Avataress Trilogy: Origins and Secrets - #2 Life With June

Story by XennyDiemes on SoFurry

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#2 of Avataress Trilogy

Part two of book one now in the view of the host a girl named June Carell. Unknown to her she had ambitions of being heroic but didn't expect it the way she hoped it would be.

Avataress Trilogy:

Origins & Secrets

  1. Life with June

My name is June Emily Carell. I am 24 years old and a student fresh out of college. I work in a number of odd-jobs given to me and the latest is an office temp in a small town office in the middle of nowhere. I live in a nice house that has been given to me by my late grandparents. With the place paid in full, it doesn't give me a financial burden to deal with. For a long time, I lived a good, normal life, complete with its ups and eventual downs until the day my life changed forever. I was up ready to get myself to work until I felt a sharp pain in my head and struggled to fight it, like something was attacking me from the inside, it was too much for me and I just blacked out. When I woke up again, I felt strange I looked at the mirror or at least that what it felt like to see myself but it wasn't me. It was bigger, stronger, wearing my face and acting way differently than I am.

I struggled with this thing that took my body to stop destroying my room and house with its body but it was too late as we both flew off. Though everything was amazing, I really wanted my body back. Its just then at the lake I finally managed to get a hold with the being who took my body. She refers herself as the goddess of ultimate strength and her demeanor is terrifying to say the least. I was scared, fearing I was dead and lost control of my body. But she calmed me down and explained in a way my "mortal mind" could understand: The great gods are beings who control the very nature of the universe on a whim and she needed a vessel worthy to become an avatar to continue living. I was confused and ask her of where do I come into this. She told me that I was 'studied' for a while and been found worthy to become an avatar.

Something happened during the process and waked up with both my conscious and hers together in this body. She altered it in such a radical way that I look far like those bodybuilders on TV. I am still afraid of all this but I can not help myself get a feel of fascination at the same time. I can already feel the intense heaviness of this new body and the power that came with it even just when standing still. After doing that thing with the giant redwood, I convince her to take me back home so we can deal with this better. We landed in the middle of the street, unaware that a big semi was coming for us, she was still in control and got to get her out-of-the-way before it hits us but the semi already did that itself. I told her to move next time something comes our way.

I was terrified to see my house completely destroyed by her but then she reassembles it with a simple wave of her hand, the house is back to the way it was before she crushed everything inside and blowing it up. We both soon realize that having a thirty-foot tall body will not fit inside the house and she quickly shrinks herself into a more fitting size. Fortitunus is so like a curious child, wondering about the nature of all the things that I have in the house until we walked up into the room. Looking around and wanting to learn more, the goddess focused her attention to the box of comic books I had on my bed. She looked through a few and all I can do is watch as she looks and often laughs at our views of powerful beings in costumes until she looked at one and showed it to me through a mirror of what that book is. I told her it is an issue of "Ultravixen #1". A comic about a crime-fighting, muscle-bound fox that I admired so much for her being daring, brave and bold in a world of dangerous villains while up against strong male heroes and smaller framed females.

Isn't it by strange coincidence that I would become like the character I admire but have no control over it. Fortitunus then asked if she can become like a superhero. I couldn't come up with a straight answer but would you tell a goddess who has your body "no"? Fortitunus then tapped into my mind reading my fantasies, she knew that I dreamed of being a hero and used that to forge a new identity. I can't help to admit this creeps me out that she can go into my mind like this but she needed the info to create this new heroic appearance. She then did something I thought she would never do, she let me have control of my body back and it was like a rush of adrenaline, I have never experienced anything like this before. I feel many hundreds of pounds heavier and I was going to hit the floor like a sack of rocks. But that only lasted for a few seconds. I then began to shrink quickly back to normal. No mega muscles, no impossible figure or the titanic tits. Just back to regular old June.

Snapping out of it, I thought this was all a dream but it wasn't a dream at all. I'm still naked and hear the goddess's voice in my head and soon her form in the mirror. She is different from I can imagine. I would think she would be huge and powerful but instead, small and slender with a blue hue around her frame. Baring a long flowing mane of hair and a featureless face with just two glowing blue eyes. It wasn't a bad dream after all. Everything that has happened did. I really did become an Avatar and passed out much to Fortitunus's annoyance. I woke up again and see the goddess and she gave me a really great idea for a costume while I was out. She then took control of my body again and shifted, feeling the godly power flowing through me again, it felt like a great rush. This time I was given a chance to feel the transformation. Every muscle in my body swelled up, the short hair growing long appearing in two distinguished tones, its straight frame became the envious hourglass again. I felt something new I didn't see it all but when I came to I can see Fortitunus beside me instead of just taking control. She told me that this is the form of a true avatar.

She is right, I can feel that power but she can as well. Even as I spoke my first words, it sounded like I have two voices speaking at the same time. It was just something missing other than tall this. Something to wear, though Fortitunus never had a need for clothes, I do and with a snap of her finger, her costume idea came to light. A ring of white light surrounds our body and split apart, one going up and the other going down. The molecules of the are formed the costume All black with dark blue and golden rims, complete with a short cape that matched the dark blue edges. The inside of the cape showed the stars in a higher hue and it all felt very tight all to show every detail this body has to offer. She asks if I liked the costume and I did, it was fitting for someone as powerful as us.

There is when Fortitunus wanted me to teach her more about the ways of the Mortals of this world while cruising around this planet. I promise that I would teach her all that I can if she promises that I can at least still have control of my normal life. Knowing Fortitunus is in control of all the power, she understands my fear that the people of this world would end up turning against them if they found out too soon. She promised me that she will be careful and would let me run my life, when it is necessary. With no time to waste, we both got out of the house and then blew up back to the huge size we was before and take off but I stopped just to tell her to carefully take off normally without blowing up the house again. We took off into the sky and I get the chance to fly with a heroic pose. It was the first time I felt like a real superhero, but I can not shake this strange feeling that my new godly companion is hiding something from me.

...To Be Continued.