Avataress Trilogy: Origins and Secrets - #4 Revelations Among Gods

Story by XennyDiemes on SoFurry

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#4 of Avataress Trilogy

Part four.

Avataress Trilogy:

Origins and Secrets

  1. Revelations Among Gods

The sense of fear Fortitunus is the same June is having in the presence of the giant wolf but before June she can utter a word. She grabbed her by the face and slammed us against the mirror and the wall to silence her. If the goddess's power had not kicked in by then June would have surely been killed by that. Struggling to break free. The wolf smiles at her attempt to break free and the wolf calls out the goddess for her to come out and play. Now speaking in the voice of the goddess, she quickly transforms and grabs the wolf's arm, nearly breaking it. Fortitunus demands that she and her should have a talk and the two titanic ladies burst through the roof and into the upper atmosphere and back down to the mountains.

At the range, Fortitunus throws the wolfess down hard and completes her transformation into Avataress complete with costume. June comes to and is comforted by Fortitunus. She hears the laughter of the wolf to see what the mortal's face look like as she smashed it against the mirror. Fortitunus didn't think so and snarls at her. The goddess can sense this being is devoid of a host soul for she has destroyed it recently. June through the avatar wants to know who she is. The antennaed wolf introduces herself as Equitas. Fortitunus feared that it would be her. She is the goddess of balance, but since the war, she has grown more unbalanced to the point of being a psychopath.

Equitas levitates up to the Avataress and inspects the new body even so much as to feel her up. From the tightness of her buns to the ample caressing of her tremendous rock-hard tits. June smacks her hand off in anger. Equitas can see the fight in her but it wouldn't be enough and turns to Fortitunus to ask why she has not removed her soul. Fortitunus simply refuses and is isn't one to talk to her sister about of what she did to that host's soul. Then asking why she is here on Earth, Equitas is shocked that she couldn't be allowed to see her little sister in hopes that she can find a body before she dies. It did not take her long to find hers and consume the soul it once had. June is terrified at the idea that she would do that. Not as terrifying as to what she did to this creature's world after. She killed everyone on the planet and destroyed the planet with her bare hands. It didn't take much but it was a thrill for her. Fortitunus's new understanding of the value of mortals angers her that she would do such a thing. June is horrified at such an act. Equitas wasn't really done the moment she arrived on Earth. While she did all those things on that world, her body wasn't really fit like that of her sister. So while finding her on this world, she encountered that rabbit she endowed her powers into and decided to take it. Though there were a few cop cars, it was all to easy to take them out as well.

Gazing at her new body she asks of how she looks having muscles like her sister and only Fortitunus can look with disgust, even while Equitas flexes her pecs and big bare breasts in front of her. Equitas doesn't see this as a big deal is, but an angry June does make it a big deal and the goddess doesn't care. She then turns to Fortitunus and just kill off the soul so they can leave this world and meet the others or else their big brother Ultimus will get really mad. Fortitunus then towers over her big sister and stands firm to refuse to go anywhere. Equitas just smile thinking that her act of defiance is cute but really has no time for her petty act and dares her to refuse her order one more time or else she will punish her, kill her host soul and kill everyone on this planet just for kicks. Fortitunus flexes her muscles out and cold stares her big sister down refusing and will not allow her to even hurt another being on this world.

Equitas then turns to June and tells her a little dark story about what Fortitunus is really about in a way that she can understand. About the Great War, the Eon Wars. Various gods from all across the universe fought for superiority over the beings and worlds. Fortitunus, herself and the siblings were all participants in the war for their survival. It was only with her powers they can have the advantage to win. But then somehow, she ran away, like a true coward. June looks at Fortitunus and she hangs her head in shame but then looks up to explain herself for her reason, the war was turning into something monstrous, senseless and way far off from the reason she wanted to fight in the first place. All she ended up is becoming a battery rather than a being and she has had enough. Equitas laughs at this and holds on to her running away. She then tells June of the consequences at the end of the war.

After the fighting all the gods somehow are losing the ability to survive on their own without some sort of vessel to survive. All the other gods were too egotistical to take the bodies and then they die. To continue rule over the mortals and guide their fate as they see fit is the way to rule and nothing else. Equitas doesn't know about the others but she is for now happy to see Fortitunus alive and with a new body all she needs to do is get rid of the soul and they can be on their way. Fortitunus knows she is not listening to what part of "no" she could understand and finally loses her patience. Grabbing Equitas from behind, restrains her and tells her harshly to her thick, corrupted skill that if she wants to keep her own body and life, she will leave this world. And if she harms June or anyone else she will be coming for her. Equitas reminds her of why she's the big sister as she repels Avataress grabs her by the throat and slams her into the ground.

Quickly reading into June's mind through the form she can see all the things she believes has poisoned her sister with. Driving her angry and throws several punches into her face in frustration. Grabbing her last coming fist, Avataress gets up as Equitas struggles to move. Though she is the better fighter, her little sister is the strongest one and is not afraid to do what she should have done in the war and only June can call her "Fortie" before throwing an Earth-shattering punch into the dirt. While she is out, Fortitunus tells June the truth, while what she did, running away was true she never did it out of cowardice. She explained more of how monstrous this war has become. More and more gods were just killing each other and soon alliances were turning against themselves. For that time, they all have used her for her power and it has begun to take a toll on her. So she had to run to no longer fight in a now senseless war.

June asks Fortitunus why but even she doesn't know but she just does not want to fight anymore and the original reason for wanting her body for possession she was more glad now that June has put up a fight otherwise before she didn't see any worth for mortals. Everything she had told her about Ultravixen's values stood in her to take on the possession of a higher god and co-exist to then what a weaker being would have been consumed like Equitas. All the times they have spent together changed her attitude about how the mortals interact drove her to point of jealousy compared to how the gods and her siblings had treated her. Being Avataress shows Fortitunus now what it means to have a real reason to fight. She wants to protect this world and her friend. Wanting to feel more like the comic book heroine and like June of she can give her chance, She can only hope now for June to forgive her for the whole ordeal.

June then look cold into Fortitunus's plea for forgiveness, then tells the goddess if she really means it. Then that does not make her actions cowardly she knew what she did is right But that moment came to a hard halt as Equitas furious and with a massive boulder over her head throws it at the being at supersonic speed. Avataress takes the direct hit and the boulder shatters, leaving her without a single scratch on her body. But this is just a distraction for the incoming melee, Equitas had for her for daring raising a hand against her staring with a hard knee into her stomach.

June knows that a fight on Earth would doom everyone on it and she grabs the wolf by the leg and rockets up into space. The two fight and in the battle Fortitunus gives her sister a piece of her mind through Avataress. The sibling she fought in the war was long dead. She once stood for everything in balance and personally her guide through the hell of battle. Now all that is left is a psychotic murderer only wanting death and destruction. Equitas yawns as she throws her into a passing asteroid and lands across her. Equitas herself grew to hate her sister for doing the one thing she can't. She wants to rule over the mortals and not be degraded like some pet. What is justification for her own sister to start loving mortals. Fortitunus through Avataress gives her an answer in giving a massive punch that sends her body flying with great speed into a much larger asteroid leaving a huge crater. Landing on the surface, Avataress finds the impact site and looks deep into the hole in hopes that she is down for good.

Then suddenly a clawed hand came out, phased into her chest grabs the soul from the inside. Avataress screams in pain from the surge of energy in Equitas's attempt to separate them by pulling June right out of her body. As Equitas expects would happen, the energy in the separation is being pulled out of both host and guest weakening them to the point of death. She laughs maniacally as she tells Fortitunus that this mortal clouded her judgement and should be thanking his big sister for making it all better. Avataress then grabs her face and the most miraculous thing happens. The strength flowing through this beings arm is not from Fortitunus but from June herself. Her fear and agony is becoming more with rage and a drive to break free, becoming more with the goddess's own power in which Equitas sees as impossible.

There in that sharp frame of time. A blast of pure energy strikes her holders face and she screams in pain while flying free from Avataress's grip. Both June and Fortitunus come back together and can see that she needed to be stopped once and for all. Equita's own strength and power were really no match for her sister. No matter how big or strong her new muscles are, without the know-how to use them. She is setting herself up to her own demise. This is the open window for the two to work together. June sees the god as a ruthless monster, Fortitunus can only see a lost soul that needs to be put out of its misery. Its eons of senseless killing now comes to an end.

Equitas can only take the heavy barrage of heavy fists and kicks delivered by Avataress as both entities give it their all to bring her down. Now feeling with her tail between her legs. Her power alone isn't enough to face the true power of a unified avatar. Equitas pleas for forgiveness came too late in the presence of a massive dark ball of energy formed in Avataress's hands. The god of balance knows that it is one of the many weapons used to kill gods in the war and now it is going to be used against her own sister. Her fear soon broke and her true color shows through as the balance god flies in to kill Avataress but the last words she would hear are of the mortal and the goddess speak as one "We. Are. Avataress!" and fires. Screaming in agony. Both Equitas and the avatar body are burned alive as it flies back into another asteroid. Her last words of her screaming to the stars for the other gods to help her before being annihilated in a flash of hight along with the rock. Equitas is no more.

For that moment, June actually felt the true raw power of a god guiding those arms and feel free from the mortal coil and Fortitunus feeling the sense of a mortal and know what it is like to have a real purpose. To fight for the weak and what it means to be a true avatar instead of just one for the sake of survival. Looking back at the Earth, Avataress flies back. Flying through the skies, Fortitunus realizes something that can bring a terrible revelation to June, as if she already has gone through the worst of it. She remembered Equitas calling out the other gods. Knowing of what they are, they would see to have this planet destroyed just to get her back. But that wasn't the worst of it. It is the view of June's parents waiting at the house. June asks Fortitunus to let her do the talking, leading up to the most awkward meeting ever.

June's mother is still trying to comprehend that her own daughter is that super-fox that was on the news saving that resort and seen fighting that monster that killed those people on the beach. Already taken in the shock her daughter is. To confort her, June asks Fortitunus to change her back to her normal form and then the explanations begin. It was already a hard time for Mom and Dad to understand no matter how much the goddess explains but their worry and fear is understandable. She is totally responsible for going to take her daughter away if the Earth and the universe should continue to exist, June's mother even outright called the goddess a monster for doing it to her. The father calms her down and June came to understand that though she didn't choose to become this, the scope of what she has learned from Fortitunus gives her no option after learning that Equitas called for the other gods to find her and they would come and kill everyone on this world. So in order to save it, they have to leave this world and take the fight to them even to take out his brother Ultimus.

June knows that the Earth will never be safe and she will have to go with her. Her parents will soon come to understand and asks of how long it would take. Fortitunus doesn't know but for traveling through the stars, relativity means nothing to her or as Avataress. She can run circles around an entire galaxy and be back on Earth in far less than a second. Outside of the house, the two become Avataress once again and she bows down to give her parents one last hug, hoping not to crush them and tells them that she loves them very much. A sentiment that Fortitunus experiences for the first time, never before with her own kind. As she flies off into the great depths of space, Avataress sheds tears that freeze, more feelings go through the goddess is the closest for her to understand what she has done to her and why now it was wrong. But now they have bigger things to worry about, June now needs all the strength for what hell she is about to face.

To Be Continued...