First Sight
#1 of Love is Black and White
this has no yiff in it but will some in the next chapter. This is a m/m story with school violence and mild language. So, ya. enjoy.
Before we begin our erotic tale, you must know a little about the world you are about to divulge into. The residents of each world bound by words are forever changing. There can be furs, or there can be humans, and just to spice things up there can furs and humans. And even with furs there are countless sub-categories. This world is one with just furs. Now in this world, the mother has a choice of two kinds of name to give to their newborns. They can give the traditional name, like Frostprower or Thunder Wolf, two or our characters in our unique tale. Or they can be given more modern name like Mark, Shawn, Carl, and Steve, other characters.
Thunder Wolf, Thunder to his friends, and Frost Prowler, Frost to his friends, go to the same school, Pawston High school. Thunder was a 15 ½ year old, off black, wolf. His fur, anything but neat, sticks up in place without constant brushing. His green eyes seem to see everything that goes on around him, which isn't far from the truth. His wolf instincts forced him to scan each room for any possible threat. He was new to Pawston High, so his nerves were on end. Frost is much different. He couldn't care less about his surroundings. Frost was an artic, carefree, fox. His white fur was very smooth and was easily noticeable among the dark colors of his fellow school mates.
Bow your possibly thinking that these two seem totally different from each other, not the kind of people you would expect to be hanging around each other, which they don't. Yet. But there are some key similarities . For example, they're both into guys. But even with the most similar of traits, there is always something different. Their difference? Thunders more of a closet bisexual while Frost is a full homosexual and is very open about it.
Frost, for as long as he can remember, has been the blunt end of every gay joke in the school. Several times he's even been hassled outside of school. Luckily, his home is his safe haven. His parents were extremely understanding when he told them. They were even more understanding when he asked to skip school on random days.
Thunder and Frost know nothing about each other, they probably didn't even know about each other's existence. But that was about to change. It was after third period class. All students got a twenty minute break. A group of seniors, Mike, Shawn, Carl, and Steve, were walking through the halls doing what they do best, striking fear into the hearts of all students. They hated many things and acted violently on that hate, but the one thing they couldn't stand was gays. To put it simply how much they hated things, if anyone was in the path of their hatred, they were up shit river without a paddle Mike, the leader, was a large, black panther. Shawn, the next in line, was a black and white tiger, while Carl, was a brown bear and Steve, was a fox-wolf hybrid.
Frost was sitting in front of his next class waiting for the bell to ring. He only had a book out so he wasn't in a big hurry to pack up. He didn't have many friends so he really didn't have much to do. Has he stood up to put his book back into this bag, he looked over his shoulder for any sign of the senior gang. He felt somewhat stupid for doing so, they wouldn't dare touch him in school. He would soon find out just how wrong this was.
He had un zipped the backpack and was just about to place the book within it when it slipped from his hands. "Damn it" he muttered to himself. He sighed and bent down to pick up so he didn't notice four large bodies walk towards him. Just as Frost was about to life the book up, a large shoe slammed down on the cover, nearly crushing Frost's hand. He let out a small "yip" in surprise. He looked up to see the shoe belonged to Mike. "wass' up queer" he said.
"Hello Mike" Frost replied in a bored tone. He was scared of the gang but not like this. When they confronted him in public, they only call him names and take his stuff, but never actually touch him. "You sound like you're almost expecting to see us" Mike stated through narrowed eyes.
"Well, no offense, but your becoming quite predictable. First you surprise me, then the ‘we hate you's and the ‘go to hell's start up. Then the death threats and if your feeling bold the supposed attempts to my life, that always turn out to be just to scare me". Frost had the group hassle him for about four months now and they always did the same thing. Because they never done anything physical, he fearlessly bent own to pick up his book. He didn't know what surprised him the most about their next move, the fact that they actually did it or the fact it hurt so much, but he felt Mark replace his foot from the book into his chest, causing him so cough profusely. "Predictable are we?" Mark asked through clenched teeth. "Well then, lets just change things up a bit". Mark landed another blow to Frost's chest. He tried to curl up into a ball to protect himself. He then felt a pain on his muzzle as his head was thrown back. Steve, the fox-wolf hybrid, had kick him in the face. Frost used his hand to cover his face as he tried to protect as much as much of his body he could.
The blows continued for, what seemed like, hours as each hit brought more tears to the fox's eyes. Suddenly they stopped. Frost didn't dare look up to see why for fear of a surprise attack. He couldn't hear why, his ear were flattened against his head to protect them. After a few seconds he dared himself to lift one ear to hear what was happening. "-ep away from him" he heard a gruff yet young voice call out. Frost heard someone take a step forward. Then the familiar whistle of a limp flailing through the air. Frost tensed up thinking it was another kick. Frost heard a painful yip emerge but it wasn't from himself. He felt no new pain. He slowly cracked one eye to see Mark on the ground with blood gushing from his nose. There was now a large group of people standing around a black mass that was between him and the seniors. The large black person was facing away from him so it was impossible to tell who or what he was. "I said, keep the fuck away from him". It was the same voice Frost heard earlier. Mark gave a low growl, while the others started to help him up. He quickly pushed them off when he was fully up. He swaggered bit before pointing one claw towards Frost. "This isn't over queer" he called before walking away. Frost noticed that Shawn had a limp in his walk that wasn't there before.
Frost's attention was quickly altered back to his rescuer who turned around to look at the growing crowd. "What the hell are you all looking at?" he yelled. Now he was clearly visible to Frost. He was a wolf! For some reason wolves usually scared Frost but this wolf was different. When the crowd dissipated, the wolf's attention was turned to the beaten fox on the ground. His look was one of sympathy and worry. "You alright?" he asked. Frost gave a small nod. "Here" the wolf asked as he placed a hand on Frost's chest and back. He lifted the fox's dead weight off the ground. He set Frost up right but still held on. "Can you stand?" he asked.
"Ya I think so" Frost responded. The wolf slowly let both paws odd the fox and took a step back. "I'm Electrowolf, but everyone just calls me Thunder" he said extending a paw.
Frost slowly and cautiously took the large hand in his own. "I'm Frost" he said giving the wolf's hand a good shake before letting his own fall back to his side. As Frost looked over his savior, he noticed small droplets of blood splattered on the ground. He looked at Thunders arm to see that the drops were from a three inch gouge on his wrist, and by the amount of blood coming forth, he could tell it was deep. "Oh my god! Are you alright?" Frost asked.
Kevin looked puzzled as Frost pointed the cut on his wrist. He gave a small chuckle. "Oh that? Please, I've had worse playing with my cat"
"That looks deep. Are you going to be ok?"
"I'm fine, trust me. I'm more worried about staining my clothes". Frost let out a small laugh. Thunder let a smile of relief flood his face. They held the silence for an awkward amount of time. Thunder cleared his throat. "So... what's their beef with you anyway?" he asked.
Frost swallowed nervously. If he told him he was gay, he might lose a chance at a friend. "Oh them?" he lied. "I don't know. I think they just don't like me". Frost looked at Thunder to see if the wolf believed him. He only found Kevin shaking his head. "Frost, I have seen this too many times. I'm new here so I don't know what you did. You don't have to tell me but gangs like that don't ‘just hate people'".
Frost sighed. If he doesn't find out today, it is guaranteed that he would find out later. "Your right" he admitted. "I have done something and am still doing it today. A while ago, I learned something about myself, something that other people don't like. I learned... I... was gay"
Seconds, minutes, almost hours it seemed passed before Thunder said or did anything. Thunder's expression was like he was waiting for more. After a while he finally spoke. "and?" he asked.
"and what?"
"You mean that the only reason they did that to you was because your gay?!?"
"Ya. Doesn't me being gay bother you?"
"No of course not. Why would it? Damn that pisses me off!" Frost leaned forward and to the surprise of Thunder, hug him tightly. "Thank you". He squeezed Thunder one last time and let go. "You are my only friend who accepts me for being gay. Thank you so much for that"
"Frost, not that I'm trying to be mean but we still have a problem". He looked in the direction the gang exited. "You'd think that when they realize someone will stand up to them they would back down, but it only edges them on. You are now in more danger thanks to me". He looked back. "I'm going to have to walk you home"