Cevo's crush
joe, homeless, street
Cevo walked the hall to his next class, english. English was one of Cevo's best subjects and best of hall he got to sit beside, Nick. Nick was a fox, a terrible english student and his best friend. At summer Cevo would visit nicks house to help him with his english, up in Nicks bedroom, Cevo would be reading a novel of some sort out loud for nick and nick would be listening attentively.Ears cocked and Dark hazel brown eyes staring back at Cevo. Cevo loved those visits, being able to spend a whole hour with nick, and no one else. He came to the door of the classroom, looking in the glass frame he could already see nick sitting in his seat waiting for him.that beautiful smile, and his hear but mostly his eyes attracted him the most. "If only I could have eyes like that" thought Cevo to himself as he approached his desk. He too =k his bag of his back and sat down. "yo what up" he said cooly, "nothing much, got a bad note from Mrs Fox.". He was always getting in trouble, but that was one of the reason Cevo liked him, that feeling of rebellion you get when he defied an order, it made you want to just do it too." Again?" Cevo asked "yeah, but it wasn't my fault, she asked me to go to basketball training this break and I said no" Nick recalled. Between the two of them nick wasn't the fittest. Cevo had always been an athlete, he had played football but wasn't too good, but it kept him in shape. Then he started athletics and found his true talent. He was a natural sprinter, even his look made you know he was an athlete. Nick was chubby and couldn't run fast, while Cevo was skinny and could sprint.
"Settle down class" came the voice of the teacher, Mr O'Dowd. O'Dowd was a young wolf (like cevo),early thirties. Red fur all over. Nick passed him a note " I have Ebola" it said. Nick always did this, tried to make him laugh.Cevo looked into his hazel eyes, and winked. Then he began writing again,"me too (smily face)