Chapter 9
#9 of Bloody Journey
Next chapter to bloody journey is taking longer than should, here's what I have thus far.
I watched as Jonko slowly got off the bed Axel had ordered him to stay in. It's been almost two days since he and Axel defended the small village, and Axel had made it clear to Jonko and I that he wasn't going anywhere till he could see Jonko was back to his full health. To my surprise, my master Darkrai did not try to interfere with the over developed Pokémon. Instead, he agreed with Axel and had actually accelerated Jonko's healing.
Over the time we spent here, Axel and Jonko told me some of their past. They even shared a few of the less gruesome stories about their time as Dark Heroes, though they both refused to even mention how they had become part of the infamous mercenaries. When I mentioned I felt bad to asking so many questions about them, Jonko simply replied that 'We will tell you whatever we're comfortable with, you're my partner after all.'
"Have you seen where the Multi-Dex went Flo?" Jonko asked, dragging me back to reality as he pooped his knuckles.
" Yes, it's on the table with lunch." I told him, knowing full well he wouldn't understand a word I said. I hopped down from my place on the couch and shook myself.
"You know," He sighed as I created the illusion of being a little girl, "I really wish I had tried harder to learn how to understand pokespeak." He turned around to face me, mild surprise crossing his face when he saw my illusion. I chuckled as I grabbed his hand and lead him down out of the little room. "You know your tail is still showing some right?" I looked back and frowned as I in fact did see my tail.
" Hey, practice makes perfect Flo." A soft laugh caught my attention. In front of us stood Grave, the kind Gallade who I had learned was like an uncle to Jonko and Axel. He held up the single lensed machine that allowed Jonko to understand us.
"Thanks Grave." Jonko took it from him and slipped it on.
" Pleasure, now come on. You're breakfast is getting cold." The Psychic said with a soft smile.
" Um, Grave?" ** I drew his attention as we started down the short hall to the kitchen and dining room. **"How did Axel get this cabin?"
"It's actually one of our old safe houses." Jonko answered, "Lucifer had it built after the War of Fairies ended."
" It's one of the very few that the Dark Heroes have that is still used regularly." ** Grave continued, **"Most of them are abandoned in Unova or Kalos after the war, and the few they had in the other regions were practically never used anyway."
" Oh." ** I thought for a moment as we continued into the small dining room. **"You said that you and Elinor weren't members?"
" No, the leader of the Dark Heroes wouldn't take us." I heard Jonko sigh sadly as he took his seat at the table.
"May the Master's soul finally know peace." He said quietly and I frowned. I had made a serious effort to learn what I could of the Dark Heroes, but no one was willing to tell me about the team's leader, not even a name. The most I got was from master Darkrai, but all he would say was it was dead and I should rejoice in that fact but not why.
"Hey now, call it pointless fear, but please for the love of Arceus don't bring it up." I hopped up to the low seat as Axle came in. Jonko chuckled darkly, causing me to shiver.
"What's the matter brother? Afraid of the dead?" He challenged as he took a sip of the mixed berry soup. Axle snarled and hit the table rather hard as he passed.
"No. I'm afraid of it NOT being dead." The atmosphere in the room suddenly became very tense and cold. Looking around everyone seemed to have frozen; Elinor stood rigid in place by the counter, Grave was petrified by the end of the table, Jonko became frozen mid sip of his soup, and Axle stayed still with his fist sitting on the table.
" That creature was destroyed in the last conflict between Arceus and Giratina." We all turned to the entrance of the cabin, were master Darkrai stood with a clear look of irritation upon his face. *"That... thing, was shattered into several thousand bits and pieces." * Jonko set his bowl down rather loudly and Axle snarled.
"Have you figured anything out about the Sapien Hotel?" Jonko asked with slight hostility.
I choose to ignore the minor insult to my former master. Darkrai shared the shadows and night with it, and has possibly as much reason to fear as my family.
" *Yes I have. Apparently, it's a decent hotel in Pearl." * I looked over to him, a small smirk seemed to grace his face. *"It is also the recruiting central for a specific thorn in the council's side." * I chuckled.
"Well then... any idea who sent me the name?" At this his face fell.
" *No. Everyone connected to the council had no knowledge of this place until I asked about it." * I sighed then looked at my Lucarian brother.
"Don't bother, only one person in my tribe has heard of that place, but he's a Pidgeotto who just flies over the town every now and then." He shook his head.
" Maybe we can figure out who told you about it if we-" Axle barked, interrupting Flo.
" The only way I'm letting my brother leave here is if I hear from Arceus herself that the council found someone else to take on whatever job they gave him." I frowned as he crossed his arms.
" Y... you're willing to challenge the council's choice?" I looked over to Flo, and laughed at the surprise on the human face she wore.
" The Dark Heroes only feared one creature." ** I looked over to Elinor as she turned around, her face sad. **"And that being has been dead for some time now."
" What could be more-" Flo started again, this time to be interrupted by Darkrai.
" *Their former master." * He stated, and the room started to tense again.
"Enough," I growled, "Axle, the Commander's attacked YOUR village." I looked over to him. "Never have I known you to take an attack on someone or somewhere you protect not personally. And I know you enough to know your burning for some payback." I stood as I challenged my brother. We stared at one another as I waited for him to speak.
"I did have something planned." He looked down as he admitted reluctantly. "Sisillia has been working on repairing our old toy for a while and..." I knew my eyes must of double in size at the least. "I have a few volunteers to-"
"You're planning on attacking them in the city?" I asked sarcastically, he snorted and looked up at me again.
"Very funny." He rolled his eyes. "No, our scouts found a militarized camp not too far from the city. Judging by the reports, I'd say a supply depot for the Commanders." I felt my lips curl up into a smile.
" Sounds like a suicide mission." I turned around to face the Legendary.
"Arky, have you never seen a Dark Hero work?" I grinned as face slowly gained the slightly glossy appearance that meant he was blushing.
" Only four people can call me that." ** He sneered at me, I laughed. *"That aside, I know how you 'Heroes' fight." * He said with a slight distaste, ** "But surely you don't intend to risk the lives of your people." Darkrai asked Axle who laughed behind me.
" Of course not! I'm intending to go solo." I spun around and stared at him.
"My room. Now." He said and grabbed Axle as he stomped back the way we had come.
" *Three seconds, you were right sweetie." * Elinor said softly, Grave chuckled.
" Wait, what just happened?" I looked between the Psychic mates and my master.
" *Elinor and I knew Axle's plan, and how Jonko would react." * Grave said as he walked over and hugged his mate.
" We also know how their argument will end, so I suggest we all leave now." Elinor and Grave separated and started towards the doorway.
" Flo, come on." I turned to face Darkrai as he got out of the doorway and motioned for me to follow. We left the cabin and started towards the small clearing that was the center of the village.
" Master, would Axle really test the council?" I asked my master, causing him to chuckle.
" *Have you noticed the tattoo he has on his left shoulder? The one of Rayquaza's head with a single bullet hole in his forehead?" * I frowned and nodded, *"That is his trophy from the when he did in fact challenge both Rayquaza and his champion." * I stumbled and dropped my illusion.
" He fought the both of them?!" I asked stunned.
" Yes. If I remember correctly, those two had a bit much to drink and decided to pick a fight with someone." My master chuckled. "Unfortunately for them, they ran into the sharp shooter himself."
" What happened?"
" *I'm afraid I've promised not to tell that story, maybe you can fish it out of Axle." * My master stopped just before the clearing and leaned against a tree. I frowned and sat down beside him.
" Darkrai," My master and I both looked over to Elinor, ** "Why did YOU get selected to accompany Jonko? Surely one of the Champions would have been a better choice?"**
" I was wondering when that would be asked." ** Darkrai sighed, **"Although normally we would of sent a Champion or several, recently we have been having some problems in the other regions that have been drawing their attention. Plus, Mewtwo is still a council member, regardless of what he says, and we don't take attacks on us lightly."
" Wait, is Arceus declaring war on the Lightning Commanders?" Grave frowned and tilted his head. Master laughed.
" *Please, she hasn't waged a war since Giratina started one with her all those eons ago." * I looked back to my master as he shook his head. *"No, I volunteered to come, otherwise it would have been Mew, Yveltal, or Kyurem since those three have the most... experience with JoJo." * I tilted my head in confusion.
"Not a way in the Distorted World would I work with that pink devil." We turned to watch as Jonko walked up with Axle besides him. "I wouldn't mind working with Kyurem though." My master chucked.
"Enough yapping, we got a battle to get to." Axle said smiling faintly.
" *JoJo convinced you to take him with you?" * Grave said smugly.
" He also threaten to tell Sisilia what you had planned." Elinor giggled quietly.
"Shut it." Axle grumbled and shook his head. Jonko laughed and took a knee next to me.
"Come on you three." He shook his head and held his hand out to me. "Let's be civil for at least a few more minutes, eh?"
" Agreed," I looked to Darkrai as he got off the tree and proceed into the clearing and towards Jonko's van, ** "We do have a job to do and I have a personal stake in this now."**
We all fell silent. I hopped into Jonko's hand and ran to his shoulder as he started after him. Besides us, Axle walked next to us while Elinor and Grave drifted further from us as they followed. Darkrai stopped and stood beside the van as Axle looked around.
" Oye! Everyone to the meeting ground!" He roared and crossed his arms as he waited. Before long the edge of the clearing became a buzz as the locals heeded the call. *"I'm going to battle, Beta Elinor is in charge till I return. Lucy! Front and center!" * He barked his orders. There was a moment of rustling before the Lucario came stumbling up.
" Alpha?" She questioned as she stood straight before Axle.
"You're coming with me, I have a special mission for you." Axle spun towards the van and started towards it. "Jonko, fire it up!" Jonko chuckled and jogged over to the driver side door.
*"Axle!" * A familiar voice drew our attention. Looking over we saw the Zoroark, Zachary, had entered the clearing from the side closest to the road. *"What are you playing at? You bring a human into our midst, then treat his injuries over yours, and now you abandon us to follow it?!" * He barked as he advanced upon us. Master suddenly appeared behind him and placed his hand on his shoulder. As Zachary tried to turn, he suddenly crumpled to his knees then vanished.