Impacting Thoughts

Story by eve243 on SoFurry

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#5 of Poetry!

More and more poetry being uploaded~


A four letter word that can keep you from feeling alone.

A four letter word that destroys your world.

Perhaps a word with no meaning.

or Maybe even a word without a soul.

Happiness was our major goal.

The whole thing is, I just can't let you go.

From the day we met I was sold.

You were and still are the best thing to happen to me.

You're as precious as gold.

You were meant to be treated like a prince.

Now in your presence all I can do is wince.

I have to bite my lip and accept what is done.

I have to keep my grip on reality.

And must keep on moving forward.

Without being held back any longer.

I'm in a stupor.

You were my other half.

The one that completed me.

I'm taking it back because it was not deserved of you.

I was tired of the constant hiding

I was tired of the neglect.

I was tired of carrying us alone.

The apologies are all mine though

Because I was not capable

And we were not ready

Sure everything we had is long gone

Everything will be sent back in line soon enough.

That place in my heart will always be filled of memories of you.

Because I know forgiveness is key.

Gee... I don't really know what to say...

Honestly... I'll always love you..