You Can't Tame Digimon
#1 of Can't Tame Digimon
Two hackers decide to enter the digital world and force the Digimon to bend to their will. Unfortunately, that's going to require some illegal coding to get the job done. Purely a first chapter in the series, and I won't deny it's rushed as hell.
"What do you mean you can't tame a Digimon?" asked a curious young male as he paced back and forth in the room. He was addressing a girl who sat in front of a computer, typing in a flurry of calculations and programs. They looked to be in their mid to late teens.
"It's simple." she replied, "Digimon may have solid forms, they may have personalities, and they may have advanced intelligence. But when you get down to it, they're just sophisticated AI programs." she typed in some more on the computer as her male companion stopped pacing.
"Meaning what?" he asked, approaching her and looking over her shoulder at the screen instead. A loading bar was filling out, indicating they were now waiting for something to happen involving her programs.
"Meaning it's impossible for them to deviate from their programming." the girl responded, "If you want to make a Digimon do something it's not supposed to do, you have to rewrite it's programming. Which is where this comes into play." she finished, pointing at the screen as the bar filled out completely.
A window opened up to reveal two new Digimon side by side, one having a male looking build and the other female. Underneath their models, it listed them as virus type digimon and their names. Incumon and Succumon.
"These are viruses." the girl spoke up, "They mess with the digital world's programming. They'll let us do whatever we want with the Digimon." the male seemed to grin at that as he rubbed his hands together.
"Entering the digital world is going to digitize our bodies. So the plan is to rewrite our own codes into these things." the male said, tapping the screen. His female companion nodded and began to type something else into the computer, keeping the window of the two Digimon open as she did so.
"Alright, let's get the party started!" the girl said, pressing Enter on the keyboard as the screen flashed and a swirling vortex opened up. The two of them held hands as they were sucked through and went spiraling through the portal.
"Waaaaahhhhh!" yelped the male as he felt like his body was fading away. As he looked down at his arms and legs, he saw bits of himself glow white and flake away into the void. As he turned to his companion, he saw the same thing occurring to her as well. Their bodies were disintegrating rapidly!
"This feels really weird!" the girl exclaimed before she vanished completely into a cloud of white flakes. Moments later, the boy did too, just as they emerged on the other side of the portal. Their digitized bodies were expelled into the sky of the digital world as clouds of data, which soon vanished. Yet instead of dying, their consciousness remained, for they were still able to see and hear, and feel even without a body to perceive such things.
What initially started as weightlessness began to change as they felt themselves growing heavier once more. It started at where they would normally perceive their feet to be, and started to spread upwards through their legs. Followed after that was the torso, then the arms, and finally the head. When it was over, they realized they once more had bodies, and were no longer in the sky, but now upon the ground.
"It worked!" exclaimed a female's voice, as the male did not recognize the owner. He turned to it's source to see one of the viruses that had been on the screen moments before. It was Succumon, and as he looked at his body, he realized he had become Incumon.
"It worked!" they shouted in unison, pointing to each other in astonishment...
If this chapter seemed a little rushed, I'm not really good at beginnings to be honest. Even less so now since I've been out of the writing hobby for a while now. Story should pick up in later chapters, though, now that I've got something to work from. If somebody can help me fix the problem that makes everything bunch together in the story, I'd appreciate it.