An Umbreon's Quest Chap 13 Drain, pain, and to persuade

Story by 502nickster on SoFurry

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Two years, really sorry everyone, finally I got this out. Apologies Alex Kitsune.

I do not own Pokemon. The character 'Shadow' belongs to Alex Kitsune.

Please enjoy

The powerful white water pounded us down into the drain, I craned my neck to break the surface of the water. Inhaling deep as my maw came out of the water. I looked around me, Tomi , Arch and Shadow were yelling as we were tossed around knocking into each other by the force of the water.

I felt someone dragging his paws on my back, I turned to see an orange paw trying to reach out for me before going down. I bit the paw, gripped hard and pulled Garomun for him to breathe.

Arch released some vines to latch onto something, but to no avail. I saw a small ray of light, and it was getting bigger.

"The exit! We're gettin outta here man!" Arch said, trying to keep his head above water. As it gets bigger, I could see a mix of orange and yellow sky, there wasn't any land.

The current spat us out into the air, we screamed as we plummeted down, falling down into the lake below Esamo falls with water still pounding down on us. I vision was blurring while holding my breath until I was washed away to the bank of the lake, gasping for air, coughing and breathing heavily. My leg muscles were hurting bad.

I sat up to see Tomi and Arch coming out of the water, the shiny Flareon appeared unfazed walking to the bank while the Leafeon trudged to my side. "Man, I can't believe we made that." He said.

Then out popped Shadow from the water, with Garomun's mane in his mouth and pulling him to the bank. "Thank you." Garomun said between his breaths.

I got up and turned away from the lake, only to see Tomi's hostile face in front of mine. "Alright Umbreon, who are you?" He growled.

"Nicarun." I replied.

"And you are not with Team Ater?"

"If I was, I wouldn't have helped you back there."

"Don't get smart with me Umbreon, and you didn't help me earlier. In fact, I got you all out of there." He said as smoke came from his mouth even though we were all soaked.

"Hey Tomi, ease up man." Arch said, walking up to him. Tomi turned and just stared at the Leafeon for a few seconds. Then he turned to look at Shadow. "What did you do? Why are you an Umbreon?" He asked.

"I had to Tomi." Shadow replied.

"Oh sure you do." Tomi snapped. Shadow tried to reason with him, "Hey I did it for you all. Lencita, Basila, Fallon, Grand-"

"Grand?! He got all of us into this mess! He was with those scumbags!"

"Tomi, just calm down please." Arch said.

The shiny Flareon just looked at the waterfall we fell from, and turned to walk into the woods. "Where are you going?" Shadow asked.

"To find Groudon. I'm getting away from this vicinity before those idiots know we're here. What you do think?" Tomi answered. His sarcasm and tone is really getting to me. We all left the bank, going up higher to find Amadea and Keltorie.

Going up higher in the forest, we were about to enter a clearing, "Well that was the second time you fall from a height. Yeah I saw that from the top. Came down to find you and here we are."

"Great. You got out." Garomun turned to respond to Amadea. "Where's Keltorie? Her parents?" I asked her. "They're gone. They are heading back. They want her to follow them, we tried to protest but they won't have it. She's gonna show them the way back."

Garomun let a out small sigh. "At least they're safe." Amadea then said, "She wanted to come with us you know."

The flareon didn't reply. Amadea then turned to see Tomi, who was walking away from us to the opposite side of the clearing."Hey, it's Tomi right?" She called to him.

"Don't bother remembering it Espeon, I'm not staying." He said.

Shadow and Arch dropped their jaws. Arch tried to persuade him "What do you mean man?! we gotta save the rest of us-"

"There's no us anymore! You can thank Grand for that. For we know they could be all dead"

"You know Grand didn't mean any of this to happen." Arch reached to grab his shoulder with his vine, but with a swift turn he shook it off.

"But they did happen! I'm done with this. I'm gone."

Shadow then made a big leap to land in front of him, both staring deep at each other with serious faces. "What are you going to do? Stop me?" Tomi asked, smoke came from his mouth.

"Tomi, Grand looked after us all, he brought us together, we all became family. Basila, Lencita, Fallon, are they still family. Look into yourself, you're telling me you don't care for them anymore? You're just abandon them?" Shadow said right in his face. The shiny flareon just stared right back for a few seconds, before turning around to leave.

Blue Ring had nothing but disbelief on his face. Tomi had disappeared into the forests. Walking up to him, I asked if he's alright.

Shadow just turned around and walked past me. "Tomi! Tomi!" Arch was about to chase him, but Shadow stopped him. "We can't waste time, if he won't help then forget it. We have to get to Vinatho Swamps"

Garomun came up to them. "So um guys, you know the way?" He asked them. "We have to go south of here." Arch answered him. "Lets go." Shadow said and led the rest into forest, heading south."

Arch was still looking at the direction Tomi left. "Arch?" I called him. He let out a long sigh, before joining the rest, followed by me.

We walked for a good couple of hours without a stop. Until Amadea asked them to stop. "Yeah I gotta rest too." Garomun said as he sat down.

We all closed up in a circle. Arch went to talk to Amadea. "Hey um, I'm Arch. You are?" He asked her.

"Amadea." She made a small smile at him.

"Hey hey, cool name."

"Uh, Thanks Arch."

Arch sulked a bit. "Ahh, I'm sorry. We really haven't got introduced earlier, I was still upset about Tomi, our shiny Flareon you saw earlier."

"Yeah, he didn't seem like the uh charming one."

"He wasn't like that, he was really nice. But this, all of this, changed him. Something broke."

"This whole situation changed all of us." Amadea lowered her head.

"Oh yeah, you didn't tell me why you three are with us."

I didn't bother to listen to the rest of their conversation. I lay down on the ground. I looked away from the group, lost in thought. Mom, the glaceon who raised me, all grace she is, all love and tenderness, enduring the disappearance of dad...Dad, the flareon, the Pokemon I looked up to, just taken from me, from my life.

Where is he? Where is she? Where are they? What happened to them? My guts felt twisted the second I thought of the worst, I couldn't breathe right, I wanted to throw up, my insides were in a lot of pain from the thought, hated myself for thinking such horror. Closing my eyes, focusing on hope, I have to hope, to believe. Ever since dad was gone I always did, and I shall continue to, even more.

Shadow's ears perked up, he stood up. Squinting his eyes at the path we came from. We all stood after him, the sound of leaves rustling got us on alert.

"Ease up Shadow." A familiar voice came.

And out came the Shiny Flareon we saw earlier. "Tomi! You're here man!" Arch exclaimed. "Don't hug me, Arch." He said to the Leafeon right before he was about to let loose his vines.

"I knew you still hold dear to them." Shadow said, walking up to him. "I'm seeing it as payback, and I got to ask Grand a lot of questions." He replied.

"Plus I got this moron who wants to join this suicide mission." He said as a Jolteon came from behind to look at him in annoyance. "Minutes after I left, I bumped into her, she said she was looking for you all."

"Keltorie? Why are you here?" Garomun asked with concern. "To go with you all, thats why." She replied.

"No ,no no. You have to go back, go back with your parents, they won't know the way to the farm." I told her.

"Farm?" Blue Ring raised the question. We both looked at him and went back to our conversation.

"I told them to go back to our old home, they know the way, well what's left of it. When if get back we'll bring them there. That's the idea I had." Keltorie said. "Are you out of your mind? They'll be worried sick. Why would you do that to them?" Garomun said to her.

The Jolteon started to get ticked, slowly walking towards us she spoke seriously. "Since you're starting to sound like them, I'll tell you the same thing I told them. I am not a little Eevee cub anymore, none of us are. I'm a fully evolved Jolteon now, and I want help you, because I'm choosing to risk my life to help my friends to get their family back, because they have risked theirs to save mine. And you're not going to stop me. I'm going with you all."

We were all quiet for a moment, taking in what Keltorie said to us. "Lets go?" Arch asked, breaking the silence.

"Umbreon." Tomi called me. He took slow steps towards to intimidate me.

"The way the situation has been placed, and the circumstances, your problems just became my problems as well." He paused, then stared me down and hissed, "But that does not mean I have to like it or you."

"Uhuh, and I've told you Tomi, its Nicarun." I simply replied. "Whatever. Lets move, now." Tomi said and led the hike, heading to the swamps.

"Don't mind him, Nicarun. He'll come around, you'll see." Arch said to me. All I could reply with was, "Uhuh."

We all then followed the shiny Flareon.