Cody & Jason: Chapter 2 Weddings and Birthdays

Story by Jack Frostpaws on SoFurry

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#2 of Cody & Jason

Just some minor editing, just adding bits here and there and explaining some things a little better.

Just days after Cody's fifteenth birthday Tony and Martin got married, Cody couldn't have been any happier when they had told him the year previous, finally they were going to become an official family. Much to Martin's disappointment they were unable to get married in a church but Tony made up for that when he announced that the guys at work had helped build a small chapel out of left over materials from a previous construction Job.

Tony grumbled as he tried to fasten his top button in the mirror and let out a deep sigh and sat upon his bed when he couldn't manage. Cody had been standing outside his dad's bedroom door and smiled as he walked into the room. He was dressed in the same kind of suit and bent over a little as he tried to fasten the button for his father. "We're going to be late." He huffed "Yeah well you shouldn't have spent so long in the shower then should you?" Cody quipped with a smile. "Oh you want to talk about shower schedules now do you?" Tony teased.

"Lift your head up dad." Cody chuckled as he finally got the button fastened and helped his dad to tie his bowtie. "What did I do to deserve a sweet boy like you huh?" Tony asked as he brushed some of Cody's long fringe from his eyes. Cody just shrugged his shoulders lightly. "Just lucky I guess, now hold still." "You've grown up so much, I sometimes wonder where the time has gone, you've went from such a scrawny little thing to a very handsome young bunny." "Dad, stop you're embarrassing me." Cody giggled "In front of who, it's just us." Tony chuckled and placed his paws upon his son's shoulders. "I just want you to know, that no matter what, no matter what anyone says, I will always love you and nothing in this whole universe will ever change that, you've seen it with me and Martin, love is love and you can love whomever you wish."

Cody nodded and smiled as he helped his dad stand up and brushed down his suit. "Ready?" He asked "As I'll ever be I guess." He chuckled lightly and swallowed hard. They drove to the chapel in silence and were quite surprised when they saw the number of cars parked outside. When they got into the chapel the room was filled with well-wishers, even Tony's boss and Jason were there. Tony and Cody made their way to the front and stood in front of the local minister who smiled. "Glad you were able to make it." The Badger said as he looked up to see Martin standing at the back with his arm linked to his mother's.

Everyone stood and looked back as Martin and his mother walked down the aisle together to a song Tony and he had picked. Martin's mother kissed both of them upon the cheek and sat down wiping her eyes with a handkerchief as Tony took Martin's paw and they stood side by side. The ceremony went off without a hitch, Cody handed them the rings and they made their vows to one another.

"Martin, you've given me so much, you became my friend from the first day I ever met you, and you've shared everything with me, even your lunch." That got a quick chuckle out of everyone. "You've been with me through the good times and the bad ones, you've been an amazing source of strength and protection, not only for me but to my son and I couldn't think of anyone I'd rather spend the rest of my life with, than you."

Martin smiled and wiped a tear from his eye as he slipped his ring onto Tony's finger. "Tony, from the first day we met I knew you were someone special, for years I've looked for my prince charming, never did I think that he would find me first and not only that, would he bring along another little prince with him who would fill my heart with love, we're not just getting married, we're becoming a family and I can't think of a better family to belong to."

Everyone cheered as Tony and Martin shared a kiss and signed off on the marriage licence. Afterwards everyone made their way to the reception and everyone was making merry and enjoying themselves. Jason made his way through the crowds and found Cody sat at a table nursing a bottle of wicked, his dad had allowed him one drink since it was a special occasion. "Hey." "Hi, you uhm having a good time?" "Yeah thanks, mum and dad are about to head off soon, I just wanted to give you this." Jason extended his paw and handed Cody an invitation. "It's an invitation to my birthday party next month, hope you'll be able to make it." "Yeah that should be fine." Cody smiled as he read over the invitation.

"Jason, time to go." Jason's father called out. Jason smiled and made his way over to his father as Martin sat down next to Cody. "Got a little admirer there do we son?" Martin asked with a smile. "How much have you had to drink?" Cody quizzed "Not nearly as much as your dad has." Martin chuckled and pointed to Tony on the dance floor dancing away. Cody and Martin looked at one another and chuckled. "Is that an invitation?" "Yeah, Jason has invited me to his birthday party next month." "Well that gives you plenty of time to think of what to get him then doesn't it." "Yeah but what do you get someone who's got everything?" "Well get him something that matters, something from the heart."

Cody smiled and gave Martin a hug before the pair of them left the table and got hold of Tony to take him to bed since the bar was the only thing left holding him upright. The weeks flew past and before Cody knew it Jason was texting him to make sure Cody was coming along to his birthday. Cody's fur bristled, he thought he would have more time, grabbing his wallet he ran off to the mall he'd taken Martin with him and was franticly searching through stores for something to give Jason for his birthday.

Cody panted as he sat down upon a bench as he put his head into his paws and ran one of them through his headfur. "Who would have thought this would be so hard?" "Not found anything yet?" Martin asked softly as he caught up to Cody. "No, nothing, I can't show up without a present." "Well I suppose I'll just have to give you this then huh?" Martin smiled and pulled out a small photo album. "I know it looks a little old fashioned but you could put in pictures of the both of you into it." Cody smiled back, its right what people say, it really is the thought that counts.

They got home and Cody had just enough time to shower and get changed whilst Martin wrapped up the photo album. Cody ran down the stairs, picked up the present and kissed Martin quickly on the cheek as he ran out the door past his dad as he came home from work. "Whoa, someone is in a big hurry, where's he off to dressed to the nines?" "He had an invite to Jason's Birthday party this afternoon." "My boss's kid?" "Mhmm, you want a coffee?" "Yeah, bit over dressed for a birthday though isn't he?" Martin chuckled as he poured Tony some coffee, "It's a little obvious isn't it?" Tony cocked his head to one side which only made Martin laugh more. "Cody is sweet on Jason." Tony looked at Martin and smiled as he put his arms around him. "Our little bunny is growing up."

When Cody reached Jason's home he looked up at the long driveway and the number of fancy cars making their way along the drive towards the house. He flicked his hair slightly and lightly chewed on his bottom lip before taking a deep breath and walked towards the gates. He hoped it would just be a simple matter of walking through the front gates, yeah right. Standing at the gates were two very burly looking tigers dressed in security outfits that stopped him as he approached. "Stop there, do you have an invitation?" "Uhm, yeah sure." Cody reached into his back pocket only to pale at the realisation that he had left the invitation on his dresser. "Oh no, I've left it at home." He announced. "Sorry bunny, no invite, no entry." One of the tigers said without looking at Cody. "Oh please, come on guys I don't get to see Jason much anymore, I got him a present and everything." He pleaded as he held up his little parcel. "If you want, you can leave the present with us and we will see to it that he gets it?"

Cody sighed softly as his ears drooped behind his head, he looked down at the ground and handed the present over to one of the large tigers. He looked back up towards the house and sighed again, his heart feeling a little heavy as he began to step away from the two tigers. "Cody wait!" Jason called out after him. Cody stopped and turned around and saw Jason sprinting down the long drive in a vest top and a pair of sporting shorts. Cody blushed for a second, it hadn't been that long since they'd set eyes on one another and yet Jason had filled out a lot in the short time.

"Uh hey Jason, sorry I left my invitation back at the house." Cody confessed solemnly. "You brought a present though right?" Jason chuckled "Yeah, your guards have it." Cody replied. "Well are you coming in or not?" He asked with an amused smile upon his muzzle. "But...I thought..." "Oh don't mind these two, uhm I believe my friend here left his invitation at home, I'm sure you understand that people make mistakes." The two guards turned their heads and looked at Jason and smirked between themselves, he was definitely not his father but he did seem to enjoy trying to be. "Yes sir, I'm sure that your friend is a very fine gentleman, sorry about the confusion young sir, I believe this is your present for the young master." One of the tigers brought the present out and handed it over to Cody with a toothy smile and gave the bunny a light pat on the butt as he joined Jason and the pair walked up towards the large house. "I almost thought I wasn't going to get in." Jason smiled and put his arm around Cody's shoulders but frowned a little when Cody flinched at the touch. "You ok?" "Uh yeah, fine, sorry just a little jumpy." Jason smiled again as they walked through the front door where the rest of Jason's guests were gathered and several large tables held the mountain of presents. Cody looked around and saw how finely dressed everyone was and looked down at himself in only his Sunday best. "You look fine, not like half of these peacocks." Jason chuckled as he went off upstairs to change.

Cody looked around feeling very nervous and awkward, he eventually went over to one of the tables and placed his present down before going over to the one serving refreshments and picked up a cup of fruit punch. He listened to all of Jason's other friends, not that it could be helped, being a bunny and all. Some boasted about how great or how big their present was and how the others would be so jealous once Jason opened it. The others spoke about the other guests as they arrived, one or two questioned as to who Cody was and how he had come to being invited.

Eventually Jason had made his way back downstairs and Cody couldn't help but stare a little, Jason was dressed in a brilliant white shirt, with a bowtie and gold cufflinks and a pair of very expensive looking trousers. Cody couldn't help himself but to blush, Jason looked so incredibly handsome, Jason weaved through some of his guests, shaking hands and giving light hugs as he made his way towards the table of presents. Cody opted to stay at the back of the crowd, he could see fine from back here he just didn't feel too confident standing in the middle of everyone else. Jason went from one expensive gift to the next, none of them truly thrilled him, from a Van Goat painting to personalised stationary nothing caused his mood to improve. Sadly through all of the moving of presents Cody's was knocked from the table to the floor. Jason thanked all of his guests for their presents and announced that the buffet would soon be open.

Jason searched the crowd to find Cody but couldn't see him very well and before he could have a chance to get a better look someone else had grabbed his attention as the crowd filtered their way into another room. Cody watched as everyone left and the door closed behind the crowd, a few seconds later however the door opened again and a Racoon in a tux appeared. "Come on you're missing out on all of the fun." Cody looked around before following the Racoon into the room, he couldn't see Jason but everyone else was in the room. "You're turn next bunny." A young Vixen announced as she opened the door to a closet. "Seven seconds in heaven."

Cody wasn't so sure but the crowd closed in behind him and nudged him into the closet and the door closed behind him. His long ears twitched a little at the sound of someone breathing, he looked around but everything was so dark and he couldn't see anything. His whole body twitched though when he felt two paws on his shoulders which quickly moved to his cheeks. He wanted to react but everything was going so fast, the next thing he knew his lips were being pressed against another's. His whole body trembled as he blushed hotly. The lips were so soft and gentle he never thought his first kiss would ever be like this.

However everything came to a sudden stop when the door flew open again. Cody's blush quickly turned into a flush of dread when he opened his eyes and realised who he was kissing. The kiss was brought to a stop and he looked up at Jason. Jason looked down as he licked his lips and his smile quickly turned into a snarl as he pushed Cody away. "Oh my god's you're sick." Cody stumbled backwards and fell over at everyone's feet, "What the hell man, we're both guys!" Jason growled as he stepped towards Cody. "I...I know...I...didn't...I mean..." Cody stammered as he tried to get up. "Get out of here you sick perv, I never want to see you again, go on, get out of here."

Cody's eyes filled with tears and they began streaming down his soft cheeks, a look of pure horror and shame upon his face before he turned over and ran from the room, laughing echoed all around him and rang in his long ears. He ran all the way home, the laughs constantly in his ears, the second he got home he ran to his room and collapsed onto his bed exhausted and began soaking his pillow with his tears. Martin had heard someone come home; he knew it couldn't have been Tony since he had gone upstairs to take a shower. He got up from the couch and went upstairs, when he was outside Cody's room he could hear the young bunny weeping and gasping for breath. Martin lightly knocked on the bedroom door, "Cody hun, are you alright?" There was no reply but Martin could still hear Cody's sobbing; he lightly knocked upon the door again and went to open the door when the door to the bathroom opened behind him. Tony stood behind Martin with a towel around his waist and his fur still dripping, "What's up?" "It's Cody he sounds upset." Martin replied.

Tony went to open the door himself and get past Martin but Martin stuck out his arm and stopped the wolf in his tracks. "Let me, you go and finish your shower and get dressed, I do like seeing you in the nude but now isn't the time." He smiled and placed a kiss on the side of Tony's muzzle. Tony grumbled a little but knew Martin was right and went back into the bathroom to finish his shower. Martin sighed softly and tapped on Cody's door again before he pushed it open slowly. Cody was laid out upon his bed with his head buried in his pillows. Martin sat upon the edge of Cody's bed and ran a paw down his back and played lightly with his headfur. "What happened hun?"

" I a pervert?" Cody whimpered. Martin looked at Cody confused and gently got Cody to turn over, "Why on earth would you ask that?" "'s what Jason called me." Martin growled slightly but continued to stroke Cody's fur. "Why on earth did he call you that come on what happened?" "Well...we a closet..." "Ah you played seven seconds in heaven huh?"

Cody nodded and leaned against Martin's chest. "He...he didn't like it." Cody whined. "The kiss, or the fact that you're a boy?" Martin asked as softly as he could. Cody just shrugged his shoulders lightly, "Both I guess."

"Oh hun." Martin pulled Cody into his lap and kissed the top of his head as he held him close. "Sadly you will get some people who are like that but don't worry, you're not a pervert, you're perfectly normal, you're also sweet, kind and cute and anyone would be lucky to have you." Cody smiled just a little; Martin did always know how to make him feel better, even if it was only a little bit. "Come on, let's go downstairs and we'll mix up some hot chocolate."

I hope you're all enjoying this little series, please read and comment I love feedback.

Also keep a close watch for potential artwork