The Tale of the Wolf Angu: Intro
This introduction to the series is about the newly formed family of polar bears where the father loses everything and try to still have a family by deciding to raise a wolf cub as his own.
It was the start of the winter in the arctic world and the snow descended from the cloudy sky with dancing and evading moves as it blew in the cold and menacing northern wind, promised a promising time for the polar bear couple that hibernated together even after the severe consequences of the global warming. Of course the couple did not know what had caused such drastic and fateful changes in their world as they barely managed to be fed enough to hibernate through the months but what they didn't take into consideration was Anaana (meaning Mother), the female polar bear, was made pregnant by her beloved partner Nanoq (meaning Bear).
The world had never observed such bonding between two polar bears as they had done in a way that was brilliant, incredible and unique. In the last summer where they had found each other in their very young untested years they started out as mere acquaintances as any other normal polar bears but their way of bonding was extraordinary; when Nanoq, the male, went to hunt for prey and eating Anaana, the female, went with him as it was completely natural for them, cooperated to reach their ideal meal, the fatty seals and the white belugas. After their quite successful hunting they would each time share their prey nearly equally where Nanoq willingly gave some of his meal to Anaana to the benefits of her getting fatter so she could produce enough milk if they were going to had a cub or two. When they finally were finished with hunting, eating and taking pausing in the late evenings they would play with each other just for fun which was quite unusual for polar bears. Normally only the young males in groups would play with each other in order to test their strength and train their unexperienced but strong muscles. Their harmony was like no one else and their attraction was so pure and inspiring they decided to stick together even though it was against the rules of the Great Mother of the Sea, the ruler of the nature in the arctic world. Nanoq managed to make his lover pregnant before they succumbed into their mandatory and deep slumber.
They were curled up together in a snow cave which they had dug together. At the moment Anaana had already felt several kicks from their unborn but already beloved cub or cubs throughout their hibernation. But now she felt the kicks were increasing in strength and number while she felt that it was soon time for the birth at the same time. Nanoq didn't notice her lazy but determined movements to comfort herself best as possible for the birth. Now it was happening, the birth. The pain was indescribable but she didn't gave a single sound of pain but of joy. The snow cave was pitching black but the trained eyes of this young mother could see her newborn cub. It was so significantly small compared to the huge size of Anaana even in her young age and being a female. She licked of the slime the cub was covered in with passion as she listened to the beautiful and adorable sounds of whimpering yips the cub gave. It was obviously the first time the cub felt cold and it shook slightly but enjoyed the warmth of the tongue its mother provided. It gave the cutest cub bear roar and Anaana answered it with a happy rumble. Apparently Nanoq heard the ruckus and gave a sleepy but roar like yawn and turned its head around to see what caused the disturbance. He immediately gave a glad groan when he viewed his newly formed family. Nanoq movement towards his lover and his son and gave few licks on the cub which he remembered his mother had done to him. It was a slight nostalgic moment for them both but still remained the touchy atmosphere in the snow cave. The cub, which they decided to call Erneq (meaning Son), was clearly slightly confused as it could smell and feel two 'mothers' since its instincts told it there would only be one. It quickly adapted to this situation and gave joyful yips towards its unusual parents and began to drink its mother's milk quite greedily to gain the weight and strength that was necessary to be grown in the short time span there would be being in the snow cave.
Approximately a month had passed since the life confirming birth and the cub had gained the important weight and size to be stated ready to see what was beyond its limited world it had inside the snow cave. Nanoq took the initiative to break the medium thick wall of snow that had fallen during their time inside the cave. Even after these months the cold wind from the Great North was still blowing strong and firm which was an advantage to the newly awakened family. The little light of the sun, which was dancing between the passing clouds, stroke into the cave and engulfed the cub in fear as its eyes never ever had seen such blinding and cutting thing in its short living time. It yipped for the support and help from its mother whom also was exiting the cave. They both heard the yips and turned their understanding but encouraging faces towards their only but deeply beloved cub. A sudden blow blew through the cave and Erneq was shocked again, crumbled as much into the cave as it could. Anaana and Nanoq groaned to drawn their cub to them and nodded upwards each time they did. But the growing curiosity the unknown outside and its parents gave was getting big enough to overcome its fears and as its dear parents kept encouraging it Erneq finally decided to take the first and small but very important steps into the world where happiness and joy could be found but where the consequences could be deathly if not taking it with caution. The surprise painted on its little, fuzzy face could not be described as it never had imagined such a huge and gigantic world compared to the tiny and puny cave it had lived the last month. It could now see that its warm and fluffy fur was white as the beautiful and all covering snow. Erneq took a look upon the view they had from their place; Anaana and Nanoq had taken residence on the northern side of the dark blue, long and big mountain wall to take advantage of its position and the northern wind that often blew in these places. In front of them lied noticeable tundra where its width was wider than the corners of the eyes of a polar bear and was mainly covered in frosty snow. Farther ahead laid a nearly, completely frozen layer of ice where the sea should have been. Few splashes could be heard from the distance and little sea water could be seen when it splashed past the surface of ice. Even though the average temperature had increased slightly the past decade because of the global warming the Artic was still a cold, harsh, alien and unfriendly place to exist.
Erneq was amazed to no limit and rolled down from the cave into the snow where it became buried. Anaana growled happily and did the same thing. Nanoq was busy with eating the remaining and dry berries that had survived the beak of birds and the small muzzles of sly foxes. Even in their poor state the berries were still delicious and refreshing for Nanoq. It seemed that the conditions for berries' growth had gone better because of the milder temperature which was quite good for the animals that ate those tasteful foods. As Erneq and Anaana finally stopped playing they joined Nanoq in the little feast. Never had Erneq tasted such sweetness and ended with a muzzle completely covered in dark purple color. As it scouted for the wide world it saw small birds flying into the small beds where the berries were.
A fateful howl could be heard from the far distance. Nanoq and Aaana both raised themselves of their hind leg, tried to stand as tall as they could to see farthest away. They could not see anything, neither from left nor right. They sniffed the air and the smell they felt was definitely wolves. And there were many. Nanoq growled irritably and gave sign to Anaana and Erneq to begin to walk away from the smell. Anaana understood and started to walk with Nanoq whereas Erneq was a bit hesitant as it didn't want to leave this little, cold paradise of fun and food. It finally caught up on its parents. But the wolves knew there was an easy prey and they were hungry. They were not going to give so easily and as Nanoq feared the smell increased, indicating that the wolves were getting closer and closer. He reluctantly gave a groan to signal them to run but to their unfortunate situation Erneq was only a little and weak cub that wasn't able to follow its running parents. The wolves could now be seen in the horizon and they were running fast. Erneq had lost breath and was deeply terrified since it didn't understand the situation but knew it was in serious danger. I yelped for its mother and father that tried to encourage it to run. There was no choice. Nanoq decided to fight the wolves alone and growled to Anaana to take care of their son. She did not want to let her lover do this alone but she could not let her cub be alone either and their cub was the most important in their lives so she unwillingly left Nanoq and pushed Erneq forward which was nearly out of energy and strength.
The wolves did not expect to encounter a full grown male bear when they thought there were a mother and two cubs. But they fatefully decided to take the fight. Nanoq was now confronting the herd of malicious wolves, standing on its hind legs and roaring with all its might to inflict fear into the weaker ones. As they fought Anaana and Erneq had managed to make a distance between them and the danger but what they didn't know was the wolves were now split into two groups; one that fought Nanoq and one to hunt them down. Nanoq was not able to stop the pursuers and was continually blocked by the fighting wolves. He hoped dearly that his family in danger had gone to safety somewhere or somehow but he would not let them do it without a fight. He managed to critically damage two of the blocking wolves and the rest of them were now too scared to fight back. Nanoq immediately ran after the smell of his family. The smell led into a cave where a certain danger was hanging above them. He could hear fight, moans, whimpers and roars. The fight sounded to be intense even for him. He ran further into the cave where clinking could be heard from above. He took a short look at the roof the cave and saw in fear that there were incredible long and sharp ice shards dangling and slightly shaking because by the sounds of the fight. He could now see that Anaana was holding four wolves back from getting closer to either her or their cub which was curled up to the wall and was whimpering loudly. Nanoq wished that he could give the infamous and majestic roar that polar bears could give but ran towards his lover to join the fight.
The dangling and shaking ice shards were clinking against themselves and it seemed that they could fall upon the victims at any moment throughout the fight. They finally fell down upon several animals as one of them gave a roar of pain.
Three of the wolves were immediately killed by the ice shards and to his grief and sadness his family was also victims of the awful and deadly incidence. The last wolf ran out of the cave and left Nanoq in despair as it looked upon the flooding blood all the dead gave, painting the white cave dark red. Erneq was pierced through its main body and Anaana was hit through its skull and stomach. A newborn and raging hatred filled his being. He wanted to avenge his loss, kill the responsible of this horrible accident. He ran out of the cave and gave an anger filled roar when he exited the cave of death. He saw in the corner of his eyes a running wolf and followed it. They had maybe run past the huge tundra and their hibernation cave. He ran about a half hour before the wolf had gone into a cave that was carved into the mountain. There were three wolves, two full grown and a just newborn cub. Nanoq launched the first hit with his powerful and deadly paw and it hit the wolf it had followed. It died. The remaining grown wolf, the mother of the cub, was deeply frightened to die and managed to run out the cave without any scratch.
Nanoq was now alone with the whimpering cub and felt a huge burden press on his now lonely heart. He did not want to wander alone in the harsh Artic without someone when he just had gotten used to have company constantly. He wanted to end the life of the cub but then got a crazy idea:
He saw a impossible possibility in the newborn cub. From now on it was going to be its son that he never came to raise. The wolf cub was still whimpering for someone and some food as it was hungry and was freezing. Nanoq wanted to have a family and he could try to do the impossible by try to call this unknown wolf cub as his own family member, his own son. He went over to the cub with some berries and hoped that it would survive the first half year. Nanoq the polar bear named his wolf cub Angu (meaning Boy).