Valixai Information
Information for Valixai
Not much is known about the evil entity that calls itself Valixai other then that its said to come from a universe that is beyond comprehension of the current nine. What is known however is that Valixai is a Wraitaga or a Wraith. Not the ones from Battlestar but supernatural Wraiths. Wraiths are made up of three types of energies, Dark Energy,Insane Energy and Chaotic Energy. They are unable to feel any positive emotions however Valixai is an exception to this. Unlike other Wraiths, the only positive emotion that Valixai can feel is joy which only adds to his sinister,murderous personality. Valixai is also the only Wraith to take 'physical' form in the nine universes outside of his own. He has no middle name or last name,stating that anymore names is pointless. It is rumored that Valixai is the 'Father of all Despair' but this has yet to be proven or disproven.
Valixai takes the appearance of a shadowy lion with slowly glowing blood red eyes. Upon closer inspection it would look as if the 'body' is made up of Dark Energy,making it look like it's 'skin' is constantly moving and shifting. He stands nine feet two inches tall and has no weight but is able to throw an attack with the equivalent of nine hundred tons,making him stronger then both Alexander and Kilana combined. Due to this,Valixai can run at blinding speeds and could possibly create massive earthquakes and tsunamis with a single punch. His voice is comprised of seven voices. A females,a males,three children's and a demonic one that speaks over the rest. Its rumored to be the victims of those he first killed in his universe's early years but whether it is or not is unknown. Like wise, Valixai cannot survive in the light such as broad day light or a flood light. Flash lights will only stun him but larger lights like day light will outright kill him,thus he only moves around during the night and tends to stay away from cities or towns where light is everywhere. That said, normal attacks cannot kill him and the only person(s) capable of inflicting any real damage upon him is Alexander and Kilana.
Combat wise,Valixai is known to be a true terror on the battlefield. Using elongated claws,Valixai can slice through the flesh,muscle and bones like a knife slicing through butter. He spares nobody and rarely is anyone left alive in the aftermath. When fighting against stronger opponents Valixai will utilize his ability to create terrifying hallucinations and play upon the enemy's worst fears,leaving them in a state of fear which allows Valixai to kill them within seconds. The only two immune to this are Alexander and Kilana. Moving on, Valixai is capable of inflicting massive amounts of damage in a matter of a single second if given the chance.
As for personality, Valixai is sadistic,insane and outright murderous in every possible way. He loves no one but himself and he cares only for himself.The only thing that brings him pleasure is seeing people die and killing people by the hundreds. Often he has been given many titles. 'The Devil' 'El Diablo' and many more,despite the fact that he is not associated with hell at all. The only person he will not attack or kill is Alexander Selenveen for some unknown reason. The only answer Valixai gives is 'The Dark one told us not to hurt that one.' Who the Dark one is,remains unknown despite constant questions about it to Valixai. All that is known is that Valixai cannot attack Alexander under any circumstances.
Lastly, Valixai,like Kilana, is Alexander's Guardian, holding the same duty like Kilana. Although he is a bit crueler then Kilana,Valixai does his duty without question or second thought. Alexander and Valixai fight often about Valixai's methods but due to Valixai's duty he cannot kill Alexander even when he wants to,nor can Alexander kill Valixai due to Kilana's requests. However Valixai fears Kilana for an unknown reason,only stating 'She carries the bad thing! She must stay away!'. Whatever this 'bad thing' is,he must be referring to Kilana's ability to control Light.