Christian, an 18 year old 6'1" Lab sporting a pair of tight black jeans, long purple hair hanging down down the left of his face, and various tatoos along his slender body, knocked on the bedroom door of his home.
"Jadey, we gotta get going if we're gonna get there in time." he called to his mate of almost 1 year.
Jade is a 17 year old 5'8" Wolf with piercing dark green eyes with two stud piercings on the left of his upper lip, and one below it. His hair is black and long in front and hangs to the right.
"I know, I'm just having trouble with my ski-" Jade was cut off by a loud crash and Christian burst through the door immediatly.
"Are you hurt!?" He asked, worried.
"Naw, just got caught up in this thing," Jade held up his pink short skirt. "You're sweet for caring though." he giggled and gave his boyfriend a peck on the lips before slipping into his cute yet skimpy outfit.
Jade had seen Christian being thrown out of a bar one night many months ago, a broken bottle of Jagermiester in hand. He had been roughed up pretty bad, but was already standing; Although rather shakily. Jade, being the caring person that he is, carefully approached him and asked if he had anywhere to go. After that the rest is history. Now Christian doesn't drink as often, quit smoking, and has had an outlook on life that he didn't think was possible. Jade helped him get back on his feet, got him a job, let him move in, took care of him. For that Christian has been forever greatful and never fails to show enough love.
The two of them started their own band after a few months of being together, playing in local clubs and bars. Not long after that, Jade asked him if he would go out with him. Their sexual preferences weren't a secret, especially when Christian descovered that Jade liked to cross.
"I always care about you, Jadey." Christian playfully cuffed his mate and nuzzled his headfur.
"Ready to get going?" Jade giggled and squirmed out of his mates arms.
Christian nodded and the two set out for their day at the beach. Unbeknownst to Jade however, Christian had planned to show his mate just how much he meant to him. They held hands as they made their way down the boardwalk, waving and smiling at all around who cared to look as niether were ashamed of who they are. Even if they were it wouldn't matter, most of the people in town were friendly and didn't care who you are as long as you don't cause trouble.
"Chris, look at the sun starting to go down!" his mate exclaimed cutely, pointing up at the discolored sky.
"Woah, that's pretty neat. Did you bring your camera?" as he asked this, Jade pulled a small kodak from inside his waistband and started snapping pictures.
As the two made their way onto the beach, the sun started to set lower and lower. The cloudless sky turning from blue to a pinkish orange. They stopped for a bit and frolicked about in the ocean water, splashing each other and giggling constantly. After a while Christian suggested they continue on for a little ways.
"Is there a reason we're walking so far along, hun?" Jade inquired, staring cutely at his mate.
"Just enjoy this, let what happens happen." Christian chuckled. "Besides it was your idea to drag me to the beach today."
"You sure didn't put up much of a protest." Jade poked him in the ribs and Christian stuck his tongue out him in return.
"That's cause I realized I could make it fun," he slung his arm around his wolf and pulled him closer as they slowed down.
A couple yards in front of them a giant formation of rocks was sprawled out on the sand. Jade tried to figure out what it meant for a few moments before he felt Christian grab him around the waist.
"Hey, wha-epp!" he squeaked as he was hefted onto his boyfriends shoulders.
"What is it?" Christian giggled.
The wolfs eyes grew wide and he let his muzzle fall open a little.
"Chris...did you?"
Christian laughed and set his boyfriend back on his feet, facing him. He stared at him in the eyes, his features soft and confused.
"Yeah, I did. Would you...?"
"You really mean it?"
"Of course I do. I want to more than anything. You brought me out of my slump and helped me better myself, babe. And I feel like I never do enough for you..." Christian pulled Jade into his arms gently and rubbed his back, his muzzle lightly grazing Jade's ear. "You mean so much to me. I wanna stay next to your side forever."
Jade squeezed his mate tight as tears started to trickle down his face onto the sand. The two stood there for what seemed like eternity, letting the waves crashing and seagal squaking be the only source of noise. Christian nuzzled the top of Jade's head and fell back, pulling him on top.
"Did I ever tell you how amazing yoru eyes are?" Jade asked, sniffling, trying to pull himself together.
"Yeah, a few times I think." Chris licked his nose and smiled. "Happy anniversary babe."
"Happy anniversary....and yes...I would absolutely love to." Jade wrapped his arms around his mates neck and nuzzled into it.
They laid there like that until the suns rays could no longer be seen, the shadows engulfing the rocks that spelt out 'Jadey, Marry me?' until they were just rocks in the dark. Slowly the moon rose into the stary sky, its silver light showering the two lovers that were snuggled together on the beach. Eventually they got up and went back home to a dreamfilled sleep of their future together. Patiently waiting for daybreak to come, a new adventure on the horizon.