time for a change.

Story by Yuko_Foxx on SoFurry

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#5 of poems

no so sure about this one

you look to the left, every body falls right

you look to the right, every body falls left

you look straight ahead and everybody stops dead

you look around you

I look beyond

I see walls of fluff, how about you?

I look at the garments of others

and I look at the garments of my self

I see its thick

I hear it crinkle

I look at my paws

they have shrunk

I look at my clothes as the fall off

I shake my head

I think and I wrack my brain, all I had to drink

was some water, that I should have poured down the drain

Kristoffer's Redemption Chapter 11

Kristoffer's redemption chapter 11 second chances it was well into the after noon when Kris and Blaze finally stopped playing checkers. but the day was far from over. "hey Kris you stay right here and I'll be right back okay?" Blaze said as he stood...

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Kristoffer's Redemption chapter 5

Kristoffer's Redemption Chapter 5. The diary. Jennifer had to stop and think a moment before she had an idea. "Kristoffer, With your permission I want to try an experiment with you, okay?" Kristoffer, was a bit startled by the word experiment, but...

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Kristoffer's Redemption Chapter 10

Kristoffer's Redemption. chapter 10 demons. The next morning while they was waiting for Shela and Kristoffer to wake up, Jennifer, and Blaze were having a talk about the night before, Blaze was worried about how this would affect Kristoffer. "you...

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