Feline Fantasies - Chapter 12: Conclusion
#12 of Feline Fantasies
Last part already? Yup... all good things must come to an end. As does the story of Nick and Shaila. Enjoy this final chapter!
Feline Fantasies - Chapter 12: Conclusion
By TheTiger - Creative Commons 2005
'Are you alright, Nick?' Lirion asked a bit worried as they drove down the highway. 'Would you mind telling me where we are going?'
The crazy freak feeling she had about Nick earlier came back to mind. He was acting strange and didn't say anything, didn't explain anything.
'At least tell me why on earth you decided to bring Shaila along!'
The large tigress was laying right ontop of her. Nick may have a wealthy father, his car didn't exactly show it. Lirion had to sit on the backseat together with Shaila, who of course was to big to even fit there by herself, let alone together with Lirion.
Still, Nick didn't answer. He just kept his eye's straight on the road as they drove along. Every once in a while getting strange looks from other cars, as the other drivers were trying to determine wether they just saw a tigress in the backseat or just a large plush. From a distance it would probably look like a large plush anyway, especialy if Shaila would keep still. But that wasn't to hard, as she was already packed up like a sardine anyway.
'Love, please,' Shaila mumbled uncomfortable. 'Where are we going? You're kind of scaring me.'
Nick drove of the freeway, into a forest rich environment. A small quiet piece of read that was zig zagging trough the tree's.
'Love...' Shaila said and tried to move up a bit. Eventually she managed to get her muzzle next to the drivers seat and tingled her whiskers in Nick's ear. 'We want to help you with whatever you're going to do. But at least tell us what you are getting yourself into.'
'We're going to the zoo,' was Nick's short answer as he took a left turn.
'The zoo?' it sounded in choir.
'What do you hope to find there?' Lirion asked.
Nick let out a sigh of frustration and anger. The look in his face treatning as a cloud of thunder.
'The Animal King,' he said. 'I have a score to settle...'
'We're going to see Sambu?' Shaila asked completely confused.
'Yea...' Shaila explained. 'Sambu always called himself The Animal King. Rather funny now that I think of it, because he's a wimp. Hehe.'
Nick shook his head and decided to drop the subject for now. The closer they got to the zoo, the more Nick's angry look made way for a sad and defeated look. He suddenly realized what he was doing... What possessed him to even involve Shaila into this!
'We're going back,' he said with a clear tone. His eye's were fixed on the roundabout he was going to make his turn on.
'What? Why!' Shaila interupted.
'Because I don't want to risk losing you again!'
Lirion sighed.
'Come on, enough with the playing. What are we going to do Nick, I want to know what you're dragging me into!'
'I wanted to take care of that prick once and for all,' he said as the roundabout was getting closer. 'But I can't risk losing Shaila...'
'What prick?' Lirion wondered.
A silence struck the car for a moment. Lirion and Shaila both anxiously waited for an answer. Nick sighed and slowed the car down a bit.
'My old boss... Adam Locke.'
Lirion let her mouth hang open.
'Locke the zoo owner?! He's The Animal King?'
Nick nodded.
'According to your files anyway.'
Lirion gasped.
'Now this, I didn't see coming.'
'You and me both...'
They closed in on the roundabout, and Nick made full turn backtracking to home.
'But... eh,' Lirion stumbled as they left the roundabout behind them.
'Why did you bring Shaila then?'
Nick sighed and looked away, Shaila's whiskers tickled in his ear.
'I wanted to confront him... but it's a crazy idea. I can't put her on the...'
'I want to,' Shaila interrupted him.
'I want to help you.'
Nick slowed down a little.
'Dear, the second someone sees you along with me there, I wil lose you... again. I don't want to risk that. Wendy would have thought the same.'
Shaila twitched her whiskers.
'What does Wendy have to do with it?'
Nick sighed again as he thought back of the letter he got back in jail. Wendy's suicide note.
'She eh... committed suicide. Because Locke wanted to expose her, just like he did with me. I knew she wouldn't be able to handle that, so somehow it didn't realy came as a surprise. But it was still a big shock.'
Lirion bend forward next to Shaila, working some fur out of the way.
'Okay, what? He wanted to expose her becouse she's a zoophile... and he's one himself as well? What a fucking... argh I don't even have words for it! That's betraying your own kind!'
'I wouldn't like to see us as a 'kind', Lirion. But I know what you mean. It was extremely cowardly of him... which is why I wanted to go there and teach him a lesson.'
The anger slowly dripped back into him. The adrenaline flow came back to him.
'Then go back, Nick,' Shaila said on a serious tone. 'That guy deserves a lesson, I liked Wendy a lot, I think it's worth taking a risk for her.'
Nick grunted and hit the wheel.
'Shaila! We will absolutely never, ever, see each other again! Is that what you want?!'
The tigress turned her head to Lorion and looked at her for a moment.
'Don't we owe her this?' she asked Nick while staring at Lorion.
'No...' Nick said, noticeably angry at himself. 'I owe her this. Not you. You don't have anything to do with this, Shaila.'
'Yes I do!' she breezed over to the driver's seat, in a way that clearly stated Nick shouldn't even try to challenge her. 'I loved her just as much as you did. Now turn around!'
Nick's angry expression now made room for fear, and doubt. By doing this, he would lose the one he loved. He didn't want to lose her, he didn't have to lose her! He could just bring her home and go back to the zoo by himself. Then again, he knew that tone of Shaila and knew it would now be impossible to turn her around. She is a very stubborn tigress, and this time it was going to break them up.
But since Nick knew he couldn't do anything about the situation anyhow, he made the hardest decision ever. He would turn around. Nick felt stupid for doing so. He felt even more stupid for taking Shaila in the first place.
'Okay... okay...' Nick sighed. 'You win...'
Shaila pushed her muzzle in Nick's neck and sent a warm lick over his hair.
'Thanks, love' she said. 'And who knows, maybe I can be of service somehow.'
Nick shook his head in grief. He felt terrible.
'I just hope you know what you're doing...'
Nick's luck didn't get any better when ariving at the zoo. The queues were huge, the entire square in front of the ticket boxes was filled up with people. Getting Shaila inside even semi unseen would be downright impossible. And someone was bound to call the police.
'Shaila,' Nick said as he drove the car to the parking lot. 'I want to you and Lorion to stay here. It's to crowded for you two to go outside.'
'Yea but,' Shaila protested.
'No buts, Shaila!' Nick interrupted fiercely. 'Losing you is enough already! If you show yourself out there, there is a fair chance you will get killed. I will not have it, understand?!'
Shaila flattened her ears and let her whiskers hang low.
'Alright...' she responded. 'Just give a shout when you need me.'
'Will do,' Nick said after he had parked the car and was about to step outside. 'Lorion, keep an eye on her. Keep her well hidden.'
Lorion nodded briefly.
'Alright Nick... Good luck.'
Nick waved them off as he headed for the entrance. Good luck, he'd need that. But he had a plan up his sleeve; all he needed was time to put it into practice. He knew Locke would have to be in his office. He usually was at this time.
He crossed the busy square, zigzagging trough the people. He caught eye of some awkward faces being send his way. Obviously people who recognized him from the news articles a year ago. It still hadn't fully blown over yet. Especialy not in the area of the zoo. But Nick was used to getting the awkward looks all the time. At least no-one was calling him names.
On the other end of the square was a little three story office building. Administration and other sorts of paperwork were being done there, as well as Locke who had his office there. Without hesitation he stumbled on inside, surprised to find the reception desk empty. He had a look on his watch and figured she must have gone for some lunch. No matter. It wasn't her he needed anyway. It was Locke.
Even after not having been here for such a long time, he still knew where to find his ex-boss's office. Even blindfolded that wouldn't be a problem. He'd been sent there so many times, it wasn't even funny anymore.
When he reached the door, he waited a moment. This had to go right, he only had one shot at this and it would only be a matter of waiting to see how Locke would react to it. He took a deep breath, and then opened the door.
Sure enough, Locke was sitting behind his desk, doing important paperwork and working on some stuff on the computer. Yiff pictures, no doubt, Nick thought almost in an angry way. Though he had an amusing moment when he saw Locke's expression.
'Well, hey there,' Nick simply said.
'Nick!' Locke shouted, both angry and surprised. 'What the hell are you doing here! You have a restraining order, unless you have forgotten!'
Nick walked up to Locke's desk and kept a foothold in front of it. He looked down on his ex boss.
'That restraining order is for the big cat exhibits, unless you have forgotten.'
With a cool and controlled look on his face, Nick sat down in the comfy chair that was standing on the other side of Locke's desk.
'As for what I'm doing here...' he said and grabbed a pen in front of him. He played around with it a bit before pointing it at Locke. 'I want my job back.'
Locke bursted out in laughter, leaning back in his office chair for a moment. He reached out, snatching the pen away from Nick and putting it to safety in his drawer. After he had his funny moment, he bend over his desk, meeting Nick eye to eye.
'Haven't you caused enough trouble and pain here as it is? Or are you looking for another chance to molest a group of innocent animals?'
Nick grinned without moving any other part of his body, and kept staring back at his ex-boss.
'You don't know the half of it,' he said while laughing underneath his breath.
Locke seemed to ignore Nick's comments. His face merely flattened out as he breezed his point in Nick's face.
'I will never, ever, hire you again. Not even if you paid me! I will not have an animal rapist working in my zoo!'
Nick leaned forward and rested his arms on the desk.
'That's fair enough. But I'm not a rapist...' he sent a teasing smile Locke's way. 'And you can't be sure of it... unless you were actually there...'
'I saw the tape, Nick! That's all I needed to see!'
Nick raised his hands in a "suit yourself" kind of way, then got up from his chair. With small passes he wandered around the office, taking a look at all the things Locke had in his cabinets. He picked up a small golden tiger statue.
'I noticed by the way, that you sort of followed my advice,' he said while had a closer look at the tiger statue. He hoped to find some details underneath the tail, like some of the statues he had at home. Unfortunately he had no such luck. 'But I told you to sell the tape... not to just post it on the internet.'
Nick kept his back turned to Locke, keeping quiet and anticipating his reaction. The long silence said enough.
'Wha... what do you mean?' Locke asked. Doubt was clearly hearable in his voice.
A short laughter escaped Nick as he heard his ex-boss become nervous. And when he turned around and saw the almost terrified look on his face, he couldn't help but grin.
'I know all about you, mister Animal King,' he said as he walked back to the desk, resting his arms on the edge as he looked down on Locke. Then he drew a bigger grin on his face. 'The internet is a great place, isn't it?'
It was quite funny to see his boss cornered like this. Nick enjoyed that moment to the fullest, even though he would much rather just kick his ass for what he did to Wendy. But he also knew, that wouldn't get her back.
Locke was still quiet. Judging by his look, he was figuring out what to say and how to respond. Nick beat him to it, because he suddenly saw a framed picture on his desk. He picked it up with some interest. The picture showed a bunch of people, under which his ex boss. The other people were probably his family.
'Oh yea, how is good old Lucy?' he asked, semi serious, as he tapped the picture with his finger, pointing out a German Shepard.
'Wha...' Locke barely managed to get out.
'Yea,' Nick reacted as if he was surprised. 'She was sick a while ago wasn't she? At least that's what you posted on one of those forums...'
He got out the folder of papers and started skimming trough some pages. He stopped somewhere in the middle and let his finger slide down the page.
'Yea, here it is,' he said in a calm, yet sarcastic manner. 'I quote; My doggy Lucy is a bit sick. She's sleeping all day and stuff, I guess that means no sex for a while.'
He looked up to Locke again with his faked surprised expression.
'You do know that sex with animals is still a crime in this country... right?' his voice sounded like he was innocence itself yet it was very clear he was quoting what Locke had told him earlier.
He closed the folder and put it on the desk in front of Locke.
'Here, you can have it. I have my own copy at home.'
He offered a mean grin before leaning back in his chair.
'What do you want... ?' Locke asked nervously without even giving the folder a glance. He was visibly shaking a bit from the sudden surprise. He was caught.
'I told you,' Nick said simply. 'I want my job back.'
'Yea... but I can't just...' Locke stutterd. 'How would it look... It's been in the... paper...'
Nick raised his shoulders.
'Well it's your choice really...' he said. 'But if you give me my job back I would be willing to forget I even have that folder... unless of course you want me to make it public knowledge.'
Nick smirked.
'Good, so then we have a deal?'
Locke was nervously looking around his desk, office and eventually back to Nick.
'Yes... no! I mean... what will the other staff think if I rehired you?'
'Ah!' Nick responded and sat in the chair again. He pointed a finger at him and pretended to be thinking really hard. 'You should ask yourself what they would think about you, if you didn't.'
Nick was now playing with Locke's fears. He was also abusing the view most people had on people like himself and Locke. He himself didn't like being called names and looked funny at. But he owed Locke a punch, and quite a hard one at that. Would he just have been fired without being locked away, then he might not have hated Locke as much as he did. Even with the locking away, that wasn't even that bad. But Wendy's suicide, that was more then enough reason to give Locke a taste of his own venom. Besides, he wanted to be back at the zoo. He considered it home, and missing out on it so long had been mind wrecking. Of course having Shaila around made up for a lot of that. But still he did miss Jake, Sambu and the lionesses.
After a short silence, Nick rose from his chair again and directed a serious look to Locke.
'So... what's it gonna be?'
John looked up from his cleaning work when Nick suddenly set foot in the stockyard.
'Hey, John,' Nick replied and casually walked up to him. 'How are you? Long time no see.'
John threw down his broom and stepped out of the night exhibit he was cleaning.
'What are you doing here? You can't be here!'
'Yes I can,' Nick grinned. 'Guess what? I got my job back.'
Without waiting for a reply Nick started to wander around the stockyard a bit. Not much had changed. Some of the old rusty locks on the cages had been replaced, and the camera's that gave him away a year ago were still there as well.
'You're kidding right?' John asked curiously. No way could he be back...
'Nope...' he said with a happy grin. He took a peek in Shaila's old night exhibit.
John came standing next to him.
'I eh...' he started. 'I should probably tell you... Shaila has been transferred.'
He looked up to Nick, apologies in his eyes.
'I'm sorry.'
'Hey, don't be,' Nick said, showing a semi-sad face. Of course he knew better. But he figured it would probably be best to not tell that Shaila lived with him now. 'I've heard... But I'm sure she's in good hands...'
It felt good to be back and that was clearly visible on Nick's face. Now that he was back here it felt like he never left. Like the past year never happened and like he had his big cat orgy right here just one night ago.
He grinned as he thought back to it. They should have some fun sometime again, he kind of caught himself missing Jake's special touch. The passionate yet powerful feeling of being taken by one of the most powerful beings on the planet... how could you not get addicted to something like that.
With that same grin he pondered about that question as he walked to the office. Everything was the same here as well. Two desks, a few cabinets and papers scattered all over. Glad to see no order whatsoever had found its way in here while he was gone.
'So... Locke rehired you?' John asked who had followed Nick to the office. 'Just like that?'
Nick kept grinning as he sat down in the comfortable office chair. He stared out the window to the stockyard and nodded a little.
'I guess he was in a good mood...'
'You should have seen the look on his face!' Nick explained excited as he steadily drove back home. 'I don't think I ever saw someone so scared. Hahaha!'
Lorion grinned behind him on the backseat.
'I'm glad you got your job back,' she said with a smile. 'So what are you going to do with Shaila now? Will you bring her back to the zoo now that you work there again?'
'Of course not!' Nick reacted, almost angry. 'She's the love of my life, she doesn't belong in a zoo anymore. Right hun?'
Shaila tickled her whiskers in his neck.
'Right...' she said softly, sending a warm flow of air past his ear.
'Hmm,' Nick moaned and looked back to Shaila for a moment. 'That's arousing, you know that?'
Shaila made a soft purring sound, looking back at him for a moment.
'I do now...' she said and sent another flow of air over his face.
Nick pulled a face and focused back on the driving.
'You could use a breath mint though,' he joked. He received an angry growl behind him which only left him laughing a bit.
Then it was quiet for a bit. Only the noise of the car and the other traffic on the rather quiet freeway.
'You know what I find so sad about Locke, actually?'
'Hm?' Lorion and Shaila both responded together.
'He's disgusted by himself. He almost has two personalities. It's creepy almost. This one side, hating and disgusted by even thinking of having sex with animals... and the other side... who is doing just that. He's a very strange guy.'
'Well be glad,' Lorion noted. 'If he wasn't so afraid of who he was, you might not have had your job back now.'
Nick nodded while thinking about that.
'True,' he agreed. 'But never the less, no-one should ever be ashamed of who he is. I'm not, and I get called tiger-fucker at least twice a day.'
'Yea,' Shaila said and eyed Lorion for a moment. 'But you ARE a tiger-fucker... And a good one at that...'
This send Nick laughing.
'Thanks, hun,' he chuckled. He kept quiet for another moment before speaking again. 'Still, things could have gone completely different if Locke wouldn't have been so disgusted about himself. In this case, it could have saved a life.'
Wendy... she was special and would always have a special place in Nick's heart. It had been a tragedy and he couldn't help feeling just a little guilty about what happened. But Nick knew better then anyone else that Wendy would have hated for him to walk around with guilt like that. She would have wanted he was happy. He looked over his shoulder to Shaila who had gotten comfortable against Lorion's shoulder. He grinned. Yea, he was happy alright. He had two great girls to hang out with, and one of them was a tigress. What else could he ask for? All the fantasies he ever had about big cats had come true. Sure enough it had required a sacrifice; his privacy, but it was well worth it all together. He was the only person in the world with an experience like this, and no-one could ever take that away from him.
With a fading smile Nick drove home, tiredness was sneaking in even though he knew he had a long night ahead of him. After all, he had a beautiful tigress to please. A tigress who had been the key to unlocking every one of his fantasies. Every one of his hot and horny feline fantasies...
Authors Comments:
I would like to thank everyone who supported me while writing this series. It's been a great experience to write it. Thank you everyone who left their comments, send e-mails or spammed me to death with 'I love it!' over AIM. It's greatly appreciated!
I guess some of you are wondering about the sudden ending. I like to quit while I still can. I was simply running out of ideas for the series, writing more chapters would only make the series boring.
And for everyone who is now thinking: "WHERE IS THE YIFF?!". It simply didn't fit this chapter. But since Nick did promise Shaila a night of fun, don't be surprised if at some point you will see chapter 12B pop up ;).
New ideas are floating around in my head for a new story which *might* be turned into a series as well. I will have to see how it evolves. Just keep an eye out ;).
All characters, enviorments and story ideas are copyrighted to me (TheTiger). However, everything from the Feline Fantasies series is hereby open for anyone to use in Fan Fic's. Just let me know, hm? ;)