The Return [Prologue]

Story by Alexander Selenveen on SoFurry

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The prolouge for an upcoming series I'll be working on. Please leave feed back! :3


Sometimes,legends start in the most unlikely of places. The man who saved the world could of been a lowly farmer in the beginning, The woman who led a kingdom against an evil tyrant could of been nothing more then a peasant in life. Legends are born from the average person wanting change or wanting to protect something or someone they love. When pain and suffering comes,heros will rise to rid others of that pain and suffering when they themselves have gone through such things. Our story begins with a man seeking to rebuild a family that he never knew,a family that once protected us all from pain and suffering. A family of heros and guardians. Scholars and Philosophers. Kings and Queens. The Selenveen family.

Three hundred billion years ago there existed a family known as the Selenveens that watched over and protected the nine universes from danger whether it be from themselves or creatures that were not of the nine universes. There were hundreds of Selenveens in those times and many who supported them and their ideals. They had a single goal and that was to protect Creation from any and all threats no matter what they might be,but then the Deconstructors came and ignited an all out war with the Selenveens. As powerful as they were, the Selenveens could only force the Deconstructors into an ancient slumber but there were no celebrations that day. Many Selenveens were dead or dying,and after a time only three Selenveens remained. Prince Alexander Wayne Selenveen, Helena Marie Selenveen and Maxwell Jacobs Selenveen. The children of the last Selenveen family head/king and the last Selenveens in all of Creation. However among the three,Alexander was the most unique, unknowingly carrying the fabled gem 'Creation's Eye' within his key shaped talisman,a prophecy was foretold that Alexander would rebuild the Selenveens,and destroy the Deconstructors once and for all.

Now the time has come for that prophecy to be fulfilled. The time has come for the Selenveens to rise again and rid Creation of the Deconstructors once and for all. Let all of Creation know of the return of the Selenveens and rejoice. The time has come,for Creation to be changed forever...