaze: ...Explain.

Shadow: Honestly, there's not much detail. His attacks are swift and he predicts how others are about to strike him when physical. From what one of the kids I saved said, even if you were to use a gun on him, he would react fast enough to have a knife thrown into your heart before you can shoot.

Blaze: He's that serious about all of this isn't he?

Shadow: Indeed...

(Shadow and Blaze arrived at the safe house and the rest of the men surrounded the sturdy structure.)

Shadow: It's over Sheridan! We have you surrounded! There is no escape for you now!


Shadow: We now you're in there! Come out while you still can!


Shadow: If you don't come out, we'll have to blow you out ourselves!


(The air grew colder as the silence continues...however; a man did come out of the safe house. Covered in blood he staggered out holding a knife in his hands.)

Blaze: That's Sheridan?

Shadow: Yes...that is definitely him...Keep you guns up!

(Two clones then pop out of the safe house and guarded Sheridan. Before the others could shoot, Sheridan told them to back away and the two clones did as he instructed them.)

Sheridan:, we meet again Shadow......

Shadow: Finally giving up you psychotic bastard?

Sheridan: Heh...

Clone: You think he is gonna give up to the likes of you humans!?

Sheridan: Quiet...

Clone: ......

Sheridan: Don't you see...all of you! Look at what you have done!?

Blaze: What do you mean?

Sheridan: Heh, trapped in the form of a disgusting human...look at all the killing you have done......I may not be human, but look at all the death you have caused...

Shadow: This is different you fiend!

Sheridan:'s not...

(Sheridan then collapses on the ground, but one of the clones helps him up.)

Clone: Master, are you ok?

Sheridan: I'm fine......

Shadow: .........

Blaze: What's wrong with him?

Shadow: He creates the clones with his own blood...he must have used a lot to create such an army of clones himself...he must be very weak.

Sheridan: Hehe...right you are......but back to what I was retched humans...killing does that make you feel?


(Some of the gunmen murmur to themselves about this, some say that they never wanted to kill anything to that others are willing to do what it takes to complete their tasks.)

Shadow: And how do you feel about it? You killed several people with your own hands!

Sheridan: Yes, but I am trying to tell you all something......

(Sheridan then releases his grip on his clone and began to walk to a nearby edge.)

Sheridan: You humans are your own demise...your own death is because of your own kind...

Shadow: Sheridan, what are you--!?

Blaze: He's gonna jump!

Clone: Master!

Sheridan: ......I matter what I do......nothing will change...such inferior species.........I tried to help you...yet you fail to realize what I was trying to tell you.........*Falls*

Clone: Master Sheridan!

(Sheridan then falls down a cliff, his body disappeared in the darkness in the chasm. The two clones then turn to the men in anger.)

Clones: You god damn fucking humans! We'll kill you!

Shadow: open fire!

(Gunshots rained upon the two clones and they fell to the ground. Shadow then walks towards the edge to see where Sheridan fell.)

Shadow: ......Get two copters down there and search for his body. I want to make sure he is dead and that this is not one of his damned attempts of escape.

Agents: Yes sir!

(They all then began their decent of the mountain path, Blaze followed Shadow as they began to leave.)

Blaze: You think he is really dead?

Shadow: Doubtful, he's escaped several times before...last time it was in a landslide. I want to be sure this isn't a clone.

Switch Out

**Chapter 6** **Switch Out** (Everyone ran into the band room and saw Josh waiting there.) Josh: ...Where's Dalton? Sam: By now, Sheridan's possibly killing him... Erin: Forget Dalton, we need to get out of here. Connor: Wait...what about...

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**Chapter 5** **Retaliation** (Dalton once again sneaks by the office, but before passing completely, he looked in through the window to see if there are any signs of Sheridan. Which there was! Sheridan had just gotten up from his slumber. Quickly,...

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The Rat

**Chapter 4** **The Rat** (As morning shone its light within the windows of the school, the lights on the inside came on and the speaker was turned on.) _Good morning survivors. Hope last night was fun, because it sure was for me! Hahaha!!!!...

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