Gabumon's New Life ch2

Story by Hollow_man on SoFurry

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I hope this is better than the first

Chapter 2 training

Gabumon woke up with a killer headache he looked around and saw he was in a hut,renamon must have brought him was big and seemed to have multiple rooms the floor was made of dirt but the placement of the minuscule furniture made it seem classy .Gabumon tried to get up but his hands and legs even his tail was restrained to the floor.His mouth was gagged as well so he was forced to breath through his stinging nose.

flamedramon walked through one of the doors in the hut and said "renamon wants me to train you to love farts if you do not want me to train you,just say no"

of course he could not answer but that didn't stop him from shaking his head vigorously."I dont hear a no" said flamedramon with a snicker.

she sat down heavily on his head with her tail resting on his chest.his face was engulfed by her blue scaly cheeks.He was cut off from air entirely as his nose was smushed up against her bum.

she sat there for a while not saying anything,not even farting.After a little bit more, Gabumon was getting light head and his lungs begged for air,he started struggling like crazy his attempts barely made her wiggle.

she said "if you want some air I could give you some of mine,all you have to do is give me a sign how bout a thumbs up if you want my air."

She waited for him to give a thumbs up but he didn't. He has a strong will or maybe he thinks i won't kill him she thought."you know gabumon if you think that i won't let you die your wrong, maybe gatomon would be a better slave"

Gatomon! did she just say gatomon,slave! gabumon thought as he felt him self drifting out of consciousness ,he hadn't gotten any air in 3 minutes.he knew he couldn't let gatomon become her slave,so he gave her a thumbs up.

she said "look who's finally coming to there senses,sniff it all up or gatomon will be the one tied to the floor"she wiggled her ass across his face until his nose tickled her anus. she released a ten second fart.he sniffed at it like a dog not wanting to disappoint her,she let out more and more farts over the course of the next 5 minutes,he sniffed them up crying and wanting to vomit he sniffed at her ass with vigour because he did not want gatomon to share his fate.

she said "your a natural, lets take it up a notch"she lifted her legs putting all her weight on his head.the pressure was extremely intense,breaking his nose he wanted to scream in pain but she did not care,she felt the crack and said "try sniffing through that ,bitch"

wiggling her ass moving his nose with it,she continued to fart for thirty seconds he ignored his pain and continued to sniff,you think there would be blood coming from his nose but do to him lying on his back and her butt on his face none came out.

sniffing her ass stung twice as much now but he continued for gatomon.After around 3 minutes of completely full weight farting,and sniffing.she got up and let him have some real air.

she looked down at the poor things face,his nose was swollen and crooked,his fur covered in his and her sweat,he sniffed vigorously at the fresh air. flamedramon said "you did well,but you could always do better" she winked "I think greymon would like to have fun with you,why don't we go meet him"