The party! [PART 7]

Story by LunaticLens on SoFurry

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#7 of The party!

This chapter is a little longer.

Hope you guys enjoy it!~ :)


Luna was already up and brewing some coffee in the kitchen, as the leopard was just waking up he began to think about what happend the night before. "Luna. Please help me repeat this. I cheated on my boyfriend, who i met a phew weeks ago, with my best friend, who i know since...How many years?"

Luna turned around and put-down a cup of coffee infront of him and the leopard. "Almost 5 years now."

"Oh." the leopard said. "I remember how i had a crush on you. That was funny."

"Wait. You had a crush on me?" The wolf almost spat out his coffe from laughter. "The almost 2 meter quarterback had a crush on 1'6 geek?"

"Haha, yeah. It was after i left 'her' though." The leopard said, sipping his coffee.

Luna nodded and began rubbing his muzzle. "Where did you meet Yasashi though? He hit me like a truck..."

The leopard gave a awkward giggle. "He was in my football-team."

"That explains alot. Like, alot alot." Luna said with a surprised face. "But why did you pick me over him?"

The leopard gave a thoughtful face. "I don't really like him. He's too...'Motherlike'...And the way he talks is also really annoying."

The wolf gave a relieving smile. "So you picked me over him because of my personality?"

The leopard took a sip of his coffee and smiled. "Yeah."

Chugging down the rest of the coffee the wolf noticed that Joe didn't really show him too much of his friends.

"Uh...Joe?" The wolf asked. "Do you have any other friends we could meet?"

The leopard squinted his eyes and began counting with his fingers while mumbling names. "Oh! I know a phew we could meet. We could meet them tonight actually!"

The wolf was surprised how positively the leopard reacted. "Cool! Tonight would be great!~"

"I'll call em' right now." The leopard grabbed his phone out of his pocket and dialed a number by number asking if it wouldn't be great if "we all met again".

The wolf was exited. "Where will we go?"

The leopard covered the wolf's eyes with his hands. "That's a secret."

The wolf giggled. "Okay. If you say so."


Luna and Joe were dressed, and the leopard gave a phew calls to verify that his friends were coming. "You ready too, Luna?"

"Keys, Pants, head... I think so." The wolf jokingly said.

"Ok then. Let's go!" the leopard said enthusiastic.

They both got into the car and the leopard already was confused. Luna was sitting there, hands folded, laying on top of his crossed legs. He didn't seem too exited.

"Is something?" The leopard asked.

"Um..No..Why are you asking?"

"I-its just because you're sitting there so...Neatly."

"Im just relaxing a little. It's comfortable for me to sit like this." The wolf giggled.

"Ok then." The leopard said.

It took them a phew minutes and the two suddenly stopped. 3 large animals were standing at the sidewalk. The leopard suddenly yelled "C'mon in guys!" at the group.

Two of them opened the doors. Luna was slightly surprised that all 3 were at least a head bigger than him. The leopard began to speak. "Guys, this is Luna."

The group looked at the wolf and all reacted in different ways.

One of them, a tiger, was just looking at him with a neutral face.

The other one, a cougar, was smiling whilst looking at him.

The last one, a lion, was grinning at Luna.

"Hey." Luna said with a awkward smile on his face.

The leopard began to speak again. "The lion with the big grin is Benji."

"Nice to meet you, Luna." The lion said.

"And the cougar's name is George." the leopard mentioned.

"Hey." the cougar said with a soft tone.

"And the last one, the Tiger, is Cheshire. But we call him Chester."

"Yo." the tiger said in a low voice.

Awkward silence filled the car before the lion began to talk. "So where did you guys met?"

The wolf answered with a short "At college. That was about 8 years ago."

The tiger noticed the bandage around the muzzle of the wolf. "And what did you do there?"

"Oh, eh. That's a little-" the wolf was interrupted by the leopard. "My ex punched him."

"Your ex?" The tiger was surprised. "So you left that body-building hound?"

The leopard nodded.

"And Luna's your new one?" The tiger said.

Luna looked at the tiger. "You can say so."

"And who's top?" The wolf and leopard cringed. and looked at each other.

"Uh...Eh...Um..." They stuttered before the wolf said " top"

The tiger laughed. "Well that must hurt, am i right Luna?"

The wolf gave a awkward giggle before crossing his legs again.

"And what do you do in your freetime?" the lion asked.

"Im not really a sportsman, but i do yoga and that stuff." he replied.

"Oh! Does that mean you can twirl your leg around your head and stuff?"

The wolf laughed. "I can get both legs behind my head and do splits. Does that count?"

The lion laughed. Luna got talkative, which rarely ever happens. "And what are you guys doing?" the wolf asked.

George looked at the wolf and said "Didn't Joe tell you about that?"

The smile of the wolf became twisted. "Do you guys want to help a little? Chester? Benji?"

Benji gave a awkward smile. "Were basically the same as Joe."

The wolf though for a second. "The same as Joe- You guys are in the same football team?"

All 3 nodded.

"Ok guys, we arrived!" The leopard said whilst the car stopped at a parking spot.

The wolf looked out the window to see a bar. The wolf stepped out of the car and looked at Joe with a smirk on his face. "You know that i don't drink alcohol n' stuff. Right?"

The leopard looked at the wolf and nodded slowly.

George curiously looked at the wolf. "You don't drink? Why?"

"I am sober. That's all." the wolf explained.

The group of 5 walked in, they at to a big table next to a window.

George, Joe and Benji began to conversate almost immediately after ordering 4 beers.

Luna was just sitting there, doing nothing and waiting. "I thought this was a little more...'interesting'." He mumbled whilst standing up from the table to take a walk outside.

He was outside, in his black coat and walked around in a circle before noticing Chester, who was standing at the front-door, smoking. He went up to him. "Hey."

"Hey." Chester said. "'You want to bum a smoke?"

The wolf turned down the offer.

"You don't smoke either?" Chester said in a deep tone. "Your body really is a temple, is it?"

Luna giggled a little.

The smile on Chester's face turned into a smirk. "You feel like the 5th wheel. Am i right?"

Luna looked at the ground, then nodded.

"It's ok." Chester said. "They're just not used to someone new."

"Yeah. I understand." Luna felt slightly better, now that someone actually spoke to him normally.

"And you two live together now?" Chester asked, stepping out the cigarette he just finished.

"Yes." the wolf answered. "Im gonna go back in now, it's getting cold."

Chester nodded at Luna. "Me too."

Luna opened the door and looked at the table they were sitting at. Joe, Benji and George were still talking. Luna sat down on his chair and immediately was bored again.

"Luna, don't you want to talk with us?" Joe asked the bored looking wolf.

Luna looked at the leopard and huffed. "Nah. I don't even know whatcha guys are talking about."

Benji looked at Luna and was confused. "Do you have anything you want to do?"

Luna thought for a second and came to a popular bar-game. "How about arm wrestling?"

The leopard smirked a little. "You know we could take you out in seconds, do you?"

Luna smiled. "We'll see."

"Ok. At first it's me agains Luna." Joe decided. Both sat infront of each other and the leopard looked at Luna again. "Are you sure?"

The wolf nodded, laying his arm on the table. Joe sighed . "Ok. Lets go."

Luna started to press lightly against the hand of the leopard, who didn't do anything.

Luna was feeling bored, so he started putting pressure on the hand.

Joe gave a little smile and began putting pressure on the hand of the wolf.

However, the wolf was still pressing down the leopard. Joe was surprised, he didn't expect this amount of strength from someone who wasn't sportive. He then started pressing down the hand of the wolf. "You're a tough one, sweetie."

The wolf laughed."Am i?" Joe started to exhaust, so he wanted to end the fight.

Pressing the hand of the wolf immensely hard, he noticed that it wasn't enough to bring his boyfriend's hand down to the table. George started to laugh. "Oh my word. Are you really that weak, Joe?" The wolf yawned and began to press the hand of the leopard until it started making cracking sounds. The leopard began to yell. "You're cheating!"

The wolf slowly smiled whilst the hand of the leopard slowly reached the table.

Luna laughed and slammed the hand of the leopard against the table.

Benji celebrated the win. "The winner is Luna!"

Joe shook his hand. "How did you do that?"

"I pressed your knuckles together, sweetheart. That's and self-defense grip."

Joe angrily looked at the wolf. "You sneaky little..." The leopard calmed down again and giggled a little. "You're my sneaky little Loonie."

The wolf sat back to his original seat, that next to the leopard.


The time flew by, and Joe, Benji, George and Chester were drunk.

The wolf exactly knew why Joe brought him here. He had to drunk-sit now.

If directing everyone into the car, and getting into the seats wasn't easy enough, he didn't even know where the 3 lived, so he just took them to their house.

Luna only drove for 4 minutes before he startedto lose his mind.

The 4 drunk furs were singing "500 miles" very loudly.


It took Luna about 50 "AND I WILL WALK 500 MILES" before arriving at home.

He opened the front door and the group waddled in.

Luna was done with his nerves, so he didn't care about the others anymore.

He took off his pants and shoes and passed out on the bed.


Luna was slowy waking up from the night before, noticing the leopard laying almost completely naked next to him.

He crawled out of the bed and looked around. Everything was still clean, and it didn't smell like barf, so he was relieved. He quickly found Chester, who passed out on the stairs.

He sneaked around him to look after the other 2.

He looked everywhere; kitchen, bathroom, livingroom... They were not to be found.

He had decided to finally look in the guestrooms.

And, surprisingly enough, George and Benji were laying in the bed, sprawled across each other. Luna held in his laugh hysterically and hit his foot at the doorframe,waking up the lion. Benji looked around until noticing the cougar and began to yell. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY HOUSE?!" he looked around and noticed Luna, who was glaring at Benji.

"And what are you doing in my house?" the lion asked in a loud tone.

"Uh..I-im sorry-" Luna was interrupted by the lion. "Did i sleep with him?!"

"I-im not sure, but this is Joe and my home." The wolf stuttered.

"Im at Joe's house? Why?" The lion asked, calming down a little again.

"You guys were drunk, and i don't know where you or the others live, so i got you here. Also, i was exhausted and fell asleep straight away, so i don't know if you guys did it or not." Luna explained.

The lion started to stare at the door Luna standed infront of. "A...are that my clothes?"

The lion pointed at the clothes hanging behind the door. Luna got them off and folded them out. A shirt, baggy-jeans and a jacket were found. "They seem like they are." Luna said.

"Thank god. There's nothing missing." The lion was relieved.

"Im gonna let you change and stuff. I'll be in the kitchen if you need me for something." Luna said, swinging the door shut behind him.

He felt a little hungry, so he wanted to make scrambled eggs.

He heated up the stove and placed the pan on top of it.

After the pan had heated he cracked open a phew eggs and added a little salt.

He heard steps coming from the bedroom. He must've waken up the leopard with the sizzling noise. The expected leopard came into the kitchen in a bathrobe and put his arms around the cooking wolf. "And? How was your night?"

The wolf gave a smile whilst flicking the batch of eggs onto a big plate. "Loud."

The leopard gave a crooked smile. "Im sorry. I should've told you that we're going to drink."

The wolf put a finger on the leopard's lips. "No excuses, but i saw that coming."

The leopard smirked as he noticed how much Luna had cooked. "You're going to eat that whole thing?"

"No." Luna said before whistling ,and the group came in.

"Who wants breakfast?" Luna said with a big smile on his face.

The tiger answered for almost everybody in the room. "Sure, why not?"

The group of 4 sat to the table and Luna gave ,one by one a quarter of the egg.

"Ok." Luna said in a serious tone. "Now talk about what happened last night."

Benji wanted to talk to George about what they probably did. "George."

"Yeah Benji?"

"You know what i want to talk about?" Benji said.

"What happened last night?" George replied.


"Nothing actually." The cougar explained. "I found the guest room and took off my clothes, so i can sleep. I guess that you had found the same room and didn't see me."

Luna was confused. "How could he possibly not have seen you?"

"The lights in the room are not functioning."

Benji was relieved. "Thank god."

George looked at him angrily for a second.

"O-Oh no, no offence!"

Chester laughed and took a bite from his egg, before being looked at by Luna.

"And why did you pass out on the stairs, Chester?"

Chester gave a awkward smile. "I-i must've fallen or something."

"Uh huh." The wolf was pleased with the answer. It seemed logical to him.

Benji suddenly pointed out the shot-glas of milk on the counter.

Luna went up to it, dipped his finger in, and took the finger into his mouth.

Joe wanted to say something. "So where do-" the leopard was interrupted by the gagging of Luna. "This i-is no m-milk." He said, before starting to wash out what seemed to be something else. The whole group looked strangely at the gagging wolf.

"What is it then-" Joe interrupted himself mid-sentence and began to grin.

Luna looked at him and began to laugh. "Oh my gosh, i thought i'd taste this another time and ESPECIALLY not with people around."

The group confusingly looked at each other before George burst in laughter.

"Oh-ho-ho my god. Benji, that ain't no milk! That's-"

The cougar was interrupted by the laughing of the two.

Luna was looking at the leopard after stopping to laugh. "WHY did you do that?"

Joe was blushing. "I-i don't even know."

The group had finished their meal. "Thank's for the meal and the good laugh, Luna, i really needed that." Chester said.

"But before we go, could you show us how you put your feet behind your head?" Benji mentioned. Luna smiled. "You still remembered that from last night?"

The lion nodded.

"Alright, i'll get warm and then i show it to you." Luna said, walking into the bedroom.

He got into a sweatshirt and jogging pants and went into the living room again.

He waited for everybody to get here so he would show it.

After George finally arrived, Luna explained. "Please don't try this, you don't wanna get stuck or hurt yourself."

He sat to the on the ground and began to pull his leg closer to his head untill the leg was behind his head.

"And done." Luna said, facing Benji.

"Wow. I swear to god im cringing just looking at you, haha!" Benji said.

Luna took his foot back and stood up. "Ok. Um.."

"Let's go guys." The leopard said, wrapping his arms around Chester and Benji.

Luna opened the door and the group waddled out. Luna gave a last wave and closed the door.
