Heroes KIA 1
#4 of Warrior Clan
Hi again.
This is the first chapter of a serie of short-stories I'm writing, based around the Warrior Clan universe.
This serie will give some more details to the Warrior Clan, as well as following the last moments of some heroic Warriors who was killed in action (reason for the name).
And before any of you comment the shortness, it's supposed to be like this!
Well, enjoy!
Heroes KIA 1
Nina looked down at the instruments, at the radar. The signal was closer. The beautiful lioness smiled.
"All fighters, form on my wing. Striker vessel, stay back and give us cover fire.", she said into the voice-comm, receiving a number of "Affirmative" and "Copy that".
Her fighter was a W-class strike fighter, shaped like, you guessed it, a W.
The sleek fighter was the workhorse of the Warrior Clan's airforce, with three blood-red engines driving it forward with horrifying speed. It had a cockpit one each of the forward points, one to the pilot and one to the co-pilot/gunner.
She looked right, over at her secondary pilot, Jordan, who sat in the other cockpit. The tigress smiled back at her.
"Are you ready, Jordy?", Nina asked through the voice-comm. Jordan chuckled. "Always ready for a fight."
Suddenly a stressed voice yelled over the voice-comm. "Wingleader! Target in sight, Atmospheric Cruiser twelve o'clock!"
Nina groaned. An Atmospheric Cruiser, the humans largest vessel, nearly two kilometers in length. That was more than she had expected. Now she saw it, a massive, oval behemoth of a ship, with buildings, towers and other infrastucture covering the surface and the bridge located on a tower at the very back. "Fighters, lock weapons on the bridge. Captain Dillon, we'll rely on to give us some coverfire against those AA-guns."
The captain on the striker vessel chuckled, a deep, humorless laughter. "Aye Wingleader, we'll give 'em hell. Open fire!", he yelled to someone on the bridge, and the vessel opened fire, lasershots as big as their fighters smashing into the Cruiser. The following explosions ripped apart many of the AA-guns, Nina could see it very clearly as they raced towards the massive ship. "Fighters six to ten, take out the remaining guns! The rest of you, follow me. We'll take out this behemoth or die trying!" She sped towards the bridge, accompanied by approving cheers from the others. Five of the fighters pulled down towards the ship, releasing their missiles on the guns. Myriads of small explosions followed as a dozen AA-guns were blown to pieces.
Then, out of nowhere, a green laser bolt smashed into one of her wingmen, sending the burning fighter corkscrewing into an odd tower on the Cruiser surface. Nina growled in anger as the automatic AA-guns on the bridge opened fire, blowing another fighter apart in a shower of wreckage.
"Fighter 2, take the gun to the right, Fighter 4 you come with me!", she yelled as she pulled the fighter hard left, the other fighter following close by. She dove in amongst the superstructure on the Cruiser to avoid the fire from the AA-gun, who struck another Fighter and sent it crashing into a building right above her. Her mind raced as she tried to manouver amongst the building with blinding speed. She yelled angrily into the voice-comm: "All Fighters report! Focus all fire on the bridge! NOW!" She steered her fighter up to join the others in the attack on the bridge. Then a single fateful bolt smashed into her craft, right next to Jordan, tearing off the glass on her cockpit. Nina could only watch in terror as Jordan's belt strained to hold her in place.
"Jordan! Hold on!", she yelled, even though she knew that she couldn't help her friend. Even worse, Jordan knew as well. She knew that Nina had no chance of helping her, knew that she would die, sooner or later.
Jordan looked back at her with eyes that said that she had accepted her fate. "Nina...", the tigress whispered, then her belt snapped and the tigress was hurled into the atmosphere, to her death thousands of meters below.
"JORDAN! NO!", Nina screamed, with tears running down her cheeks. She was gone, her best friend was dead.
For a moment she just looked at the Cruiser's bridge with burning hate filling her mind and body. Then she made her decision and throttled the craft forward towards the bridge with full speed. She closed in on the bridge fast, ignoring her comrades' yelling, trying to make her pull off. A lasershot struck her craft, rending the controlsystems useless. She snickered bitterly.
Stupid humans, they had just sealed their own fate. She could see the people on the bridge clearly now, controling the battle behind a giant window. The control crew sitting by their computers, various offisers talking casually to eachother and the Captain himself standing calmly by the window, watching the battle. Then they noticed the craft that was heading straight for them, and suddenly they weren't so calm anymore. The guns tried to fire on her, but it was to late. The last thing Nina saw in her life, was the Captain's terrified expression as her fighter crashed through the glass...
The end
Well? What you think? Give me some comments...please?