Listen - Forward and Prologue

Story by Marcus_greyeye_Rison on SoFurry

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#2 of Listen - TMRS Characters and stuffs

This is all of the preliminary writing to the book series that I am writing. Listen was intended to be a film, and most of it is in the format of an on-screen script. I don't have money to create the film, so I decided to write it again into a book series to generate an income to create my intended film.

NOTE: This piece is protected by national and international copyrights reserved for the NucleRmedia VFX Online Digital Commissionship. Any use of this piece without written express consent from the author and copyright holder is prohibited. This piece can easily be referred to with it's Unique Varied Claim ID.



"I once was blind. But now I see.

I don't use my eyes. They are still useless to me.

I have seen it all. But I have seen nothing.

I once was dead. But now I live.

I have always been alive. But I would never forgive.

My heart was cold. From my feelings of old.

People I don't care to think of.

When the world caved in. I thought it would take me then.

I couldn't have been more innocent.

There were men around. Where evil in me they found.

It made me feel sick inside.

I thought it would be the way that I died.

I once was blind. Blind I am today.

I use my ears. They help pave for me the way.

I have cleared my mind. Left my old world behind.

I am living for today.

Because I am that kind...

I am happy and I am blind!"

I recited this over and over again to myself. I wrote it to perfection, as it described all of my mind in a single page. I wanted to believe it was true, but I couldn't. Not here. That's when the morning began. The morning. Not this morning, not yesterday morning. It was a specific morning.

"GO ON, WAKE UP, WAKE UP AND GET TO YOUR FEET!" The guard was running down the hallway, and he was beating his baton upon the jail doors. His gaze was on a particular cell by at least 7 doors down. It was mine. He stopped yelling, and he slowly, almost quietly made his way to the outside of it.

He looked inside, and there he saw a young wolf. It was a young, and somewhat underdressed me. He stared in, locking gaze with me. He admired the eerie moment. He ever so lightly tapped the baton against the door. I cocked my head in it's direction, and yawned.

"Sup? Don't you have other prisoners to torment?" My long hair fell into my dirty face, and I didn't really mind it. The guard replied "the boss will be by for you in due time. I think it would be in your best interest to take this. Hide it, you will learn why when you open it." The guard took a look around, and slid an orange colored envelope toward my feet into the cell. "I wasn't here this morning, understood?" "Sure" I reply.

The guard walks down the hallway and begins to wail again. Intrigued, I began to hum something to myself as I hid the envelope under the pillow. I didn't feel comfortable laying on it, and I began to think about it.

With that being the case, I removed it, kind of handling it. My claws make a cut at the top and rip it open the rest of the way. I was in deep surprise at it's contents. I dropped it and put both hands over my snout. "Thank you Jesus! Oh, Lord thank you!" I exclaimed to myself.

Little did I know, that envelope had more purpose than just getting me out of this place. That envelope provided for me to get as far as I dared. Up to this point, I hadn't expected me to live. I had only the slightest idea that a blind animal like myself would be high in demand. I was miles from home, but I will tell you all that I recollect.