Great Sea Chronicles: Chapter One

Story by Verses Fatum on SoFurry

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#2 of Great Sea Chronicles

Long after a ten year war ravaged the seas, the various islands of the Great Sea start to rebuild, but a new evil lurks in the shadows...

The ship gently rocked along the waves of the ocean as it moved towards its destination, its Captain, a young Rito by the name of Marie Valerie, was at the helm of her ship, steering it towards land after a much needed break out at sea.

Her crew was busy prepping for docking and unloading when they would reach the destination they were headed, Windfall Island, vast Island port for merchants and pirates alike, a perfect place to resupply there much needed food rations and other much needed essentials.

Marie liked her crew, it was well diverse species wise and wasn't completely composed of Hylians either, a few of her crew like herself were Rito's a bird like species that love the wind between their feathers as much as a pirate loves to be out at sea.

Another species that worked on her ship were Gorons, a rock like species that came from a far off distant island, most came from their home to sell various goods and trade with anyone willing to take notice, this of course was back before the Great Sea Wars, now you can't walk around Windfall without seeing a Goron.

"Aoy!" A girl in the grows nest called down at Marie, signaling that land was in sight, this young girl was named Aryll, and she hadn't been with the crew for very long, not by Marie's standards atleast, she found the girl to be sweet though and was a tremendous help

Marie breathed in air through her beak and sighed, the wind blowing through her auburn colored hair that she wore in a French braid style, the smell of sea water always brought a shiver to Marie's body, one of her most favorite of smells in the entire world.

The Large island of Windfall was now in Maries sight, a land of windmills like the name had suggested, and a land of trade, hundreds of ships gathered at this location more then any other island, including the Twilight Isle Kingdom and Hylia Isle Kingdom combines, this place was the port town of trade.

"Home sweet home men!" Marie yelled to her crew, ushering a cheer from them, "Soon we'll be drinking Mead and Eating fine food, tonight men, we are officially on vacation!" This also drew a much louder cheer from her entire crew, a smile on Maries beak, and soon the ship was docked in one of the many docking ports of the island, her crew lifted heavy crates and hauled them into town to sell their goods for Rupees for more supplies on the ship

Marie herself went straight up into the town with her crew and browsed the new selections everyone had at there kiosks and merchant vendors, each one either sold fine jewelery made out of the purest cut Rupee's or various weapons for collectors and warriors alike, many of which were made either there in Windfall Islands town, or imported from another island, a few Twili also sold various carvings made out of a fine black Onyx they often crafted their buildings after, beautiful stonework Marie had thought.

After awhile of looking around, the sun was already starting to set and was already heading towards the Pub before entering the noisy place, the smell of food and alcohol was in the air and it felt great to be there.

Eventually Marie found who she was looking for, a Goron by the name of Moxx, sitting with the rest of her companions including Aryll who sat awkwardly between the big guy and another Hylian already drunk and shouting something in his native language, Marie decided to sit by another Rito like herself before a waitress came over and set a drink down for her.

"This week was...odd to say the least, right?" Marie said

"You mean before or after Goblins fought over our treasure?" Said Aryll with a bit of a huff and a soft laugh

"After." Marie said with a heartfelt laugh of her own, "Its not everyday you see a Goblin or Moblins scrounging for treasure...but I guess that's a good thing." She said with a sigh, It had been over ten years since the Great Sea Wars and it wasn't a real pleasant thought to remember either, Moblins and Goblin had mostly been the soldiers fighting alongside the Demon King.

Moxx, seeing Marie go into deep thought, nudged her softly from across the table.

"Thanks big guy." She said with a kind smile, Moxx had been there with her during the wars, so he knew exactly how she felt, and it was helpful that Moxx anchored her back down once in awhile.

The night continued on and Marie and her crew celebrated there much needed vacation thoroughly, meanwhile outside a Dock Guard stood at the docks watching for any vandals that usually came by, a Twili by the name of Alicia stood guard like a proud knight, she could say she was bored of her job, but she quite liked it, gave her a constant view of the ocean, and towards the direction of her home, the Twilight Isle Kingdom, which she missed dearly.

Alicia sighed softly as she adjusted her armor and leaned against her spear, "Yet another peaceful night." She said softly to herself, standing with dignity as she watched the Windfall Docks faithfully.

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After a long night, everyone in the pub of Maries crew decided it was best to get some sleep, most returning to the ship, others to an Inn of some sort, not Marie though, flying up high, she landed on top of one of the windmills, listening to the creaking of the gears and woodwork spinning the blades around.

To Marie, the sound was always something she fell asleep to, and that she did as she closed her eyes, feeling the hot summer wind blowing against her hair and feathers, soon she fell asleep as the quiet of the night soothed her to sleep.

Great Sea Chronicles: Chapter Two

_Fire licked the streets and buildings, people running to boats to escape the raging fire, and the beasts that followed, a large feral beast stood behind these creatures, roaring with bloodlust as it lead its army through the streets, swords raised...

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Great Sea Chronicles: Prologue

** Disclaimer and Note: This FanFiction will contain many different elements that was otherwise seen in the original content of Wind Waker** ** All Rights belong to Nintendo** This is a tale that has been passed down for generations, one of bravery,...

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